Losing More

We headed back out to the car, regret heavy in my chest. I shouldn't have asked her that. Nita wasn't someone I could turn to for comfort like a floozy, not when she had always been more than that. Not when she deserved more than that.

"I know you're hurting, but you have to apologize to Martin," she said softly.

"Only if you let me drive this time." I stretched out my hand for the keys, trying for lightness in the midst of the sadness that enveloped us.

She rolled her eyes. "Promise not to kill us? Queen will be without parents," she teased.

I exhaled sharply. "You know what? Go on. Drive. Apparently, everything I do hurts everyone around me."

She didn't hesitate, just threw the keys at me. I caught them in the air.

"Stop thinking that way."

I slid into the driver's seat while she got in beside me. The weight of the day pressed down on me.