24. Tokyo College Part 2

Chapter 24

- You will lose.

After my words, there was a rather awkward silence for a few seconds, which was broken by Satoru first.

- Is this also related to what you wanted to tell me? – the strongest mage of our time asked.

- Yes. But if it makes you feel better, in that battle you fully demonstrated why you are called the strongest mage of our time.

- Hey! What are you talking about? – truly, the main characters of shonen are characterized by stupidity.

- It doesn't matter Itadori, we have to go. – the teacher interrupted the boy's curiosity and opened the doors of the academy.

As soon as we crossed the threshold, the doors closed behind us by themselves. The room we found ourselves in was mostly empty, except for wooden columns, candlesticks with burning candles, and most importantly, in front of us at the end of the corridor near the wall sat a black-haired middle-aged man with shaved temples and a mustache that neatly turned into a short black beard. He was dressed in the standard uniform of a magic college with dark glasses on his eyes, but what really attracted attention was how quickly he made plush toys, and he himself was sitting surrounded by them.

- You're late, Satoru. Eight minutes late. I can't blame you for being so late, but I ask you to improve in the future. - the director of the magic college, Yaga Masamichi, spoke.

"A middle-aged man making cute toys?!" - Itadori was surprised, realizing that this was the director.

- I don't think that this is why so much criticism is needed. You're going to make dolls anyway, so it's all good, right?

- And this? - the director looked at us suggestively.

Before I could begin introducing myself, Itadori abruptly bowed almost 90 degrees with his hands at his sides and spoke.

- My name is Itadori Yuji! My type is Jennifer Lawrence! Please look after me!

- And why did you come here? - the director asked Itadori. Well, it looks like they'll ignore me for now and no, I'm not offended, it seemed to you.

- For an interview. - Yuji said slowly.

- This is a magic school.

- I came to learn magic?

- That's not what I was talking about. Learning more about curses and how to banish them is the second reason. But what is the first. What are you looking for? - the director continued to inquire.

- Well, I guess I want to help collect Sukuna's fingers, since they are very dangerous.

- Why? - It seemed to me that Itadori would soon start to have a nervous tic from this next question, but the Director did not stop at this question. - Crimes, incidents, illnesses. People you don't know die every day. Are you saying that if there is no curse involved, you won't lift a finger?

- That was the last request. I don't care about the details, I just want to help people.

- The last request? So you're saying that you're going to go against curses just because you're told to?!" The Director seemed a little angry.

- You're not suitable. - Having said this, the man held out his hand and one of the plush toys suddenly came to life.

- So it's not a doll? - Itadori was surprised.

- A cursed corpse! It's a doll with my curse inside. - As soon as he finished explaining, the doll rushed at Itadori, swinging its fist, which had grown considerably in size.

- Ha! - Even though Yuji managed to cover himself with his backpack, the doll's blow was so strong that the guy slid about 5 meters.

"What a heavy blow! Is this really a doll?!" Yuji couldn't help but think.

- People show their true colors in the face of death. I will continue to attack you until you give me an acceptable answer.

- It's not because of the words of others! Those were my grandfather's last words! - Itadori shouted, hitting the doll with all his might. But the result was not what he expected. Having flown into the wall, the doll began to ricochet off the walls with ever-increasing speed until it flew straight into the face of the offender, forcing him to fly right to the wall.

"It looks like it really is a doll. It doesn't feel any pain!" - Itadori thought, stroking the back of his head, which he hit against the wall.

- The others also have families. - the director continued speaking in the meantime. - Shamans are constantly walking hand in hand with death. Not only their own, but also with the death of people who died because of curses. They must mercilessly deal with the curse. Are you doing this just because someone told you to? Don't make me laugh!

- I would be more interested if you wanted to live a little longer before your execution.

- Don't joke with me! I... - Itadori tried to answer, but he was interrupted.

- You. If you were killed by a curse in one day. Would you also blame your grandfather?!

- You... don't say that...

- Knowledge brings awareness of things.

- I don't think so. - It seemed that Yuji was seriously thinking about the director's phrase, as a result of which he missed the doll's fist, which hit him right in the face.

- It's hard to imagine what goes on in your head when you're on the verge of death. But I can tell you one thing for sure. A shaman never dies without regrets. If you continue to live like this, your grandfather might become your curse. I'll ask you one more time. Why did you even come to the magic college? - The man asked, sending the doll to attack again.

This time, learning from Yuji's previous encounters, instead of striking, he slightly leaned to the side, grabbed the doll's hand, and twisted it, holding the doll in his grip.

- Devour Sukuna. That's something only I can do at the moment. Even if I managed to escape execution. I'll eat, take a bath, and read manga. When the feeling of relaxation wears off, I'll think, "hey, maybe people are dying right now because of Sukuna?", "it doesn't concern me", "it's not my fault", could I think like that? No, I'd feel remorse. - Itadori started to say, sitting on the floor while holding the doll. It's even interesting, did he really forget that I would be able to destroy Sukuna's fingers later, although, he said it at the moment, so maybe he didn't forget.

- I don't want to live with regrets! - Yuji finally exclaimed, causing the director to smile contentedly.

- You passed. Welcome to the capital's college of magic. - the man said, extending his hand for a handshake.

- Take care of m... - Yuji began to speak happily, having relaxed, but he was interrupted by an uppercut from the doll, which he had let go.

- Oh, sorry. I forgot to cancel the magic. - the director apologized.

- It's okay, I'm strong. - Itadori stood up, groaning.

- Now, sorry for making you wait, please introduce yourself. - the director turned to me, it's good that he thought to at least apologize for the neglect.

- My name is Fischl von Luftschloss-Narfidort, you don't have to bother remembering my last name, since in the coming days it will be changed to Gojo. - I introduced myself casually.

- Satoru? - the director looked at his student in shock.

- I won't marry, old pervert. She has six eyes and infinity, so it's much easier to accept her into the clan, you know how these decrepit cowards will react if they find out about another special rank.

- Six eyes? - looking at my eye that was not hidden by the blindfold, Yaga couldn't help but express doubt, to which I rolled my eyes and took off the blindfold.

- How is that possible? In all of history, only one owner of six eyes could exist at a time, and I have never heard of such a thing as this technique being in one eye.

- Doesn't that make it more interesting? - Satoru asked with a smile.

- It will cause a lot of unrest. - the director sighed heavily, remembering that the birth of Gojo Satoru alone was enough to affect the balance in the entire world, and with the appearance of another person with the same abilities...

- I have the same question for you as Itadori. Why did you come here? - the director addressed me after coping with his thoughts.

- Well, I could start saying something like saving people, duty, etc., but in reality I'm here because I want to, and who else besides Gojo-sensei can help me become the strongest. - I simply answered, slightly shrugging my shoulders.

- Good. You're accepted. Welcome to the capital's technical college of magic. - the director decided rather quickly

- Take care of me. - I answered in accordance with Japanese traditions.

- That's all?! That simple? - Itadori exclaimed in surprise. Well, I can understand him, compared to his interview, mine was rather anti-climatic.

"She has a clear understanding of what she wants, that's why her interview was so quick," the director responded to Itadori's indignation, and then turned to Gojo. "Satoru, show them the dorm, and then explain thoroughly about safety."