8. Archon Statue

Chapter 8

The next day, as agreed with Jean, I headed to the library after breakfast. There, I was met by a surprisingly cheerful Lisa.

- Hello cutie, you want to become my new little student, right? - the librarian greeted me.

- Hello, I would be very grateful to share your knowledge. - To be honest, only today did I realize how much the memories of my past life affected me, I can no longer play the role of the princess of condemnation without embarrassment, as before.

- Okay, usually I would suggest starting with theory, but I am almost certain that you are eager to train to use your element, so today we will go to a place where you can calmly train, at the same time bringing benefit to Mondstadt.

- And what will be the benefit? - I decided to clarify.

- Reducing the number of Hilichurls. Naturally, you won't do it alone, but together with my second student Razor. Also, so that you can get additional income from this, we will register you in the adventure guild today.

- Won't the hilichurls run out in a couple of days, or even faster, at least if it happens in one place? - I asked doubtfully.

- Well, that's how it will be, but that place is especially special because for some reason their camps always reappear there within a month, so the guild will have regular missions to eliminate them.

- What kind of place is this? - I was surprised.

- You and I will go to the gorge, which is located in the Highlands of Roaring Winds not far from the statue of the anemo archon. There, as soon as the hilichurls run out, there will be enough different rocks on which you can train your abilities.

- Got it. When are we leaving?

- Right now. - the witch answered me and headed for the exit.

Having set off, Lisa and I did not walk in silence, she briefly explained to me along the way what elemental skills and elemental explosions are. So, as a result, it became clear that I stand out in this regard in relation to other residents of Taivat.

Oz, as it turned out, according to the principle of elemental skills should dissipate over time, but it turned out that not only for some reason he is almost identical to ordinary living beings, but at the same time he is still able to obtain elemental particles for me when attacking.

As Lisa explained to me, the explosion of the elements can be used by spending the internal reserve, but the trick of elemental skills is that when interacting with living beings, they enter into a reaction and create exactly those very elemental particles that can be used to explode the elements instead of their reserve, based on a similar principle, the Favonia series of weapons was developed and the people of the Land of Freedom are rightfully proud that something like this was developed in their homeland, and not somewhere in Sumeru, which is famous for its scientists, or Inazuma, which is famous for its methods of forging weapons.

- I wonder what kind of explosion of the elements will I have? - I asked myself.

- Well, I can assume that your explosion of the elements will be connected with Oz, besides, you can not worry, sooner or later you yourself will feel how to release your personal explosion of the elements, this happens to all owners of the eye of God, and then you yourself will be able to create variations based on it. - Lisa answered me.

After an hour of walking, we reached Springwell, where my attention was drawn to the deactivated teleportation point that was so familiar to me from the game.

- Miss Lisa, what is this? - I asked, pointing to a strange structure that vaguely resembled a chess piece and glowed red.

- Devices like this exist all over Taivat, and no one knows exactly who made them, but according to ancient texts, they should be teleportation devices, but no one knows how to activate them.

- Interesting. - I said before heading towards this device, intending to try to activate it.

As soon as I approached the device, put my palm on it and tried to pour in a little elemental energy, nothing happened, however, when I tried to use a piece of energy that lived inside me, the ancient device responded and changed its color to blue and began to hover above a small platform.

- Darling, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave you alone now until I find out what you did. - I heard my mentor's voice.

- Well, first I tried to transmit a little elemental energy, and when that didn't work, I decided to try transmitting raw internal energy that hadn't been transformed into an element.

- Yes, you keep more and more surprises within yourself. Usually, only those who master the techniques of the adepts are able to use internal energy directly. - Lisa said, looking at me with curiosity.

- I thought that all owners of the eye of God could do this, after all, you can feel how the energy is transformed into an elemental one, and it's enough to simply remove the item with the transformation. - I answered embarrassedly.

- Most don't even feel the moment of transformation, and if it were that simple, then the magic of the adepts would not be so rare, and the method of activating these devices would not have been a mystery for so many years. - Lisa shook her head, and then, after thinking for a while, added. - I suggest we take a small detour and go to the statue of the seven archons to try to activate it, okay?

- Okay, but I don't understand what the archon statue has to do with it?

- The only reason these devices weren't destroyed is that they are connected to the archon statues, and I'm very interested in what will happen if the statue is also activated. - Lisa showed her scholarly side.

- Okay. - I easily agreed. After all, knowing Lisa and Jean from the game beforehand, I want to trust them, and without showing her ability to study Anemo, Jean won't be able to teach me how to heal.

It took us about 40 minutes to get to the Anemo Archon statue and, frankly, I was glad that after increasing my strength from the bloodline, I remained as light as before, because most likely thanks to this, I still haven't gotten tired. Although Lisa surprised me, after all, no matter how beautiful she was, she certainly didn't look like a trained woman, and she likes to be lazy, and nevertheless, there was not even a hint that she was tired.

- Did something happen? - the woman noticed my gaze when we were almost right up to the Archon statue.

- It's just that, I hope you won't be offended, teacher, but I didn't expect you to be so resilient.

- Well, that's the thing. Hahahaha. Don't forget that I have the eye of God, and for any user of the eye of God, learning to strengthen their body with energy is a base, and what girl would want to disfigure herself with piles of muscles. So you are unlikely to see particularly pumped-up owners of the eye of God, well-built, so as not to count only on the eye of God, yes, but not heaps of muscles. - slightly laughing, understanding the reason for my question, the witch answered me.

- Well, I still have time to teach you this, let's first figure out with the statue, try to activate it.

- Good. - I obediently said and touched the statue of the Anemo Archon, which looked like a large chess piece, on top of which stood a feminine figure with wings and a hood, holding a ball on her outstretched palms. Touching its base, I transferred some energy. As soon as I did this, the statue immediately began to collect energy from the surrounding environment into the ball, and a moment later a small sphere with the Anemo symbol flew out right into the center of my chest.

Everything happened so quickly that Lisa did not even have time to react. And I felt that I could now use a new element, and my inner sun seemed to increase by about 5%. However, what is more important is that I felt a connection with this statue and the teleportation point that I activated and instinctively knew that I could teleport to any of them, taking with me no more than 5 companions.

- Fischl! Are you okay? - an excited woman rushed towards me.