58. News

Chapter 58


- Let's make another barricade? - Hisashi suggested.


- Why? Not only will it not help, but, frankly speaking, it will be easier if I just kill the zombies that come up. - I answered indifferently and put the katana, on which there was not a drop of blood left, into the sheath.


- Although I agree that there is no point in a barricade, because in half an hour we would have to dismantle it again, however, although I have no doubt that you can cope with a couple dozen of them, but what if there are hundreds of them? They will crush you with numbers. - Takashi spoke out in response to my statement.


"Believe me, you can't overwhelm me with numbers," I answered with a mysterious smile.


"That's all well and good, but why only half an hour? Don't we need a rest?" Takagi asked.


- Are you so tired that you need more time? - the guy asked slightly surprised, looking around our entire group. Judging by the fact that everyone else expressed their consent, I decided that since the break would be long, I could devote some time to reading and took out the book I had borrowed from Lisa's library about Taivat magic, listening out of the corner of my ear to what the others were saying.


- Five dead people attacked us at once in the medical center, it's good that Busujima-senpai got there in time. Then we had to go through a real crowd on the first floor. - Ishiya said as if making excuses.


- Did you come here from the first floor? Why? - asked Takashi, sitting down right on the table not far from me.


"I have my car keys in my purse," Marikawa said happily. "And you?"


- News and a telephone line, - the guy answered her.


- Oh, right! News! - Rey jumped up and rushed to look for the remote. And unlike the others, I didn't recognize anything unusual for myself.


"Due to the huge number of incidents across the country, the government is forced to deploy reserve police forces. The national defense forces are no longer able to cope with the increasing number of victims. The number of victims in the city has already exceeded a thousand people. The mayor of the city is preparing an appeal to the victims.


"We've just received some fresh details! The police still can't determine the cause of what's happening... What?! How can this... AAAAA!"


Looking somewhere to the side, the correspondent suddenly screamed and started to run away, and, apparently, the operator threw down his equipment and did the same, and the image changed to a news studio.


"We are experiencing technical difficulties. We... We will continue to report from the studio.


Police are urging citizens to stay at home. It is also necessary to close windows and other possible entry points for strangers. Evacuation to shelters will begin soon."


- What does this mean? - Hisashi exclaimed.


"They don't want to sow panic," Takagi shrugged.


"Nobody needs chaos," Takashi began to explain.


While the others were discussing what a mess their world was in and how it happened that all the countries became filled with zombies overnight, I was becoming increasingly disappointed in the book I had taken. Most of the content was basically advice for those who had recently awakened their god's eye, as well as what types of magic there are and who uses them, and almost all of them were in the hands of Adepts, exorcists and youkai. The only useful thing I could find was a seal of silence that creates an area against wiretapping, and a way to create marks that Lisa put on all the books. Basically useless.


With a heavy sigh, I put the book away in my inventory as if hiding it in the inside pocket of my jacket.


-... you should be wary of ordinary people. Many would not refuse to scoop up some gold sand in muddy water and engage in looting. - I paid attention to Takashi's warning and felt a little embarrassed, awkwardly scratching my cheek. After all, in fact, I came to this world specifically for the sake of looting.


"It looks like a virus," Takagi expressed her thought while I was lost in my thoughts about how my plans somehow didn't really count next to the words about the most noble soul.


"Like the Spanish flu or bird flu," Saya finished her thought.


- It doesn't look much like a virus. If infection after a bite can still be attributed here, then what about those who simply died and got up after a while? - asked Takashi and went to the window and continued. - You don't want to say that we are all infected, but the virus for some reason waits for us to die? What difference does it make to the virus whether your heart beats or not, because development occurs soon after death, but before necrosis or even rigor mortis of the tissues. But when they get up, they literally change in a few seconds, as if the body had been lying in the heat for several days, such a sharp death of cells is not natural.


- And what is it in your opinion? - frowned Saya, clearly ready for a debate.


- For example, I believe in gods and demons, and also in magic, and you? - I choked on such a statement.


- No! - Saya answered categorically.


- But you do know how to speak rashly, talking openly about Takashi's magic like that. - I said a little tensely, before quickly covering my mouth, realizing that I had just been caught.


- Do you also believe in this nonsense? - the Polish man's daughter looked at me strangely.


- No, of course not, who would even believe such nonsense? Hahaha. - I quickly answered, laughing awkwardly at the end to the sound of a juicy facepalm from Takashi.


- Marikawa-sensei, I won't be wrong if I assume that we won't all fit in your car, will I? - the guy spoke to the nurse, clearly trying to divert attention from my words.

- Well... yeah, we won't fit. - The nurse's sweet face took on a look of resentment at the injustice of the universe.


"What about the school bus?" the boy asked.


- The key should be in the security closet, - the math teacher answered him. - There are only keys to the offices, all the utility ones, and the security guards have the technical keys.


- But I can hardly drive a bus. It's a... bus, not a car. - the nurse shook her head.


- It's okay, if anything happens, I'll drive. - the guy decided to share his skills, drawing surprised glances to himself. - Something wrong?


"You don't have a license," said Rey.


- So what? Of course, I prefer light transport, but I can drive almost all ground vehicles and even light air ones.


- You can find out anything, just like that in an emergency situation. - Hisashi smiled nervously.


- I hope you've had enough rest? It's time for us to go. - Takashi asked and, having received confirmation, continued. - In that case, we need to think about the formation we'll be going in.


"That's not necessary," I stood up from the table and hung the scabbard on my waist, drawing my katana. "Just follow me and I'll clear the way."


- Are you sure? - the guy asked doubtfully.


- Yes, yes, I'll just take the task more seriously this time, if you want we can even run and I promise not a single zombie will get to you. Does everyone agree? - Having looked at everyone, I continued without waiting for someone to speak out against. - That's great, and now we need to think of a route, I don't know what is located where in your school.