5. Training

Chapter 5

Dinner with my family was pretty ordinary, if, of course, you don't count my parents' reactions to the change in the color of my eye and Oz's appearance.

Mom reacted as calmly as possible, as if she had expected something like this anyway, I even began to have more and more suspicions about whether my parents really are just travelers, but Dad was shocked at first, for some reason he even started asking such stupid questions like "Amy, have you by any chance seen anything unusual with your left eye, like threads?". No, of course, I could have joked around and given out part of the canon tied to Mondstadt, but it seemed to me that if I really pretended to see the future with my changed eye, he would give me a blow, only Mom laughed on the sidelines at my father's behavior and my skeptical look.

Although I don't know who I'm telling this to, but yes, before receiving memories from a past life, in which for some reason almost all the experience by which one could determine gender was cut out, I also didn't play a role in most cases with my parents, after all, I saw that they were worried, but with the outside world I was not embarrassed to share the greatness of the princess of condemnation Fischl.

In general, the dinner went well, by the way, Oz also highly appreciated my mother's cooking. Now I am at the training ground of the knights of the Ordo Favonius and, unlike that small piece of space behind the headquarters, in reality the training ground is quite large, it is also available to everyone, this is done so that the residents of Mondstadt can train and in the future join the order, well, or adventurers, who are also important for each region.

Now I am dressed in my training set of clothes, standing in front of a target at a distance of 100 meters, to complete a daily task, and 2 tasks at once. For each archer with the eye of God, filling an arrow with elemental power is the base. There are even special targets for each element, so that people with the eyes of God can train. And it bothers me a little that if I am quietly completing the quest with energy control, since the percentage of progress is accumulated approximately for each shot, then with shooting I only earned 1% for 20 shots.

Of course, I have some ideas why this is so. After all, by filling the arrows with the electro element, I do something new for myself and even with pretty good control, I try to do it in a new way with each shot, because I have to figure out how to do it from 0 and I would like to achieve something useful like Tignari, and if in the future it will be possible to weave such a combination of elements as Hydro, Dendro and Electro/Pyro into such an arrow, then the effect will have to be amazing, or an option where one arrow can use all the elements at once! This will be equivalent to a local Armageddon, or with the help of the elements of electro and anemo achieve the highest possible shooting speed under the eye of death perception, I simply will not miss the chance to get such an imba mystical eye. After all, while the enemy needs to be killed, even gods and conceptual entities will not be a problem.

- Milady, you are daydreaming again. - Oz pulled me out of my dreams about the future power.

- Well, Oz, there are so many interesting things waiting for us that I just can't help but think about it. - I said, showing with my whole appearance how excited I was about the prospects, and then added with a sigh. - And it looks like if I want to complete the shooting quest, I have to make my training more difficult, it looks like the quest will only count if I learn something new.

- Then how about standing at a distance of 150 meters and trying to achieve a straight arrow flight thanks to the Electro infusion? - the familiar suggested.

- Yes, I think so. - Having decided to follow the advice, I did just that. And if usually at such a distance I would start to select the angle of the arrow flight to hit the bull's eye, now I did the opposite, I tried to achieve acceleration for the arrow due to elemental energy. Naturally, there is nothing surprising in the fact that at first I missed terribly, because the arrow, although saturated with the elements, did not want to accelerate at all, even the guards and other trainees began to look at me strangely.

- Listen girl, the eye of God is good, but you need to shoot at ...

I do not know what the girl wanted to say there, that as far as I remember, I wanted to become a knight of the Ordo Favonius, but at that very moment, something similar to a crosshair in a circle appeared on the tip of my arrow, like in an optical sight, and the next moment it flew straight towards the target with such a high speed that the arrow left a dent in the target about 3 centimeters deep before turning to ash, which indicates that such a technique not only counts on elemental damage, but also greatly increases the physical aspect of the attack.

- Haha, how do you like the power of this princess? - Pleased with my success, I turned to the girl who was looking at the target with her mouth open, who was considered invulnerable to electric attacks, and ordinary arrows did not even leave a scratch.

- Um... I think I'll go. - Feeling stupid, the future knight immediately retreated.

- Hm. - Snickering at such behavior, I again began to try to feel the recent feeling and now, ready to make another shot, I was abruptly stopped.

- Hey, you with the eye of God, don't you dare shoot! - I heard one of the guards shout.