The Hand

Kunda: Mmh

(He moans as he opens his eyes)

Bishel: Oh you've come to.

(She says with a straight face)

Kunda: Where are we, Bish?

Bishel: Here? It's a cottage in this strange Village I got us in. You know when you passed out...

(She reminisces as she carries the passed out Kunda and puts him on her back)

Bishel: I carried all the way to this place.

Kunda: Eh, for real- WAIT I HOPE IT'S NOT A PIGGY BACK

Bishel: You bet on ya dead Mama it is!

Kunda: Goddamnit!

(He says while embarrassed, then he looks straight to her breasts)

Kunda: You looking quite lustre this morning.

(He says with a lustful expression)

Bishel: Why, thank you darling!

(She says while fiddling her breasts)

Kunda (WITHIN): She's so hot. I just wanna fuck her!

(He says while gazing at her thoroughly)

Bishel: Oh yeah. The Village Head gave us 24 hours to leave this place, otherwise...

Kunda: Eeeeeh! Why tho!

Bishel: Look at your right arm.

(He looks at his arm and see how disfigured and blackish it is. He then says emotionless)

Kunda: Oh. This is a problem.

Bishel: Swears. Does it hurt, btw?

Kunda: Nah. It's just horny. It wanna grope something.

Bishel: I see

(She showcases her breasts off her apparel)

Kunda: Mmh Bishel, what's POPPING?!

Bishel: This...

(She pushes him down with her left forefinger to the chest and gets on top of him)

Bishel: Guess what baby...

Kunda: What...

Bishel: I got no panties on.

(He becomes lustful again with a nasty grin)

Kunda: No wonder the warmth is fire

Bishel: Right...

(She kisses him deeply. He overturns her)

Kunda: Women are meant to be underneath men. (He says with the same nasty grin)

Bishel: Such mentality's gonna get you killed.

(He chuckles and takes off her apparel)

Kunda: GOOD LORD! You're endowed!

(He immediately takes off his and begins to lick her pussy. Bishel moans and grabs his head with her right hand)

Bishel: Keep going, right there, ahhhh

(He licks it more. She moans loudly. She comes)

Kunda: It's flooding...

(He grabs his dick and shoves it in deep. Bishel moans even louder. He begins shaving)

Bishel: Ahh, ahh, mmh, ohh, tsiii. You know for a virgin you know how to grind. Are you sure you were what you claimed?

Kunda: Mmh. Think what you want! NOW SHUT UP AND MOAN

(He chokes her with his right hand)

(Bishel moans little by little as she's being choked and shaved down. White substance begins to gush out her pussy)

Kunda: God this pussy's so good!

(Bishel struggles to talk, Kunda releases her)

(She says as saliva poured down the right side of her mouth with a grin as she's being grinded ferociously)

Bishel: Is the pussy so good you realized that God exists? Eh, Kunda!

(Kunda stares with a stern expression and turns her forcefully)

Kunda: Didn't I tell you to shut yer fucking trap you fucking whore?

(He puts her on her knees and shoves it in. She moans)

Bishel: You're no different from one since you're fucking one, you fucking Ape!

(He grinds as he grabs her tiny waist)

Bishel: Ahh, keep going baby. I might just fall in love.

Kunda (WITHIN): Damn how good can this pussy be?!

(He says while shaving with head held flying backwards and hair flying)

(She comes, he takes off his Dick. It flods)

Bishel: Ahhhh 🥹

Bishel (WITHIN): Ain't felt this way before. He's so good!

(She turns and pushes him down. Then begins to suck his good)

Kunda: Argh. Take it easy baby. The dick ain't running.

(She keeps sucking regardless. She stops, gets on top of him and rests her slightly hairy pussy on his slightly hairy dick. She begins to ride)

Bishel: Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh

Kunda: Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh

(They do this for a couple more minutes in different style; reverse cowgirl, side [left & right], while standing, on top of a table, on the floor and finally, missionary once more)

(Bishel begins to look at Kunda differently as he struggles to cum)

(Kunda cums)

Kunda: Ahhhh

[10 minutes]

(They stay inside a bathtub)

Kunda: Damn that shit was fire

Bishel: You're still saying that, you Monkey

Kunda: You can stop with the names now. I have eyes for you now.

Bishel: Hmm. You better pluck 'em off. I am your destruction.

Kunda: Then God truly exists

(He says with a smile)

(She expresses shock)

(She then smiles with eyes closed)

Bishel: You never stop to amaze me

(She opens her eyes and gets off the tub)

Kunda: You're so beautiful

(She expresses shock once more. Comes to and moves forward)

Bishel: You better get off that fucking tub and get going

Kunda: Yes my love

Bishel: Keep playing

(She walks into a room and closes it. She lays at the door)

Bishel (WITHIN): Why now, eh! And why him!

[30 minutes later]

(They are both strolling)

Bishel: We both would be further if we didn't stop for a quickie

Kunda: Didn't you enjoy it? (He says while resting his head on his folded arms)

Bishel: It's not a matter of enjoying-

Kunda: Yes or no, Bishel?

(Bishel becomes shy)

Bishel: Y-yea

Kunda: Good. And you're right. I'ma try control myself better.

Bishel: Yea right.

(They burst into laughter)

Kunda: Why were we out here again?

Bishel: Have you forgotten? We were on a mission.

Kunda: "Were"? Is it over already?

Bishel: YES NA! God, was the pussy so good you forgot your existence!

Kunda: I swear to God!

(A sharp pain strikes Kunda's head. He goes on his knees while holding his head and grunts in grace anguish)

Bishel: Kunda!

(She says as she goes down her knees too)

Bishel: What's wrong dear!

(He grunts more)

Bishel: Talk to me!

(She says in terror)

(Kunda begins to see memories of all that's happened recently and more, down to the very beginning)

Kunda: What is it?

Bishel: What is what, Kunda?! KUNDAAAAA