It took me a couple of minutes to calm down from my sputters of laughter.
"You're mad over this?" I asked again with an incredulity to my voice.
"Richard, I'm getting even more annoyed."
"Okay… okay…." I stopped laughing and gestured on the bed for her to sit down. She sat at the edge of the bed, her guard still up.
"I thought you were mad over something else. I warred with myself all the way back from Atlanta if I should tell you or not, when I got here and I saw you, we were happy, I wanted it to stay that way."
"You still aren't making sense, Richard."
"I was surprised to find her at my door. She had told Martin that I invited her. He didn't think anything of it. Well, she got into my room and well… she … she tried to kiss me--- I pulled her by the arm all the way down and got her in a car for Martin to drop her off at the airport; which is the part of the photos taken."
I finished and gave her my best 'you're-an-idiot' look.