The Chase Begins

Two weeks since the party, and I could tell Nita was avoiding me. I had my parents invite her for dinner; she gave some flimsy excuse. She wasn't picking my calls, but she was replying to texts.

Her social media handle showed she was currently on vacation. And Martin brought reports from her guards weekly about her security. She didn't need me, and she made sure I knew it.

She didn't need to declare that she needed space; she took the space as harshly as she could.

When I went to her parents house again to see her, she didn't deny me access; she just made sure she spent a few minutes with me and left me hanging out with her parents while she went God knows where.

I wasn't in the mood for distance; she was carrying my child. I needed to be updated; I needed to know. I need to go for doctor's visits. I needed to be carried along.