56. A bit of hysteria.

Chapter 56

"Do you still need time for the examination?" I asked Takashi, who was holding onto the back of the chair.


-… No, without a normal lab it's pointless. - after a few seconds of silence, the guy answered, looking at the zombie who, without legs and arms, was still trying to crawl towards the frightened Takagi.


- Just kill him already! - the girl screamed.


- No need to shout. When I quietly examined this creature, it did not react and probably moved towards you by the sound. - Takashi warned, and in the meantime I with interest stuck the nodachi into where the heart of an ordinary person is.


- Hmm... He didn't die from being pierced in the heart. What if that's the case? - Deciding to test another theory, I pierced the zombie's head this time and, tellingly, the creature immediately went quiet. - I see, so you need to hit him in the head.


"You say that like you think he's not the only one," Ray said nervously.


- Not one. - the teacher's frightened voice reached us. She was sitting by the window in the corridor and pointing to the street with a shaking hand. - Not one, there are hundreds of them here.


Where she pointed, we saw a multitude of people wandering around the inner school courtyard, with the recognizable jerky movements and limping gait.


- It sucks, but it doesn't affect our plans much, - Takashi expressed his opinion.


"That's all you can say?!" Ray yelled at her ex.


- Are you suggesting that I throw a tantrum? Or maybe you think that the idea of getting at least some kind of weapon is a bad one? - Takashi sighed heavily and turned to the girl.


- Why did you become like this? You've been acting weird all day! - Rey raised her voice.


- Please leave the showdown for later. We have enough to do now without it. - Seeing that no one around was going to interfere with the attempt to make a scandal, I decided to do it myself, at the same time lightly applying the aura that I had developed during my training with Gojo.


From such an impact, the girl's entire mood was blown away by the wind, and she began to tremble slightly.


"Please don't do that again," Takashi asked sullenly, clearly sensing what I had done, and then turned back to the girl, clearly intending to explain himself in order to calm her down.


"As you say," I answered indifferently.


- Ray, it's not hard to suppress your emotions, I did it this morning as a joke, now it's a necessity. I'm just as scared as you are... - I grinned at these words. After Satoru Gojo, being scared of ordinary zombies isn't even funny, and Takashi continued. - It's normal, everyone is scared. But if we give in to fear, it won't get any easier, the problems won't go away.


While delivering his monologue, Takashi began to show emotion. But although he talks about the ease of muting emotions, it seems to me that everything is far from that simple.


- At the moment, we don't know what happened, whether help will come or not, whether something like this happened only to us or on a much larger scale? The idea of acquiring self-defense means is not without meaning in any case. Having achieved this intermediate goal, we will be able to think about our next steps based on the situation at that moment. - As soon as the guy finished speaking, Rei began to sniffle and wipe away tears. Her boyfriend Hisashi had already rushed to her side to calm her down, but the teacher was faster. But only after a short failed attempt to calm her down, the girls began to cry in two voices.


Seeing how it all ended, I sighed and stood by the window, just looking out the window, waiting for the hysteria to subside. And if Takagi snorted loudly and looked at the crying girls with a contemptuous glance and followed my example, then Kota hesitantly shifted from foot to foot, looking from the crying girls to the others and back, clearly not understanding what to do. Hisashi, as expected, went to calm his girlfriend down, but the teacher, as the last one, went to the MC of this world.


Takashi sighed heavily, avoiding any too close subtext, carefully took her by the elbow, took her aside and gave her a handkerchief and, without trying to say anything, thoughtfully watched as she wiped away her tears.


When everyone finally calmed down, we continued our way to the labor class, though after going halfway up the stairs we came across another undead, this time a former schoolboy. I was about to go ahead and behead the zombie, but Takagi stopped me. She wanted to check what the dead could react to and what they couldn't.


- Okay, stay here. - I agreed and without listening to the girl's plan, without making a sound, I approached the zombie closely. Since he did not react, even when I was right in front of him, he is clearly not able to see or smell. Then I, a little cunningly, silently cut off the zombie's arm using Anemo and he reacted, oddly enough, not to the loss of the limb, but to the sound it made. I started walking in that direction until I ran into a wall.


- I think this information is enough. - I said loudly, decapitating the zombie with one movement. At the same moment, corpses began to come to life next to me, clearly not bitten, but simply trampled to death students.


To be honest, this scenario surprised me. So, does it mean that the virus is spread not only through bites?


- Damn, I'll have to refuse the knights' help after all. - I involuntarily voiced my disappointment out loud, because by calling the knights, I could accidentally drag this infection into my world, and therefore, until I receive the purification for the quest, I'll have to do everything myself.


The zombies who reacted to my words immediately rushed towards me, but their speed, to put it mildly, is not great, especially for me, so with one swing of the sword three more headless bodies fell in front of me. And my companions quickly hurried to run into the classroom, and I, deciding not to wait until new zombies began to revive, followed them.


As soon as I entered the room, the door was immediately closed behind me and they immediately began to set up barricades, rattling furniture, dragging tables to the door, while Takagi Saya collected all the tools she found on the teacher's desk.


- It seems they shouldn't be able to break through. - Hisashi said tiredly, but as if in mockery, blows began to be heard from the other side, and the door slowly but inexorably opened.


"We should have nailed the door shut," Takagi shouted.


- And they would most likely just break it, - Takashi answered the girl and began to examine the collected tools. - Not much.


- Why are you standing there like an idiot?! Which one of us is a man?! - Saya squealed, looking sideways at the door. - You asked for self-defense? Well, here you go!


- The things are undoubtedly useful, but as a weapon it's not even funny. It's not that easy to break through a head. To be honest, I was hoping to find a nail gun here, some kind of a ranged weapon, - Takashi answered her.


- Have you been watching too many American action movies?! All powder, pneumatic, construction and nail guns are registered in Japan as "civilian weapons". Not every construction company can issue documents for such a device, there is no point in a school trying to issue such a document. And almost all models of nail guns have a safety catch that will not allow you to pull the trigger if the barrel is not pressed against a hard surface with sufficient force. - the girl burst out at the lecture.


"It's amazing that you know something like that," the guy said gratefully.


- Don't hold back! It's just that I'm a genius and I know everything! - Saya answered, raising her tone.


- You know, if you were a genius, you would have warned the others not to make noise when entering the classroom. After all, there were no zombies in the hallway at that moment. - I said, standing behind the girl. Which made her flinch in fear and didn't even object. Did I really scare her that much?