The moment the door clicked shut, the world outside ceased to exist. There was no past, no future; only the burning present between us.
I pressed Nita against the door, my lips moving over hers with a hunger I couldn't suppress. Her fingers curled into my hair, pulling me closer, as if she needed this as much as I did. My hands roamed beneath her dress, sliding over her warm skin, mapping out the curves I knew by heart.
She gasped into my mouth as I lifted her, her legs wrapping around my waist. I carried her across the room, laying her down on the bed without breaking our kiss. Her dress rode up as I settled between her thighs, my lips trailing down her jaw, her throat, savoring the way her breath hitched with every touch.
"Richard," she whispered, her fingers tracing over my shoulders, down my chest. The way she said my name—it was my undoing.