Chapter 80
I left the bath with rather mixed feelings. On the one hand, it was nice and a little embarrassing to get hugs from a naked sexy girl, and on the other, I was treated like a cute little girl. Yes, I understand that I am 4 years younger than her and now I really look more cute than sexy, especially with an eye patch that creates the impression of a chuunibyou, but all this somehow hits my pride, which had already risen from the power I received.
I couldn't decide what to do. On the one hand, I sincerely wanted to give in to the mood and be offended by such an attitude, but it was somehow childish. And on the other hand, I should, as befits an adult, treat what happened with complete calm and pretend that nothing happened. After all, what distinguishes a child from an adult? As for me, it is the ability to control your impulses, which, if you think about it, I haven't been very good at lately. The influence of permissiveness? I think so. In my home world, Lisa and Djinn, although they care about me, but they influence my decisions at most with advice. In the world of magical combat, although I trained most of the time, but in fact, simply due to the quickly acquired strength, I could do whatever I wanted. The same thing in this world, I would even say especially in this world. In this world, the only one who can pose a threat to me is Takashi and only in the case of a trap aimed exclusively at me. And if I had been even a little less kind, he would have died from a "accidental" bullet to the head.
In general, filling my head with all sorts of philosophical nonsense, I, together with Saeko, who was following me, went into the kitchen, where, surprisingly, the entire crowd of survivors fit.
- Milady, during your absence I have, as much as possible in such a short time, conveyed to the others the current situation and tried to help with the acceptance of the existence of the supernatural side. - the raven reported, landing on my shoulder.
- Thank you, Oz. - I thanked, looking around at those around me. Each of them reacted differently to the information they received.
Some, like Kota, were inspired by the opportunity to learn magic, some were in the stage of depression, and some, like Takagi Saya, seemed to have managed to go through all five stages of accepting a broken picture of the world.
"Has it been decided when we will move on to our next destination?" I asked.
"We were just getting to that point," Takashi answered me, and then put forward his proposal.
- I propose that we set out for Takagi's mansion tomorrow, and that today we spend a little time in a small group to obtain a transport large enough to accommodate all of us.
- Why such a hurry? If I understood correctly, the Takagi family has its own mini army, which means zombies are not so scary for them. We could rest here a little longer. - Rei hastened to disagree.
- I agree, especially since if Gojo-san is really ready to share all this magic with us, then before we go any further it would be better for us all to at least slightly increase our combat capabilities. - Hisashi supported his girlfriend.
- There's no point in delaying the expedition, - the time traveler shook his head. - There's a pretty good chance that the city will be hit with nuclear weapons.
"Do you really think this is possible?" the politician's daughter asked incredulously.
- Tokyo is the most densely populated city in the world, which means it also has the largest concentration of zombies in the world, which means the chances that they will decide to radically reduce the number of these creatures are extremely high. - the guy explained his thoughts.
"And how does this relate to Takagi?" Hana asked.
- I want to check with him about the possibility of sailing out of the country.
"And you think that the head of Tokyo's most famous ultra-nationalist party will support our flight from the country?" the woman asked her son softly.
- Takagi is a tough, maybe even cruel man, but he is definitely not a fool. In less than a day the city was deserted, more than half of the inhabitants turned into carnivorous monsters that gather in ever larger groups and go out at night to hunt, reducing the number of living. As for the radiation hazard, even if they don't drop a nuclear bomb on us, Japan still ranks third in the world and first in Asia in nuclear energy, there are more than fifty nuclear reactors on the country's territory, and if at least two of them were to fail, all of Tokyo and its suburbs would be covered. We simply have no choice but to sail away from the country.
"Where will it be safe then?" Kyoko asked tensely.
- Only on remote islands. I've already thought about it and the problem is not even a lack of space or resources, this can be solved, the problem is in genetics. An isolated society is doomed to slow extinction. Without genetic diversity, children will gradually show more and more congenital diseases and deformities. - Takashi answered.
- I don't understand, you recently told us about the existence of magic and how omnipotent it is, and now you want to say that it is not capable of helping to solve such a problem? - Saya asked skeptically.
- Actually, it might, but do you really think that people will just accept the existence of magic, and not try to blame us for everything that happens and then try to get rid of it?
- If you imagine this as help from higher powers in difficult times, then there will be no problems, especially since it won't even be a lie. - Oz suddenly spoke up.
- Oz. What are you getting at? - I looked suspiciously at the raven that jumped off my shoulder and flew onto the table, turning towards me.
- Princess, you have already come to this world with the purpose of helping a group of survivors. Would it be bad if you appeared before them not in your usual form, but in the form of the ruler of the Nirvana of the night, in the form of the one who gave the spark of life to this world? - the raven solemnly proclaimed.
I was clearly not ready for such a proposal and, frankly, I did not particularly want to agree. However, seeing the doubt in the eyes surrounding him, and also feeling Oz's sincere faith, something inside me resisted showing weakness at such a moment.
- Oz. My faithful friend, do you want the glory of the princess to shine upon this mortal world? - I asked solemnly, ignoring the looks of those around me.
- Yes, Your Majesty, - the raven bowed.
"So be it," I proclaimed, summoning the princess of condemnation outfit to the welcoming peals of thunder.