High Priest of the Yellow-fin

The return journey back to Tlangthar was peaceful, though, as a group walked below the canopy created by ancient tree branches. Fresh air carried, with a fragrant hint, the scent of moss and flowers. As the group passed tall bamboo groves, Ngieri stopped and pointed toward a certain cluster of plants.

She said, taking a seat amongst a cluster of Studded Bamboo and Longwhip vines. "Check this out. This one is a prized find. We can take some of these back into our village.".

Curiosity getting the better of them, the others gathered around. The bamboo stalks shimmered faintly, with surfaces studded with small nodules like tiny gemstones. The Longwhip vines were wiry and flexible, the edges faintly glowing in the moonlight.

"These vines are perfect for binding spells," Rinku said, carefully cutting a section with her blade. "And their mana-conductive properties make them ideal for creating sigil anchors.".

Ngieri nodded, cutting off a section of the bamboo. "The strength of the bamboo would help to shore up magical wards or even light armor. It's sturdy but flexible."

Gwendon picked up a piece of bamboo and began to touch its texture. "And if we hollow these out, they could make excellent conduits for focused blasts of mana.".

Larin grinned and took but a small percentage of both the vines and bamboo. "We love our planet," he thought to himself. "We don't take any more than what we need."

As he stowed their observations, the air around them began to shift in some unknown, unexplained way. A low hum vibrated through the forest before the light faded unnaturally dark. Larin froze, as the senses heightened into focus, tuned on to the new source of that disturbance.

Behind them, a tear in the air yawned open, jagged and pulsating with an iridescent glow. A deafening hiss followed, and from the rift slithered a gargantuan Basilisk, its scales glinting like polished obsidian. On its head stood an Auquan, their bright yellow bioluminescence stark against the creature's dark form. Their attire was scholarly, adorned with intricate patterns, but the gleaming weapons strapped to their belt and the sharpness in their gaze spoke of danger.

Larin took the first step, his bioluminescent veins erupting into brilliance as he pushed forward. His fellow moved almost in unison with him; they shifted to defensive stances as spells burst loose at the end of each finger.

Yellow Auquan gestured with their hand, relaxed yet attentive, as they spoke words that translated across the divide into universal truth. "I am lost. Who are you? Is this Auqua?"

Larin's voice was steady though his body tensed. In the same world language, his words were sharp and clear: "State your name, stranger.".

The sharp eyes of the Yellow Auquan widened just a little as they looked at the veins that glowed at Larin's wrists. Something flickered across their face, a kind of recognition. They raised their hands, palms open in what seemed to be a gesture of peace. "I see. You are acquainted with Auquans. I am Genoia, High Priest of the House of Yellow-fin.".

The Basilisk lowered its great head forward a little to imitate the gesture of its rider. Genoia bowed, laying their arms upon the ground. "I mean no harm. If you know of my kin, guide me to them.".

Larin and his friends looked uncertainly at each other. While Genoia's reserve had softened, they were still an odd vision. Larin nodded, his voice firmer. "We can take you to them but leave the Basilisk outside. It can't be taken into the village."

Genoia's mask closed over her face again. "The Basilisk is my partner, my equal. Leaving it outside would be an insult".

Ngieri stepped forward, her voice measured but unyielding. "Our village isn't used to creatures like it. Trust isn't earned in a day. If you mean no harm, respect our customs."

After a tense moment, Genoia relented, turning to the Basilisk and whispering in a melodic tone. The massive creature coiled itself near the gate, its luminous eyes watching them intently.

They took Genoia to the Auquan camp, this beautiful collection of coral-like structures aglow with soft, gentle light in the failing light. Buildings had blended in around there so that the forms would blend in with the plants. The energy there was serene and had balance for nature in the way that the Auquans handled it.

Genoia halted at the camp's perimeter, peeking in through the largest structure. "Seafoam," they breathed, relief deepening into the voice. "Thank the Yellow-fin."

No warning was given before Genoia raised her hands and cast a spell, an incantation surging effortlessly from her lips. The ground trembled faintly, a ripple of energy spreading through the camp. Moments later, Myrith and Lysara emerged from one of the coral-like buildings, both of them wearing looks of shock and disbelief.

"Genoia?"Lysara's voice sounded incredulous. "We thought you died fifty years ago. What became of you?"

Genoia bowed deeply, their bioluminescence dimming slightly. "A story for another time. For now, I am here, and I seek sanctuary."

Myrith's sharp eyes scanned Genoia, her voice cautious. "Sanctuary from what?"

"The chaos of the outer worlds," Genoia replied. "I was lost in the folds of space, wandering among ruins of forgotten civilizations. The balance I once knew is slipping, and the cosmos is not as it was."

They all sat there, weighing Genoia's words. Larin stood up. "If you want to stay here," he said in a neutral tone, "you'd better do more than that. You can't keep this secret any longer."

Genoia looked at him thoughtfully. "You are wise as a sage, little one. So be it. I will share my tale with you. First, though, let us sit. Much is lost, much must be shared.".