2. Brief introduction to the system.

Chapter 2

"Wow, that was a dangerous moment," Amy thought as she ran out of the Ordo Favonius headquarters. "It's scary to imagine my parents' reaction to what happened, and I didn't expect that by dripping blood onto the drawing of an electrical element, everything would work." She stopped and looked at the eye of God that was covered in blood. "Where the hell did all that blood come from? I just pricked my finger with a needle, and it looks like I cut my veins. I should probably wash it off somewhere before I go home, and figure out the system."

"Milady, did something happen?" the raven reminded himself, worried about his mistress's silence.

"It's okay, Oz, I'm just wondering where it would be best to wash the eye of God. There are too many people near the fountain, and it's too risky to go home without cleaning it. I don't want my parents to worry too much.

"Then what about the system? Does it have an inventory?" Oz asked.

"Do you know about the system??? - Amy was seriously surprised and if she wasn't afraid that someone would hear, then instead of a shocked whisper there would have been a real scream.

- Of course my lady, after all, you and I share the same memories.

- Th-that's unexpected, I'm not sure that the game Fischl had the same. - the girl said, still under the impression of such information.

- But we are not in a game either. - Oz answered.

- Yes, you're right, besides, I'm not yet sure in what form the game conventions will be reflected in the real world, after all, there will be no levels of the world like in the game, and there will be no concept of damage numbers, one hit, one arrow in a vulnerable point and death will occur.

- In that case, I think I'll sit down somewhere. - fortunately, there are plenty of places to sit in Mondstadt, even near the headquarters of the Ordo Favonius, you just need to go down the steps and one of the many fountains will immediately become visible, and there are benches nearby, to which the girl actually headed, talking with the raven along the way. - I'm wondering, if you receive my memories, then can I also receive yours? I know for sure that in the game, Fischl could connect her sight with her Oz.

- Milady, I am more than sure that this is possible, because I feel that just one desire from you and we will merge into a single being again. - the raven said confidently - We will still have plenty of time to learn how to use our connection to the fullest, but for now you should still figure out the system, I am very interested in what gift for beginners they will give us.

- Yes, you're right, besides, in order for me to be rightfully called Fischl von Luftschloss-Narfidort in the future, I must become powerful enough so that no one would doubt my right to do such a thing. - Having settled down on the bench, Fischl finally decided to turn her attention to the system.

"System, status" - the girl mentally gave the order, following how it was usually in many fanfics and ranobe.

"Intelligent assistant? Like, there is an option to add AI? I think I'll do without it for now. I need to look at the status."

Name: Amy (Avnas)

Spiritual name: Fischl von Luftschloss-Narfidort

Race: Human, ??? (locked).

Titles: Princess Reincarnation, Time Traveler, World Beast, Demon Namesake, Beginning, Chuunibyou.

Strength: Level 10 (Wall +)

Skills: Athletics (Basic), Archery (Basic), Electro Element "God's Eye" (Basic), Familiar Creation (along with your spiritual name, you inherited a familiar that is inextricably linked to your soul), Chuunibyou (Intermediate).

Artifact Bonuses: None


- What?

She felt a chill inside her. You know, it's one thing when you play the role of a favorite character, and quite another when you realize that you are most likely a direct reincarnation of this character, and judging by the two titles, the end of the story was real, and the name, which seemed like a harmless abbreviation of something beautiful like Emily or Emilia, is actually the name of the 58th demon of Goetia.

- Milady, you should calm down, besides, you haven't checked what kind of reward is available to you yet. - the raven said soothingly, which, oddly enough, really worked.

- Yes, you're right, Oz. And why should I worry, after all, Fischl fulfilled her destiny, which means it will hardly concern me.

Unclaimed rewards: gift for beginners *1 pc.


"Of course I accept." - Amy accepted the reward without thinking twice.

1 * voucher for receiving the fourth descendant's subrace

1 * Bow "Stringless" - max level

1 * Skill book "Initial energy manipulation"

"The fourth descendant? This is one of the twins who will become the main character. Well, what can I say, a delicious starter pack, but Lumine and Eater were immortal and their appearance was stuck at the age of 16, won't I remain 14 forever if I use the voucher now?" - in order to dispel her doubts, Amy decided to check the inventory, after all, it would be strange if there was no description of the items that the system gives.

Opening the inventory was not what she expected, usually all sorts of windows with cells appeared in the systems, but instead she simply felt everything that was there, and it was as if she always knew how to use the inventory, which seemed endless and, what is no less important, there was also a feeling that the inventory was tied not to the system, but to her.

Having appreciated such a bonus, Amy turned her attention to the voucher and a window with information about the item appeared in front of her.

When used, it allows you to receive the benefits of the race of the fourth descended, also known to the world as a traveler / traveler, depending on the world. This creature belongs to the race of living stars, although representatives of this race are born inside stars, with the exception of such bonuses as the ability to travel between worlds in the form of a star, increased affinity with light and the ability to assimilate the energies of other worlds, they are almost no different from ordinary people. Also, since after 18 years their aging stops, they are immortal until they are killed.


"Well, that's the answer to my question," the girl thought happily.

"Why not look up the information about the skill book and the bow?" Oz asked.

"I roughly remember the bow from the game, I doubt there will be much difference in reality. And I'll figure out the book better at home, the title speaks for itself.

"As you wish."

"Well, Oz, time to go home?"