84. Bank Robbery.

Chapter 84


3 days later

New York, Federal Reserve Bank.


The last few days, the guards of the largest gold reserve in the world were quite relaxed. Although the news was talking about a zombie apocalypse all over the world, but people who saw that in their hometown there was no trace of what was said in the news, already seriously began to think that it was just a joke. However, there were also those who found this extremely suspicious, especially considering the high-ranking officials of other countries who had found refuge in their country. And now, the security group, seeing a girl in fantasy armor and glowing hair, mistook her for a cosplayer and were about to lazily drive her away.


- This is a closed area. Go away. - One of the soldiers stepped forward, standing in front of the girl, noting that she was really beautiful and it would be nice to know her number.


Unfortunately for the guards, it was not a cosplayer in front of them, and their guest was not in a happy mood. In an instant, the calm atmosphere changed to tense. The ordinary soldiers were not prepared for the pressure that suddenly fell upon them from a special level shaman. The soldier who came close was the first to lose consciousness, then, as the girl approached, the rest of the soldiers, frozen in fear, began to lose consciousness.


- Go fuck yourself! - suddenly yelled the soldier standing right next to the doors, miraculously managing to break out of his stupor when the anger from the sight of his partners losing consciousness overcame his fear. Pointing the weapon directly at the intruder, he opened fire. Trying to give himself courage with a battle cry, he began to shoot randomly at the slowly approaching target. He fired clip after clip at the unknown, until it finally came right up to him.


The soldier, who managed to endure something that not even every shaman could do, finally lost hope when he saw that all the bullets he fired, like in the Matrix, simply stopped a few centimeters from the girl.


Taking one of the cartridges that were stopped by infinity in my hand and examining it, I let the shells fall to the ground and turned my gaze to the guard. - You are a brave warrior. Know that you have something to be proud of, it's a pity, though, that your country is so rotten that it decided to destroy the world.

- What the hell are you talking about? - growled the man, who was a true patriot of his country.


- You've heard about it before, haven't you? - the girl said with a condescending smile, but seeing the confusion in her interlocutor's eyes, she added, - Zombies. Do you think it's a coincidence that the rest of the world instantly fell under the onslaught of zombies, while in your country, not counting the more distant states, there is not a hint of zombies?


"America has gone farther than Nazi Germany ever could." The pressure from the girl increased sharply under the influence of anger, from which the man felt himself suffocating, but in the next moment the pressure almost disappeared.


"Don't worry. I'm not so cruel as to exterminate the American population for the sins of their leaders," she said, patting the man's head as if he were a small child.


- However, the guilty will not go unpunished. Now go to sleep.






With a grim face, I watched the man fall asleep after just one word. There was such anger boiling inside me that even without an unlimited supply of energy from infinity, I would have been overwhelmed by the damn energy. I traveled for 3 days. It took me 1 day to find America, and the other 2 days I spent trying to find out what was going on here and I was angry. New York, DC and a couple of other states looked like there was no zombie apocalypse. But in other states, the picture was probably even worse than what I saw in Tokyo. In those 2 days, I only saw 3 groups of survivors. I helped them a little by taking them to a nearby farm, sharing provisions and stopping by stores to collect various seeds so that they could try to survive through farming. I even used the rune circle I learned from Takashi to imbue them with the Geo element.


Why was I mad? Because everything points to the zombie apocalypse being planned for the future, and the accident just sped it up and prevented the rest of the US from being prepared for it. I bet these bastards wanted to solve the overpopulation problem first, and then quietly take over the territories. After all, the zombies won't be able to stop them.


"I'll have to push Takashi and find out where they keep their tactical weapons and combat equipment. I may not want to commit genocide, but I can definitely take away their weapons."


After looking at the sleeping soldier for a while, I moved on. My leisurely pace could not be stopped by either steel bars or multi-ton concrete walls. All obstacles gave in under the pressure of the infinity barrier, and numerous guards lost consciousness from just one aura, the few who managed to stay conscious and even try to fight back, fell asleep after just one word.


At first, when I summoned my new outfit, I thought there was something strange about my voice, but now that my eye is not covered by the sealing bandage, I realized what was going on. Previously, I had to put in a lot of effort to use infinity and the Inumaki technique at the same time, but now it was as if some invisible barrier had disappeared. I don't even need to manifest snake eyes and fangs to use the cursed speech. Although I'm not entirely sure how the princess outfit does it, I definitely don't mind the buffs, I think I can even somehow find time later to subjugate all 10 shadows from the Megumi technique.


After 5 minutes of leisurely walking, I finally reached the storage facility, which, according to official information, holds 25% of the world's gold reserves. Do you remember the information that in 2012, this storage facility held about 6 thousand tons of gold? I have a clear feeling that America has screwed everyone.


The storage was literally filled with 13 kilogram trapezoid-shaped ingots, and remembering that almost two and a half thousand tons would fit into a 5 by 5 meter cube... Even by the most rough calculation, there would be at least a dozen such cubes.


After admiring these mountains of gold for a while and roughly assessing the upcoming work front, I decided to get down to business. To send them to the inventory, one touch was enough for me, though at a leisurely pace, removing about 5-6 bars per minute, I suddenly realized that this would take me about two days, and this categorically did not suit me, because I still had plans for visiting Fort Knox today.


I had two ideas to solve this problem. The first was to summon my knights so that they could quickly collect all the gold in a crowd, but this would deprive me of the excuse of not visiting my world due to the risk of carrying the virus with me, so I almost immediately discarded this option, and the second was to simply speed up with Electro and start collecting hundreds of ingots per second.


While I was calmly collecting the ingots and deciding what to do, I could hear a whole crowd of people running into the room behind me and lining up in a semicircle, aiming at me.


- It is very brave of you to come here, however, it would be better if you surrender and remain unharmed. - a powerful male voice rang out in the room. - Miss…


I didn't hear what he wanted to say next, because the next moment I literally dissolved into a flash of purple lightning, running from side to side, collecting a whole row of gold bars in one pass.


- Holy shit, is she Flash? - one of the special forces exclaimed.


- I don't care who she is! FIRE! - the man who had spoken earlier yelled and the room was filled with the roar of gunshots.


- Don't stop! We can't let her leave this room alive! - the man yelled and the roar of gunfire continued. The soldiers spent clip after clip, and the purple spot did not stop at high speed, absorbing more and more gold.


"Damn it, if we don't stop her, I'll be hanged for losing so much gold," the captain thought, breaking out in a cold sweat, and then, gritting his teeth, gave a new order. "Use the grenades!"


- But, sir, gold...


- I said use grenades, Sergeant!


- Yes, sir! - the sergeant saluted and was the first to pull the pin from the grenade. To tell the truth, no one expected that this would have any effect on the incomprehensible anomaly, but as soon as the first grenade flew towards the gold, the purple trail suddenly stopped.


- Well, what kind of people are you? I already have several hours of work to do here, and now you're in the way. - I complained, catching a grenade with my hand.




- What the hell. - one of the soldiers said, watching as instead of the explosion tearing me to pieces, I held a small fireball in my palm with the help of infinity and a moment later released an explosion away from the gold.


- They're throwing their toys around here, - I said dismissively. - Do you need an excuse for why you couldn't stop me?


After waiting for the captain's almost imperceptible nod, I said only one word: "Fall asleep."


Like puppets with their strings cut, everyone present fell to the ground, fast asleep.


"The obstacle has been eliminated, we can continue," I said before starting to collect gold again.