The Cost of Trust

I looked at my phone as Nita looked at me, still confused as to what was happening. My heart was racing, the damage that could happen swirling through my mind.

"Richard, talk to me." Nita placed her hands on mine.

"The contract, our contract, it's gone. That was the lawyer; his office was burgled, and the only thing missing is our contract."

"Oh my God!" She gasped. "Oh my God!"

"Just take it easy, okay?" I urged her. She wasn't in the condition to start stressing.

"How can you say that? Did you tell anyone about the contract?"

"Just my dad! He wouldn't do something like this? If he wanted the contract, he would have just asked the lawyer for it."

"Where? When did you tell him?" She asked, and I could see the wheels turning in her head.

"It was the day I found out about Gwen's pregnancy. I went to his office to ask for advice…"

"Fuck! That's how he does it! That's how he knows everything!" she said and ran out of the study.