Breath of Progress

As dawn approached, the camp was now a beehive full of energy. No time was available to sleep on their beds; all these moving individuals took on certain duties or the other in circulation to make everyone believe that they received their own fair share. This extended from checking on all their makeshift buildings and patrols for the cleanliness of common places, to cleaning up common rooms so that this would, henceforth, be a good foundation.

It was mid-morning when the day began to settle down with a hearty meal of spiced lentils, rice, and dried mana-tufted serow. Subsequently, the group spread out to their preferred pursuits unless called for a mission. Logs of daily activities were compulsory—a practice believed to inculcate discipline and track progress. The path of each person revealed their individuality:

Ngieri went into the greenhouses and by the beach, connecting with nature in order to have an intense connection with elements. She was looking to reveal aspects of herself that were not known and the secrets of her magic.

Gwendon went about alchemy labs, developing new potions and going out in search of rare ingredients.

Rinku kept around the library, keeping an account of texts catalogued, reading a lot and building up her vocabulary for forgotten magic in Xiaxo.

Larin preferred the neighboring forest and the sea, where he sat in a meditative state, focused on perfecting the Sinlung Breathing Technique through the intake of natural mana that circulated throughout the location.

They agreed to visit the next town in the neighborhood from time to time, despite their different jobs. This was one way of getting information, finding allies, and socializing with the locals.

On that day, before they went off on their respective expeditions, they agreed to go to the town lying close by. Small-sized and self-reliant, it was made of about 250 houses amidst the wilderness with no access to the expansionist's Kirat Empire. A Lhma tribal settlement, with pride of being an independent cultural community.

The Lhma's craftsmanship was unmatched. Their rugs, leather goods, and metalwork were sought after, as was their skill in alchemy. Twice a year, caravans traveled to Xiaxo's urban centers, bartering their unique wares. Yet, despite their shared ancestry, many Lhma resisted being called Xiaxoan, preferring to maintain their tribal distinction.

Conflict arose during their visit when Pyro, a visiting soldier, confronted a shopkeeper. He threatened that he would call the shopkeeper Xiaxoan but the shopkeeper remained firm by saying he was Lhma. The argument became heated, and Larin with his team had to interfere. Larin admonished Pyro by reminding him of his surname Lhamu, which belonged to Lhma lineage. With that reasoning, Larin gagged Pyro with his words and earned respect among the locals. This event strengthened the team's belief in unity through diversity and emphasized their stance against the nationalism propagated by Xiaxo or the Kirat Empire.

Pyro left visibly disturbed, questioning his identity and what this meant for his actions. He had a lot to think about ahead of him.

As weeks turned to months, the use of the [Sinlung Breathing Technique] by the group became almost instinctive. The intermissions between usage grew shorter, and they found mastery in their hands. They spoke at a committee meeting of the marveling ability the technique granted them to be so improved, that it influenced their environment too. Energy flowed, seemed to find its resonance in nature, amplifying everything they do.

Ngieri told that this technique allowed her a deep bond with the elements. One night, meditating in the greenhouse among glowing vines. As the mana flowed and she was breath in concert with it, she envisioned and so wrote [Verdant Aegis]; a spell of living leaves and thorn entwinement to defend against or absorb the energies of whatever physical and magical attacks upon her would assail. She also discovered [Floral Surge], a healing spell that hastens the growth of plants and heals wounds through drawing energy from nearby flora.

Gwendon's experiments in the alchemy lab took a new dimension. With the heightened focus induced by the breathing technique, he perfected potions with unmatched accuracy. He created [Volatile Nexus], a potion that served as a magical catalyst, amplifying spells cast within its scope. On one foraging trip, he chanced upon a rare luminescent fungus. Inspired, he created [Eclipse Essence], a potion that cloaked the user in temporary invisibility while dulling ambient light.

Rinku's time in the library came with some unexpected fruit. While going through the categorization of ancient texts, she came across "chaos bubbles" within magical theory. Rinku cross-referenced this with Tyrs and Mynta's teachings on Chaos Theory, where it described the mental "bubble" that occurs when one is spellcasting-a space where intent and energy come together. She evolved the Preludic Glyphs with experimentation, a method of preloading spells into the bubbles and casting them multiple times in rapid succession. Her crowning achievement is the Flux Chain, the spell that linked multiple effects into a seamless sequence.

During his meditative excursions, Larin discovered secrets in battle and self-awareness. He found [Oceanic Pulse], a spell that lets loose a wave of force, concussive enough to knock people off their feet, drawing power from the ebb and flow of water. In the forest, he created [Shadow Requiem], a stealth spell based on the play of light and shadow. Most importantly, he learned [Mana Threading], a technique by which he could manipulate residual mana in the air, forming temporary constructs such as barriers or weapons.

One evening, they convened in the library to discuss their findings. Sprawled across a long table, scrolls, diagrams, and notes lay scattered, a testament to their shared pursuit of knowledge.

"It's incredible how much we've grown," Ngieri began, tracing the intricate patterns of a spell diagram. "The breathing technique has unlocked something… deeper."

"It's not just the technique," Rinku added, holding up a dusty tome. "It's how we're using it to rethink magic itself. Chaos Theory was the key. Spells aren't rigid formulas; they're outlines. The bubble isn't a constraint—it's a canvas."

Gwendon nodded. "Prewriting spells into that mental space… It's like setting up a chain reaction. But it's more than that. Popping the bubble isn't the end of the spell; it's the beginning."

Larin leaned forward, his eyes burning with intensity. "If spells are outlines, then why not redraw them? Why not merge them? What if… they're not even spells? What if they're just… intent?

He ended in silence, his words hung there like a fog on the room. They look at each other, trying to process the possibility being unfolded before them. There were hours of theory sessions, sketching, debating-the excitement of discovery and that was all that fed their rest of the night.

Days went by like furious whirlwind. Ngieri experimented with [Verdant Aegis] + [Floral Surge], creating the defensive spell, [Blooming Bastion], healing within its area of effect. Gwendon perfected the art of [Volatile Nexus], combining it with [Flux Chain] to make a cascading spell amplifier. Rinku pushed the limits of Chaos Theory in creating the spell, [Fractal Echo], which reflected the opponent's magic back onto them, making their strength against them. Larin took the idea of [Mana Threading] to extreme levels, making constructs that outlasted his control.

Their success was much more than the sum of their individual triumphs. They became a whole greater than the parts by sharing their ideas and supporting one another. Every success was a collective victory, every failure an opportunity for growth.

Back in town, they were popular among the Lhma tribes because of the reputation they had as good magi and bridge-builders. The incident concerning Larin and the Pyro had left an indelible mark on their minds, and they, therefore, earned respect and trust. Stories, traditions, and techniques were passed on to the townspeople, which enhanced the understanding of the cultural mosaic of Xiaxo.

One evening, the group sat by the campfire with locals, swapping stories and laughter. Ngieri played softly on a handmade flute with a melody that blended in with the crackling of the fire and rustling leaves. Gwendon passed around a bottle of homemade brew whose earthy flavor warmed their spirits. Rinku sketched constellations in the dirt, explaining their importance in Xiaxoan lore. Larin gazed at the stars, smiling quietly.

"We've come so far," Ngieri said, her voice tinged with wonder. "And there's still so much to learn."

"Together, we'll learn it," Larin replied, his tone resolute. "This is just the beginning."

The fire crackled, sending sparks into the night sky.They taught each other of their findings and spells, slowly each one knew how to cast the spells and how to conceptualize them.