Homecomings and Healing

"I taught you better than that. We raised you better than that. You cannot be mad at your husband and then leave the house. Whatever it is, you stay in that home and sort it out. I will chalk it down to pregnancy hormones, but you cannot stay more than a week." My father shouted even after I tried to explain we were just having a couple's minor quarrel.

"Fine!" I walked to my room to take a much-needed nap. But that was wishful thinking, as my mum was in there within five minutes.

"Would you like anything special to eat?" she asked.

"Mum, that's not why you are here."

She sighed and sat on my bed. "The first few weeks after your wedding, your father would sneak in here in the middle of the night to sleep."

I chuckled. "Yeah, sounds like something he would do."

"Children, they turn out to be your world. From the moment they are born, but for mothers, you fall in love with your child before you even feel its inside you."