The Truth That broke us

The next morning, Elena received an email from Liam's Luxury, confirming the contract signing scheduled for the following Tuesday. They also reminded her to come with a lawyer. Excited, she immediately called her aunt, who lived in Cebu, to share the good news.

"Auntie, you won't believe it! Liam's Luxury has chosen me to be the face of their new collection!" Elena's voice was full of joy.

Her aunt was so overwhelmed with happiness that she shed tears over the phone. "Oh, my darling Lena! Your dream is finally coming true. I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. I'll visit you soon before the big day so we can celebrate together."

After the call, Elena texted Nathan, sharing her excitement and gratitude for his help. She also forwarded the news to Mia, who was equally thrilled and promised to visit after work to celebrate with her.

A few minutes later, Nathan called her. His voice was warm and supportive.

"Hey, Elena. I saw your message. Congratulations! This is such a big step for you."

Elena blushed. "Thank you, Nathan. You've been such a huge part of this. Please come back soon so we can celebrate properly."

Nathan chuckled, "I'll be back before you know it. And don't worry about the lawyer. I'll connect you with one of the best."

"Thank you, Nathan. You're the best," she replied.

Nathan immediately called his lawyer after the call, giving clear instructions to assist Elena at the contract signing. He then texted Elena to confirm the arrangements, and she was beyond grateful.

Later that day, Elena dressed up to visit her boss at the café and share the news. Her boss was thrilled for her, congratulating her and offering support. As she left the café, she noticed Mia was busy with customers and decided not to disturb her. She hailed a taxi and headed home, daydreaming about her future as a model.

While lost in thought, she received a text from Nathan.

"I'll be back in the U.S. tomorrow. I can't wait to see you."

Elena smiled as she read the message. Her heart fluttered, and she replied, "I'll be waiting for you

As the taxi pulled up to her house, she stepped out and approached her door, her excitement bubbling over. Suddenly, she heard the sound of a car pulling up behind her. Turning around, she saw Aria stepping out of the car.

"Aria! Hi! How are you?" Elena greeted her warmly, surprised by the unannounced visit.

Aria didn't return the smile. Instead, she frowned and said, "We need to talk. Can we go inside?"

Elena, confused but concerned, opened the door and invited her in.

Once inside, Elena offered Aria a seat and asked if she wanted anything to drink. Aria waved off the offer and got straight to the point.

"Elena, there are things you don't know about Nathan, and you deserve to hear the truth."

Elena's heart sank. "What do you mean?"

Aria took a deep breath. "Nathan wasn't always the man you know now. He used to be happily married. His wife, Katrina, was not only his partner but also his best friend."

Elena froze, her breath caught in her throat. "Nathan... was married?"

Aria nodded, her expression grave. "Yes. But Katrina wasn't what she seemed. She caused a lot of problems in our family. My mom tried to warn Nathan, but he was blinded by love. Their relationship tore our family apart. My father died of a heart attack because of the stress Katrina brought into our lives."

Elena was speechless, her mind racing with the realization.

"When Katrina died in a car accident after arguing with my mom, Nathan blamed her for Katrina's death. That's why he's been estranged from our family ever since."

Tears welled up in Elena's eyes as she listened. "But... what does this have to do with me?"

Aria sighed, her gaze piercing. "You look exactly like Katrina. That's why everyone, including my mom, has been so suspicious of you. And it's why Nathan is so drawn to you. He's ready to marry you because you remind him of his ex-wife."

Elena felt her chest tighten. The room seemed to spin as Aria continued.

"I know he's in love with you. But Elena, please understand. His obsession with you has caused even more tension in our family. My mom and Nathan have been fighting again, just like when Katrina was here. Please, if you care about Nathan, stay away from him—for his sake and ours."

Elena's voice cracked as she replied, "You're asking me to walk away from someone I—" She stopped herself, unsure how to finish the sentence.

"Yes," Aria said, her tone firm but sympathetic. "It's the only way for our family to heal."

After Aria left, Elena locked the door and collapsed onto the couch, her emotions overwhelming her. Memories flooded back—Nathan calling her "Elena Reed," his jealousy over Aiden, and the way people around him reacted to her resemblance to Katrina.

Tears streamed down her face as she clutched a pillow, trying to muffle her sobs. She replayed Aria's words in her head, each one cutting deeper than the last.

When Nathan texted her later that evening, she couldn't bring herself to reply. When he called, she let it ring. Eventually, she switched off her phone, unable to face him

That night, Mia came over to celebrate the contract news, but she found Elena in a state of despair. Alarmed, Mia rushed to her side.

"Elena, what happened?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Elena broke down, explaining everything Aria had told her.

Mia held her close, trying to console her. "Elena, I think there's more to this story. Don't jump to conclusions. Nathan deserves a chance to explain."

But Elena shook her head. "I can't, Mia. I can't come between him and his family."

Mia stayed by her side all night, trying to ease her pain.

The next day, Nathan couldn't bear Elena's silence any longer. He left Australia earlier than planned and headed straight to her house.

When she opened the door, he pulled her into a tight hug. "Elena, what's going on? Why haven't you answered my calls?"

Elena pushed him away, her expression distant. "Why didn't you tell me about Katrina?"

Nathan froze, guilt washing over him. "Elena, I—"

"You're only doing all this for me because I look like her, aren't you?" she interrupted, her voice trembling.

"Elena, please let me explain—" Nathan pleaded.

But Elena shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "I don't want to be the next intruder in your family. Please don't come back here again."

Nathan's heart shattered as she shut the door in his face. He stood there for an hour, begging her to let him in, but she didn't budge.

Defeated, Nathan walked away, vowing to find a way to fix everything.