After my mother's funeral, life slowly started moving again. Or at least, everyone else's did.
The house felt bigger now.
I had stayed behind at the mansion to keep my father company. Nita and Queen had returned to her apartment, and I brought Chayara with me since the judge maintained she should stay with me until a decision was made.
Dad and I sat in the dimly lit living room, the soft blue glow of the television flickering against the walls as we watched some game neither of us was actually paying attention to. He handed me a bottle of beer without looking at me, the sound of the cap popping off breaking the silence between us.
"When are you leaving?" he asked casually, taking a swig of his own drink.
"Next week."
"Good. I can have my house back."
I gave him a look. "Pretend to be a little sad, will you?"