Chapter 16

Chapter XXXVIII: The Polaroid Mind, Part 4 The class 2-A students again goes for another break after a load of assignments given by the school. As a bright Saturday morning sun lights up the sky, Asahi packs his guitar and bag; and goes to the station. Upon arriving at the neighboring coastal city, he meets up with Eri, who apparently has a dorm there. They go out on the beach, playing trending songs and drinking beer. At noon, they go to Eri's dorm, where Eri got drunk but Asahi didn't. As he opens the door, Eri blurts out gibberish words,"Fank Vou cor harryimg ge dir" Asahi thinks for a moment about what she said. However, he just laughs at this because he thinks that it's similar to cursing him. As she reaches her bed while Asahi punches some puns at her, she pushes Asahi into her bed and falls on top of him. Asahi struggles to get out of her embrace but she clinches hard on him. He then remarks,"Oh damn, I feel like a croc being strangled by a boa constrictor." After five minutes of not letting go of him, Eri falls asleep and Asahi breaks free. He then puts a blanket on her and leaves the dorm. He goes to a café to order a hot cup of joe and writes his journal while he scrolls down on his YourBook. At one time, the squad goes out for a hang out. Recently coming from the mall, they go for ice cream. As Akiko reaches for her wallet, she realizes that she doesn't have it. She asks the others but none of them has it. So Enmei, and the others except for Kota, Asahi, and Natsuki, go back to the mall to find it. At the park, the three wait while Asahi brings out again his guitar and plays a song. A junior of his asks him if where can she find the nearest digital banking office so she could pay something digitally there. He carries his guitar like a mariachi roaming the streets as he accompanies the junior."I'll be back in a second guys", he says to Kota and Natsuki. Thirty minutes have passed and Asahi haven't comeback. Natsuki exclaims,"What is he talking so long?""Idk but I think something sus may have occurred""Maybe the line is very long""That can be probable" Though knowing at this phase, Kota thinks to himself again about Asahi's mental capability since this actually another factor on his decision-making. Kota remarks,"Uh, this again, I can't really believe what he's doing right now. We're waiting here but again, I know the squad have something important to do however, knowing his personality he might be showing off to his junior. Oh when will he ever realize? With that personality, I doubt that he'll realize." Natsuki gets up and goes to check up on him. Shortly after, the squad appears, coming from the opposite direction."Hey, where did the two went?", they ask."Asahi left us and accompanied a junior of his for a digital payment thirty minutes ago while Natsuki went to check up on him a while ago", explains Kota. The following day, Asahi goes to the music shop to get some new strings for his guitar. As he walks to the park, he goes directly to Natsuki to order some coffee at a convenience store. After getting some coffee, they go sit on the park lawn to play songs with his guitar. They then go to a different part of the park to capture some shots for aesthetics and social media posts and profiles. Subsequently posting them, some of their social media friends gets suspicious with this so the day after, one of them spreads a rumor about them being a couple. The teachers also take up on this as they receive the news. However, when the news gets to them, they deny that they are a couple despite their attitude towards one another. The news arrives at Kota when Gin asks him about Asahi's relationship with Natsuki."Bruh, have you heard about Asahi and Natsuki?" (Gin)"No, I haven't heard the latest news from him since last month when he is with Eri. Btw, what happened to them?" (Kota)"Well, it's very complicated, he doesn't want to talk about it" (Gin)"Hmm, maybe something really happened. Given that he's with Natsuki now" (Kota)"They're not together though. According to him, they're just friends." (Gin) Asahi and Natsuki passes by and Kota asks him. They respond that they're just best friends. During their break, Kota chats with Gin again about their homework but when he gets to the middle of his point regarding about it, Asahi jumps in; breaking the thread of communication."Hey dude, listen to this music I've found on Dotify" Gin plugs the earphone into his ear and gets carried away. However, although he already cut the line, he just says hello to Kota. Furious, the latter goes to Enmei and talk about the homework and as he gets into the important part again, Asahi intervenes and switches the conversation to the game Rumble. The frenzy only stops when Natsuki comes inside the classroom, carrying a guitar on her back and holding a mochaccino. As soon as the situation took an unlabeled turn, Kota analyzes what just happened. He approaches Gin and tells him about this. Another day has passed and as Kota walks through the hallway, he sees Asahi but doesn't wave to him. From afar, he sees Takeshi at his tail but even though he waves hi to Asahi, Asahi goes inside that room, meaning that he's actually avoiding him. As soon as he enters their classroom, Kota asks Gin if he knows something about it. To which Gin responds,"That's also complicated given that he's no longer with Eri. To break it down, Eri and Takeshi are practically classmates. Asahi then made them closer when he was in his group of friends. However, at a certain point, both of them got more closer when Eri and Asahi stopped talking to each other." Asahi passes by and overheard their conversation but doesn't care at all. Although he already has a mental condition, he still drinks what is bad to him and doesn't sleep, causing him an insomnia.