Chapter 46
- Amazing. The external features and behavior are surprisingly similar to reality. - Lisa said admiringly when the three of us finally finished the Mondstadt plot late in the evening.
- Yes, but Barbatos... he is, perhaps, as free as the wind, although I admit honestly I imagined him differently. - Jin expressed her thoughts, and then, allowing a drop of anger to slip out, she said. - The Fatui have completely gone wild, attacking an archon in the middle of the city, even if it were an ordinary citizen, such a thing is unacceptable!
- Don't worry, Djinn, I'm quite ready to become Mondstadt's power support. Even now, I'm definitely not inferior in strength to most of the Archons, and sooner or later, under my protection, even Celestia won't be able to threaten you. - I assured the girl that although I was dissatisfied with the Fatui, I was quite right to fear their military power.
"Thank you, Amy," Jean smiled warmly.
- Fischl, aren't you afraid that sooner or later you'll have to pay for this power? - Lisa asked seriously, she clearly has some kind of clause with receiving power even from such things as the eye of God.
- My payment will be the same as that of the princess of Nirvana Night. In the end, I will have to make a choice.
- Choice? What choice? - asked Lisa.
- When the moment of entropic destruction comes, I, having absorbed all the worlds and cleansed them of filth, will have to decide to sacrifice myself for the beginning of a new cycle or give in to the void. Judging by the fact that we are now communicating, it is quite obvious what choice all my predecessors made.
"I have a hard time imagining how much power someone would have to literally create a universe," Lisa said, shaking her head, clearly not wanting to worry about my power anymore.
- That's right, in fact, you can say that I'm just gradually getting my power back, and the end of the universe... so much time should pass before that moment that it seems to me that even the gods would be tired of life, due to which the choice for my predecessors was much easier.
- I suggest we stop talking about the future and go have dinner at the Cat's Tail, they say there's a new barmaid there who makes amazing non-alcoholic cocktails, - suggested Jeanne.
Having accepted Jeanne's offer, we soon found ourselves in a cozy tavern filled with a large number of well-groomed cats, even behind the bar they had a real ten-year-old cat-girl, although I can't understand how she was allowed to work with alcohol...
Having ordered non-alcoholic cocktails and food to our tastes, we dined while chatting peacefully.
- How nice to see such a gathering of beautiful ladies. Jean, Lisa, will you introduce me to this young lady? - suddenly a voice was heard from next to me, the one towards whom I am clearly biased, even though I know that he is actually a good guy.
- Hello, Kayya. Allow me to introduce you to my friend Fischl. Fischl, I believe you know quite well about the cavalry captain Kayya. - Jeanne introduced us, making me smile at the introduction of me as a friend.
- Oh, friends of the Genie and my friends! Lady, do you mind the company of a boorish lout?
- Of course, sit down. - To Lisa's small laughter, Jean invited him to the table.
- I didn't expect to see you here, Kay. You usually go to "Angels' Share." - Lisa said.
- Oh, the whole of Mondstadt was filled with the glory of special cocktails that destroyed the distillery's monopoly on alcohol, how could I miss the opportunity to taste a worthy masterpiece. After all, the wines of Mondstadt are a gift from the anemo Archon, and anything that can become equal to this gift is worthy of admiration. - said the guy, raising his glass to eye level, examining the cocktail as if it were a rainbow.
- The main thing is that you don't tell Diona herself this. - I said, shaking my head with a smile on my face, trying to throw off my prejudices.
- Why? - Kay asked, freezing for a moment and looking at me with curiosity, and it was clear from the faces of Jean and Lisa that they were also interested.
- She hates alcohol and those who drink it. She even set herself the goal of making such a terrible cocktail that the one who drank it could no longer look at alcohol, but because of the blessing of the oceanid, any of her cocktails becomes delicious. That is, what you drink was tried to be terrible, and now imagine how good the cocktail would be if she tried to make it perfect. - I explained.
"Amazing," muttered the guy who imagined this.
- But if you think about it, if instead of trying to make a terrible cocktail, she tried to make the perfect one, then perhaps she really could have jeopardized the business of the distillery, which is famous for the best wine.
"Do you know how I can destroy the wine industry?" a clear girl's voice interrupted our conversation, which turned out to belong to Diona, who had quietly approached our table.
- Um... I... - I didn't know how to answer her, after all, although I'm not sure that it's so easy to ruin the distillery business, you never know what kind of butterfly effect might happen.
"Our friend thinks that if you can create alcohol that is much better than the Distillery's, you will have a chance of achieving your goal," Kaeya answered for me.
- Hmmmm. I'll have to try it. Thanks. - Cat-girl said after thinking for a moment before leaving.
"What if she really succeeds?" I asked, slightly panicked.
- Hahaha, don't worry, if the Mondstadt wine industry was so easy to knock off its pedestal, it wouldn't have lasted so long. Besides, Diona will only be able to make a rather limited number of cocktails. - Kea answered with a good-natured laugh, making it clear how naive my fears were.
"He really has incredible charisma, despite my prejudices, he was able to change my opinion of him in just one dinner. Truly, something like this is worthy of envy." I thought as I walked home after our dinner, having agreed with Jeanne that tomorrow she would go with me to the head of the Mondstadt branch of the Adventurers' Guild to discuss what rank I would be assigned given the abyss readers I had killed.