Chapter 54
This time, my transition to a new world, happened somehow ordinary? I just appeared in front of the school gates with a backpack and a case, inside of which was my katana, although I think it is worth calling it more correctly, namely, nodachi. This katana is 131 centimeters long, of which 38 are occupied by the handle. Simply put, it is the same two-handed sword, only a katana.
It's funny that when I entered the school grounds no one asked me to show what exactly I had in my case. I can only assume that they thought it was a bokken, which would obviously be smaller in size, but that's not the point, it's only to my advantage, because despite the piece of paper with permission to carry a bladed weapon, I still wouldn't have been allowed to carry that weapon to school.
Approaching the school building itself, I noticed how many students began to whisper, looking in one direction. Looking there, I noticed a rather strange procession.
The local main character of the harem, Takashi Komuro, with a look that was unusual from what I remember from anime, scared everyone who looked askance at his ex-girlfriend, Rei Miyamoto. His face was absolutely impassive, and his gaze seemed to pierce to the bone. For poor teenagers, this was too creepy. And next to him walked the already mentioned girl, as well as a combat-minded woman, who, if I'm not mistaken, is Rei's mother.
So they confidently moved towards the main building and clearly planned to continue moving like this until the guy looked at me. His emotionless mask cracked and shock flashed across his face for a few moments, although he was able to quickly come to his senses and put the mask back on.
- How interesting. - I muttered with a smile, quite reasonably assuming the presence of a time traveler in the place of the main character of this world, I hope he is a normal guy, and not another pervert who is trying to assemble a harem no worse than the one King Solomon had.
As soon as the group entered the room, I was able to find out the reason for the whispering. As it turned out, Rei was a year ahead of Takashi, but because of a certain Shido-sensei, she had to repeat a year.
"Now it's clear why she wanted to leave him to die in canon and not say in vain," I thought, smiling and entered the school building, where, after asking a couple of guys, I found out how to get to the school administration.
Approaching the right door, I suddenly encountered a problem. A damn queue, as well as a conversation in raised voices behind the door. Although who am I kidding, there was the most ordinary scandal, only somehow Ray's mother came to her senses with the showdown a little late. This should have been done immediately, when the teacher intentionally failed his subject.
In general, I had to wait for quite a long time and judging by the calls, I arrived at my temporary class at the end of the third lesson! Damn, how I sometimes envy all sorts of cultivators. Have to wait? Cultivate! And the time will not be wasted and the wait will not be so painful.
Standing near the right office, I finally waited for the moment when the teacher called me to introduce myself.
- Gojo-san, introduce yourself to the class, - a rather young teacher with glasses said to me. And yes, I really decided to use the surname Gojo, since the first and last name of Princess Fischl are still too unusual for Japan.
- My name is Emi Gojo. Let's get acquainted. - Having written my name on the board, I introduced myself, making a welcoming bow.
- Excellent, your place is next to Takagi-san. - The teacher said, and although they didn't tell me directly, but since the only free place was with the pink-haired girl, even without knowing the canon, it wasn't hard to guess where I should go.
"The system worked perfectly, despite the fact that everyone here is older than me, I very luckily ended up in the same class with the main character and most of those who were in that small group of survivors and following them, I will be able, without showing my abilities, to get to the settlement of survivors, where I will already form my opinion about those around me." - I thought with a satisfied smile on my face.
As if it was specifically waiting for the moment when I would take my seat, the loudspeaker started working.
- Attention students and teachers! There is an emergency situation on school grounds! All students are to remain in their seats and follow the instructions of their teachers! - a male voice began to quickly broadcast, however, when he was about to repeat the message, a loud bang was heard, followed by loud screams full of pain and fear.
Having heard such an ending to the message, there could be no talk of "staying in place"; almost all the students rushed out of the classroom, managing to knock down the door in passing.
I was watching Takashi closely the whole time. Judging by his initial reaction, he clearly didn't expect something like this, so I can assume that he either doesn't know the canon or didn't expect it to happen today. However, he quickly pulled himself together and, together with his "friend" who stole his girl, didn't let that same girl give in to the herd instinct and run out of their office with the crowd.
There were only seven people left in the room. The trio of "friends with complicated relationships," teacher Hayashi Kyoko, my deskmate Takagi Saya, and a moderately plump guy with glasses, Hirano Kota.
-Hayashi-sensei, - either the time traveler or simply the more serious Takashi addressed the teacher, who looked at him with a lost look. - What are your instructions?
- Huh? - the woman looked absentmindedly at the teenagers in front of her and finally came up with a brilliant plan. - We need to leave the school building and call the police.
It was clear from the faces of Takashi and Saya that they really wanted to curse the confused teacher, if not with swear words, then at least with a couple of affectionate ones, but the guy held back and, having managed to shut up one of the loudest girls of this fandom with just one look, began to dial some number on the phone.
The phone, turned on speakerphone, reported that the connection was overloaded, and in the corridors, meanwhile, especially loud screams of students began to be heard, which died down quite quickly. And the classroom in which we were located sank into almost complete silence, which was very quickly broken by Saya's shrill exclamation.
- Even without help, we still need to get out of here!
- True, as well as true that there is someone or something dangerous on school grounds, so could you speak a little more quietly, so as not to attract unnecessary attention to us. - said the guy, to which the girl was clearly about to be indignant, but still managed to hold back and demonstratively pouted, and the guy meanwhile continued. - I suggest visiting the labor class.
- W-why? - the teacher asked, breathing heavily. I hope she doesn't have a panic attack with such success.
- Some tools can be used as weapons for self-defense, - the woman was answered, oddly enough, not by Takashi, but by his "friend" Hisashi Igo.
At that moment, the sound of a blade being pulled out of its sheath was heard throughout the room, to which everyone around immediately reacted. Turning in the direction of the sound, they saw a picture of a schoolgirl with heterochromia, who had a fairly long black sheath horizontally located behind her in the waist area, and a nodachi with a blood-red blade in her right hand.
- I'll show you around.