88. Evil Jean?

Chapter 88


When we met Lisa, her reaction surprised me a little. She looked like she had expected such changes in advance, you could even say that, apart from the welcoming hugs when we met and Saeko's presence, we had the most ordinary tea party. They listened with interest to our story about what happened in another world. It was even interesting to some extent to find out how my attempts to look like a powerful lightning goddess looked to outsiders. Sometimes, if you believe Saeko, it looked like a game of a cosplayer who had gotten used to her role, and when I looked serious and showed my power, it chilled me to the bone.


- I was especially impressed when she fought alone with only one elementless sword against a huge crowd of zombies. It was as if she was dancing in the bloody rain, and even at the end, when she stood in the middle of a sea of corpses, not a single drop of blood touched her. - She said it in such a way that I even felt embarrassed, under the strange looks of Lisa and Jeanne.


- Well, they were just zombies, and I was training with a sword. - I tried to justify myself for some unknown reason.


"Maybe so, but it was beautiful," Saeko said confidently.


- I have no doubt, my dear. Amy has grown into a very beautiful girl, she is already taller than me, and she might even surpass me in something else. - Lisa said suggestively, putting her hand under her breast, which was only slightly short of a size 5.


- I won't overtake you, - I grinned. - My current appearance will stay with me until the very end, unless I want to change it myself through magical means.


"So that's why you asked…" Saeko muttered quietly, apparently only now realizing the reason for my question about immortality, and although I'm sure that everyone present heard it, no one showed it.


- Eternal youth is something that many girls dream of, but few have access to it, - Lisa said with a slight smile.


- Well, I wouldn't say so, - I disagreed. - Adepts, archons, the damned. They, oddly enough, retain their youth, and if we take Señora as an example, then ordinary people with due persistence can achieve the same, the main thing is to know where to look.


- Maybe so, but it still has its price. Adepts and Archons gradually lose their memory, and eventually go mad. The damned are damned for a reason, because most of them suffer throughout their entire lives.


- There is such a thing, but immortality can be achieved using methods from other worlds. For example, I know a couple of worlds where there is special water that simply gives immortality, and there are also those where, along with ordinary immortality, such regeneration is given that you can recover even from a drop of blood, without any downsides.


- Hah, leave these arguments about the price of power already, - Jeanne intervened with a tired sigh.


- Speaking of strength, - I almost jumped up. - I can give the knights an element, but you'll only have to choose reliable ones, like Ember, Eola, Noel and the like. And then you can improve your relationship with Li Yue and make an alliance with them about mutual assistance in exchange for the same.


- Wait Amy, firstly, I don't want to risk the knights, and secondly, only the master can decide something like that, - Jeanne said calmly.


- In fact, it is painful, but safe. And Saeko and more than a hundred people in another world are proof of that.


- That's the point, these are people from another world, we don't know how it will be with people in our world and whether this power is really worth the risks. - said Lisa.


- I will be able to personally protect each initiate from any consequences. - I said confidently, and then looking at the girl sitting next to me, I added. - As for strength, Saeko will still have to pass a test before joining the guild, I think this will be a sufficient example, considering that before the initiation, she was, although trained, still an ordinary schoolgirl.


- Not so ordinary. - the mentioned girl was a little offended, but did not argue about showing her capabilities.


- Okay, if it's really worth it, then I'll let you test it on yourself.


- Lisa! - Jeanne exclaimed incredulously. - You can't experiment on yourself.


- Jean, in Mondstadt, there is no one who understands magic better than me, and I will certainly be able to prepare for unforeseen consequences.


- Why don't you believe in me so much? I saved the life of a man who had everything below his stomach torn off and grew back everything that was missing. And here it's just an initiation ritual that was tested, including on me. - I was starting to get irritated.


- Yes, you're right. I think we really should believe in you more, - said Jean guiltily. - Just understand us too. Yesterday you were a 14-year-old girl, and today you're already a grown woman, it's confusing.


- I see, I didn't think about how it would affect you, I'm sorry. - I apologized. If they were strangers to me, I wouldn't care, but Djinn and Lisa are almost like family to me, I don't want to quarrel with them.


- You don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. - Lisa shook her head. - Let's talk about something else. For example, I recently heard that Barbara has a particularly zealous fan who constantly stalks her. He even hangs around the church, pretending that he just wants to clean up the leaves.


- What?! Why did I find out about this only now?! - Jean jumped up.


- Well, the sisters made a daily quest in the guild, according to which adventurers run him every day, so no one turned to the knights. - the witch answered with a shrug.


- So today his luck ran out. - I would never have thought that I would see Jin so angry, judging by the hand clenched on the hilt of the sword, she was clearly holding herself back from running after the stalker with a bare sword.


- Wait, Jean, I have an idea. - I stopped the girl who was about to leave.


- Which?


- Barbara, you are a pastor, so why not make it look like a punishment from Barbatos? - I suggested with an anticipatory smile on my face.


"And how do you want to do this?" Jean asked with interest, sitting back down.


- It's simple. I own Anemo, and my reserves are so huge that no one will doubt that this is the wrath of the god of winds. So we can throw him right out of town, where you will meet him and have a thorough talk.


- Will he survive something like this? - Saeko doubted.


- Don't worry, I won't let him die.


- ...Okay, that suits me. - Jeanne answered after thinking for a bit, and then looking at her friend she asked. - Lisa, are you with me?


- Of course, I don't want to miss such fun. – the witch smiled beautifully.