48. Princess is not only a title, but also responsibilities.

Chapter 48


Having finished discussing with Oz the latest change in my appearance, I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Yes, I have a supply of prepared food in my inventory, but you never know in the future there will be a need to lay out huge supplies of provisions at once, so I try, instead of using supplies, to always cook, and at the same time send a portion for at least one person to the supplies. I am sure that sooner or later, such a habit will have a very positive effect.


"My lady, it looks like you really enjoy cooking," Oz said as he watched his Princess cook, humming an unfamiliar tune.


- Yes, perhaps you are right. - I easily agreed with a smile on my face. - I am sure you know this yourself, but in my past life I was quite good at it, I don't even remember a single time when my cooking was unsuccessful.


- Oh, it's still funny and sad that after the third world war the dream of feminists came true. - I sighed sadly and remembered how I studied at the university quite calmly, until one day the third world war began, which only by a miracle did not turn nuclear and ended in literally 2 years, but too many men died in the war. No, there were also many women in the war, but as a result of the war the gender ratio in our world changed to 5 women to one man. Feminists were able to break through all sorts of nonsense and eventually drove themselves into a corner, it was no longer men who served in the military, but women. I also managed to get drafted and there my chronic illnesses decided to make themselves known. Literally in half a year my health sank below the baseboard, but I did not manage to get into a military hospital, where they could have discharged me. As a result, in the 7th month of service, I most likely lost consciousness again, only this time unsuccessfully. Until my very death I cursed the one who assigned me to the infantry and our captain, who didn't give a damn about the soldiers' illnesses, and military psychologists have long been trained to gently turn away anyone who wants to get into the hospital, and if I had been in another battalion, maybe I would have been discharged.


- You know, even though I know that there are many good men, because of that bastard, the very idea of intimacy with a man became disgusting to me. I probably would have been disgusting to my predecessors. - I was upset, because before the army, even though I was attracted to girls, I was rejected by the wrongness of non-traditional relationships, although I still can't accept gays.


- Milady, if that were true, neither I nor your other loyal subjects would recognize you. So chin up, we still have a long way to go. - Oz said encouragingly.


"Thank you," I said with a smile, truly feeling better from the words of a loyal friend.


- By the way, Oz, in my dream you were much bigger, and there you were exactly like a great chronicler and this somehow doesn't fit with the assumption that you are a part of my soul. - Having finished cooking, I looked closely at the raven.


- Milady, you are missing one very important point. Nirvana of the Night is also a part of your soul, like all your other subjects, we all took an oath to accompany you into eternity and each new cycle we begin the path anew with you.


"So you remember what happened in the previous cycles?" I asked curiously.


- No, Milady. Since we are all part of your power, in the end we also sacrifice a part of ourselves for the new cycle. Besides, no mind could endure it for so long, so it was vital to cleanse our souls of such burden.


- Wait. - I was suddenly struck by realization. - Are you saying that there are a huge number of souls inside me?!


- To be more precise, inside you there is a real kingdom, in which live about five thousand knights of the night, three commanders-in-chief and about twenty vassals, whose lands are waiting for their new inhabitants.


- Stop-stop-stop-stop. Wait. Are you saying that inside me there is a whole country of which I am the ruler? That is, I will soon have to delve into the management of this strange one?! - I exclaimed. Being called a princess is certainly cool, but I am somehow not ready for such responsibility!


- Don't worry, your highness, at the moment, nothing is required of you, the loyalty of your vassals is absolute, and they will conscientiously perform any work necessary to maintain the well-being of the kingdom, but until living subjects appear, it will not matter, because both knights and your other subjects at the moment are more reminiscent of heroic spirits from the Nasuverse universe known to you, and your kingdom for them is the throne of heroes to which they return. True, all your subjects would be glad to receive some other leisure besides constant training with each other. - Oz explained, clearly amused by my reaction.


- I-I understand, I will select the next world with suitable conditions. - I was stunned by the information I received and, ignoring how Oz disappeared in a purple flash, I ate literally on autopilot.


I honestly don't even remember how, but I found myself on the couch in Lisa's library and my thoughts only started moving when I heard Lisa and Jeanne's worried voices.


-... since she arrived she hasn't reacted to anything at all, Genie, try examining her, this isn't normal. - Lisa said worriedly.


- I-I can only heal physical wounds, that's right, I'll send someone for Barbara right now, I'm sure she can help. - said Jeanne, clearly determined to carry out what she said.


"Wait, I'm fine," I quickly said when I realized what was happening.


- Amy? You're awake. - Lisa said with relief, placing her palm on her chest.


- What happened to you? Did someone attack you again and send you to some horrible world? - asked the still worried Genie.


- N-no. It's just that at night I became the princess of Nirvana Night. - I answered shyly. To be honest, I didn't expect that becoming a ruler would shock me so much.


"You were already hers, weren't you?" Jean asked with a clear expression of incomprehension on her face.


- At night I received the recognition of the Nirvana of the Night and now in my soul there is a whole country, the ruler of which I am, Oz explained all this to me just recently, I did not expect that it would affect me so much that I would not even notice how I came here. - I explained in more detail.


- You didn't come, you just suddenly appeared right on the couch, where you were sitting yesterday. Poor Noel almost had a stroke. - Lisa said, giggling at the end.


- Oh, I'll have to apologize to her. - I felt a little guilty in front of this sweet maid who aspires to become a knight.


- Sorry, but I still don't understand what exactly shocked you so much about becoming a ruler. - Jeanne still doesn't understand my problem.


- I have an immortal army of five thousand knights inside me and huge territories waiting to be populated, I was not ready to suddenly become the ruler of an entire country! - I exclaimed.


"I think I figured out what the problem is. Amy, are you afraid that you'll be a bad princess?" Lisa asked.


"Yes," I answered, upset.


- You know, this alone makes you better than many rulers who don't care about their subjects.


- I agree, because it means that you will try to become better and you can always consult with us. - Jeanne supported her friend, and then they sat down opposite me.


- First, tell me what is required of you at this stage, - asked the deputy master of the Ordo Favonius seriously.


- Well, as Oz said, at the moment, nothing urgent is needed, only the knights would like something to diversify their leisure time, and so everyone is in a state of waiting for the inhabitants who will populate the country.


- So, nothing is required of you now? - Lisa was surprised. - Why were you so worried then?


- Well, I didn't have time to think about it all, and I probably wound myself up too much because of the thought of what a responsibility it was, - I answered, even more embarrassed.


- Don't worry, even though I'm the deputy master and not the ruler of Mondstadt, I'll teach you everything I know about governance.


- Genie, I'm afraid she shouldn't learn everything from you, - Lisa said, giggling.


- Why? - Jean frowned.


- Because if she does everything like you, she will be stuck at work forever, personally solving all the minor problems.


"But I…" Jean wanted to object, but with a heavy sigh she reluctantly agreed. "You're right."


- However, my offer still stands, I will teach you what I can. - the girl said, looking at me.


- Thank you very much, I will be glad to help. - With a smile on my face, I accepted Jeanne's offer, and now, when I thought over the whole situation, I realized that at the moment there is nothing to worry about, and I have loyal vassals, to whom I can safely delegate many duties.