Tangled Webs

I looked behind Victor and found Richard and Sam standing behind him, a smug smile on my husband's face. "Richard?..."

Victor spun round to face Richard.

"What have we here? Is someone taking advantage of the media frenzy to convince my wife they are better off with them? This isn't what the board placed you here for is it?"

"I was mainly concerned and worried about the outlook of it on the company," Victor said effortlessly. Why did I never notice how sly he was?

"Mr Franklin, I want you to get something straight. It doesn't matter what your report turns out to be to the board, I am a Numero, legally and biologically. I will one hundred percent be the CEO of this company, the only thing that can change are members of the board. Do not use your little job to drive a wedge in my marriage or I will rain down such hell never before heard on you. Don't test me,"