15. Ambush.

Chapter 15

After such an unusual dream, I didn't even hope to fall asleep again, so I decided to start cooking. I had been thinking about this for a long time, that when moving to another world I would not have local currency and I would like to have at least a supply of food with me. Therefore, I took as my goals before the meeting with Jean and Lisa to cook at least a week's supply of dishes, besides, there were no problems with food, and my parents always leave me quite good pocket money, at the moment I have already accumulated about 100 thousand mora in reserve and at local prices, if I spend only on food, this should be enough for a very long time. For 20 thousand it is quite possible to buy such a quantity of food that will last for 100 days, that is if you live in luxury. And if you take something cheap, then for the same 20 thousand you can live peacefully for a year and today I finally decided to spend my reserves to buy myself a two-handed sword, namely the prototype "Archaic". Unlike the game, this sword can be bought without having to carry materials, as the traveler did, although naturally the price for this reaches 90 thousand Mora. But I think I'll recoup the money spent in about 10-12 guild quests, and this sword will serve me for a long time.

In general, I made the most patriotic dish, so to speak. Mondstadt pancakes. The thing is delicious and the recipe is not complicated. You just need to first cut the peeled potatoes, boil them, of course, not forgetting to salt. Then you need to drain the water and mix with butter to make a puree, you can also add salt, pepper and dry garlic to taste, then while the puree is cooling, take an egg and beat it, then add it to our puree and mix. Next, fry the pine cone seeds in a frying pan. After frying the seeds, we begin to form pancakes from the puree, not forgetting to put the seeds (nuts, if that makes more sense) in the center. After the pancakes are formed, we envelop them in tempura made from unsweetened cornflakes. Well, and finally, you can begin to fry them until they get a crispy golden crust. As a rule, such pancakes are eaten with berry sauce.

Naturally, I did not only make pancakes, because meat is something that I am definitely not going to give up, although I did not make the very popular chicken in honey sauce, but made good old chops.

So, having finished cooking, I had a delicious breakfast and first of all went to the blacksmith, after all, I have enough time before the meeting, and the blacksmith, as far as I know, always starts work early.

Mondstadt is a small city, but one thing cannot be taken away from it, it is truly beautiful and cozy, I especially like how harmoniously the decorative plants that grow right on the walls of the buildings fit into the architecture. At this morning hour, there were almost no passers-by on the street, except for the knights who, as usual, stood at their posts, and also the local restaurant "Good Hunter", although the prices there are quite low, which is why many eat there on a regular basis 3 times a day. Mostly, these are knights, but there are also plenty of such people among adventurers and ordinary residents. And their waitress is just a sweetheart. Sarah is a pretty girl of about 20 years old, she calmly allows even adventurers who want to stock up on supplies for their journey to use her kitchen. I feel that when the canon begins, the seeking twin will more than once occupy the local stove for Paimon. Although if we become friends, no not if, but when we become friends, then I think we can share our kitchen. And where would we be without the adventure guild, which is always open, and the permanent secretary Katerina is ready to accept both clients and adventurers at any time. I don't know that she is a creature, but the hole on her neck hints that she might be some kind of robot or android. Somehow, I immediately remembered the androids of a certain YoRHa.

Thinking about my own with Oz on my shoulder, I moved towards the forge, where the sound of hammer blows was already audible.

The forge in Mondstadt, oddly enough, was without walls, although with a roof, so everyone passing by could see how a strong man with black hair and a beard was doing his work.

- Hello, Mr. Wagner. - I greeted the blacksmith.

- Huh? What do you want? – the man asked without looking up from his work.

- I want to buy a two-handed sword prototype "Archaic"

Hearing me, the blacksmith stopped for a moment, looked at me and continued working with the blank.

- Girl, this sword is bigger than you, what are you going to do with it? Keep it on the wall? You can't turn such a weapon into an ordinary decoration.

- You misunderstood me, Mr. Wagner. I recently received the Eye of God and plan to use this weapon in close combat, since the Bow, in my opinion, should still be used only at long distances.

- Hmm. – the blacksmith thought, without stopping his work, and then suddenly shouted. – Schultz!

- Y-yes, master?! – a boy of about 17 years old ran out.

- Replace me. And you follow me. – handing over his work to the apprentice, the blacksmith called me to follow him.

He led me to the back of the house that stood right next to the smithy, and after asking me to wait a bit near the entrance, he soon came out with a huge two-handed sword at least 1.8 m long, the blade and patterns of which shone with golden light. I immediately recognized what kind of sword the blacksmith had brought me. This was not just an "Archaic" prototype, but one that had been tempered and elevated. Such a sword costs at least 600 thousand mora.

- Hm, I see you know a little about this sword. - the blacksmith said, clearly understanding my surprised look, and after a short pause, he continued. - This elevated sword weighs 20 kilograms, much more than those training toothpicks at the training ground. If you can make a normal sequence of strikes in front of me now, then I will allow you to buy this sword for 100 thousand mora. Do you agree?

- YES! Of course! - I exclaimed joyfully, and then more calmly clarified. - True, I haven't used such a sword yet, but I know that it can emit energy waves, I wouldn't want to accidentally destroy your backyard.

- Well, you're quite conscientious, I give you that as a plus. About the energy wave. In fact, it's a cut, not a wave, and it is released only after you pass elemental energy through the blade. And no, it doesn't use your energy to cut, but uses the energy accumulated in the atmosphere.

- Yeah, I get it. So where are we going to test it? - I became interested.

- Yes, right here, show me one set of blows and that's enough, don't worry about the ground, I can survive a couple of broken bricks. - The man said, handing me the hilt of the sword.

- Um, okay. - Accepting the sword, I naturally didn't forget about its weight, so I strengthened myself in advance, as Djinn taught me, and surprisingly easily lifted the sword, thereby causing a satisfied grunt from the blacksmith.

Taking the sword with both hands, I put the blunt side of the sword to my shoulder, and then moving a little away from the blacksmith, I got down to business. A sharp slash from the right shoulder, rearranging the body so that the inertia does not go to waste, and I smoothly but quickly move the sword to make another cut, but starting from the left shoulder and using the inertia, I jump slightly, making a perpendicular circular strike, I slam the sword straight into the ground, creating a small crater and quickly jumping back, I got into a stance.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

- Okay, I see that you really understand how to use such swords, you are not trying to overcome the inertia of such a sword in vain, but use it to your advantage to strengthen subsequent attacks. My offer is still valid. 100 thousand mora and the sword is yours.

- Thank you, Mr. Wagner. - I said, letting the sword move and hang behind my back, and in the meantime I took out a bag with all my savings. By the way, it's quite weighty.

- Ha-ha-ha! Your best gratitude will be if you become a famous adventurer, not forgetting to use the sword I forged in battle. - the blacksmith laughed cheerfully.

- I think I'll follow your advice and try it out right now in a quest from the guild. - I said happily smiling and running away said goodbye. - Goodbye!

In an elevated mood, I very quickly got to Katerina and although we will have to conduct the exam with Djinn only at lunch, I can already take a mission to clean up the Hilichurls.

- To the stars and to the abysses, welcome to the adventurers' guild. - the standard greeting sounded.

- Hello Katerina, show me what tasks there are now to clear out the Hilichurl camps.

- One second. – Katerina said before taking out a map on which there were glowing marks and, oddly enough, even teleportation points with statues of archons were marked. – These red dots indicate where Hilichurl camps were spotted.

There were literally dozens of such dots on the map of the Land of Winds, however, what surprised me most was one dot. A short distance from the statue of the archon, located next to the symbol of the hero of Mondstadt Vanessa, there was a Hilichurl camp. This surprised me first of all because the knights would hardly allow the Hilichurls to get so close to the cultural heritage of the country, which means the camp appeared literally recently.

- I will take the task to clear out this camp. – I pointed my finger at the camp that interested me.

- Good. Will you complete the task alone or in a team? – said Katerina putting the map away

- Alone.

- In that case, please sign these papers stating that the adventurers' guild is not responsible for any accidents that may occur during the execution of quests. – they put a piece of paper in front of me.

After reading it carefully, I signed it.

- Have a good adventure. – Katerina said goodbye to me with a smile.

- Bye. – Having said goodbye simply, I went into an alley where no one could see me and moved to the teleportation point outside the city. Fortunately, although I don't have the Archon statue activated near the great oak, even from this teleportation point it won't take me more than 10 minutes to get there.

So slowly moving towards the camp, I lightly hummed the melody I remembered, rejoicing at such a successful upgrade. Yes, of course, in order to achieve the maximum potential of the received sword, I will have to spend about 450 thousand more mora to buy non-exalted duplicates to increase the rank of the sword, but the elevation of the sword gives much more benefit, this is manifested in the durability and sharpness of the sword itself, which are achieved through alchemy and special materials.

The camp I reached, unlike those in the gorge, is already fully equipped. 4 turrets with hilichurls shooters and about 5 regular hilichurls with clubs, who for some reason are currently cooking pyro slimes, but I don't really care, so I just took out my bow and used my aimed shot to get rid of the shooters, and then, under the cover of lightning, Oza picked up a brand new two-handed sword and rushed towards the enemy.

However, the hilichurls did not stand still either and, setting their clubs on fire like torches, rushed towards me. The first hilichurl, who had broken away far ahead of his brothers, suddenly froze at a distance of 5 meters from me from the impact of the electro, and in his right shoulder there was a hole burned out by a lightning clot. I, taking advantage of this, made a sharp dash forward and with a vertical blow from top to bottom, split the hilichurl in half. Realizing that if Oz continued to help me like this, I simply wouldn't be able to properly test my skills, I had to order him to hit only if I was close to getting hit.

I waited for the next two Hilichurls, staying in place. As soon as they were in the kill zone, I immediately, having additionally strengthened myself with the Electro element, made a horizontal cut, simply cutting the opponents who hadn't reached me in half. The remaining three, apparently realizing that going at me all together from one direction was a bad idea, began to separate, apparently hoping to surround them, but I, not giving them such an opportunity, simply made a dash to the closest one. A blow, and the cut Hilichurl would fall to the ground. A dash to the next one, so that another one was visible behind and this time I filled the sword with elemental energy, making a horizontal cut. The sword was covered in dark purple flashes of lightning, and the blade, which already had a golden glow, literally shone. Along with the swing of the sword itself, which cut the nearest hilichurl, a golden energy sickle also flew out, which in an instant reached the second hilichurl, forcing it to repeat the fate of its fellow tribesman.

- Phew. Yes, when cutting with such a sword, resistance is not felt at all. - I stuck the sword in front of me and sighed. Still, this sword, despite the apparent ease of how I swing it, made me slightly out of breath even after such a short fight. - I wonder how long it will take me until the weight of this sword becomes like a feather for me?

While I was catching my breath, I suddenly heard the sound of crackling electro behind me.

- Impostor. - a low distorted voice spoke.

- Must die. - a similar voice echoed it.

Turning around, I saw something that literally made me go cold inside. 2 readers of the abyss, and also of the most inconvenient element for me Electro. I immediately tried to use teleportation, but the arteries of the earth simply did not respond, thereby allowing fear and panic to take root even more in me.

They each formed 2 huge spheres with the Electro element above their heads, but these spheres also felt something disgusting, aimed at pure destruction. I don't know how, but at the very last moment, when they directed an incredibly fast attack at me, I was able to nourish my body with Electro and literally turning into lightning, I was able to avoid the attack.

Where I had previously stood was a crater 5 meters in diameter, but for me such a spontaneous drink of the Electro element did not go well, I stretched out on the ground paralyzed by the effect of the element, although I knew that it would pass in a couple of seconds, but they simply would not let me live that long! I had to use the only possible way out of this situation.

"System activate the quest "Eye of Justice" option B! Immediately!" - I screamed in my mind, seeing how the spawn of the abyss were preparing a new attack. And then a dark purple flash and darkness.