Feel It!

(Drew launches into the Ocean and swims hurriedly with blood all over his body and face.)

Goh: Don't let him escape!

(He shoots multiple beam, they follow suit. The beams hit the Water continuously with force.)

(He grits with a grunt while looking up slightly from the left side)

Drew (WITHIN): Shit!

(He engulfs the area in ice and escapes)

(Cross clenches his right hand with a grit)

(Stacy runs in high speed with her hands backward as a Woman flies behind her in a far distance.)

{Angel Cross, Kidnapper 3}

(Stacy swiftly faces Angel and sends 5 bullets with a Monday Hammer as the triggerer. Angel expresses shock on the swift approach of the bullets but she dodges to her left, the bullets hit the top and break through, leaving out dust.)

(The dust dies down showcasing the holes, they cover up. Angel lands and immediately sends a blast with her right fingers nails, cracking the atmosphere. Stacey swiftly dodges with a deep back bend. An explosion occurs behind her. She gets in place. Angel appears in front of her with right hand whilst engulfed in aura nearest to Stacy's face.)

(Stacy expresses shock on the sight of the fast, closing-in hand. She vanishes.)

Angel: Eh! (She says with shock. She gets hit a blast directly to the head from Stacy. She falls with the blast still blasting. And she lands on the ground, shattering it; with the blast still blasting.)

Angel (WITHIN): Shit! (She says with a grit whilst eyeing Stacy.)

Stacy: FEEL IT (She screams with wicked eyes)

(An explosion occurs. Stacy lands. The smoke dies down quickly showcasing no one)

Stacy: Huh?! (She takes a big atmosphere shattering right kick to the face. Blood comes out her nose and mouth as she gets sent flying backwards. Angel zaps.)

(Stacy backflips and lands facing down. She holds Angel's forceful right hand in place with her arms. They begin to combat ferociously with hands. The shit be sounding like berserk bullets on contact. The girls ain't playing, I SWEAR they ain't!)

(They forcefully bump right fists and engulfs the area in epic waves. While at it, they scream with passion. An explosion occurs sending them back flying.)

(Angel shoots 4 bullets with a real gun and a real triggerer on her right hand. Stacy replies with the same amount using her FAKE ass gun with her FAKE ass triggerer on her left hand.)

(They dodge respectively.)

(Stacy lets a mighty yell as she gives a big right to the atmosphere "BAM" shattering it, a blast gets sent to Angel. She counters with a big right as well "BAM" to the atmosphere, shattering it. Stacy dodges with a smooth side roll to the right and shoots.)

(Angel attempts a jump but her legs get held in place with hardened aura. She looks down. She then looks back up sharply with fear in her eyes. The 4 bullets strike her chest and stomach simultaneously.)

(Stacy releases her. She staggers and falls back first to the ground.)

(Stacy pants and smiles)

Stacy: It's over.

(A big hole appears in her chest)

Stacy(WITHIN): When?! (She says with shock in her eyes)

Angel: That...makes us...even! (She lays her head alongside her right hand and dies)

(Blood falls down Stacy's mouth. She goes on her knees and lands face first to the ground.)

Stacy (WITHIN): I'm sorry... Bonk-san!

(She dies)

(The dimension dies out.)

(Shiifer notices but shows no care. He continues being lovey dovey with Kinsia.)

(Bonk slides back and gets erect. He notices.)


Archnel: So you've noticed, huh?!

(He says with a grin)

Bonk: You really are sick! (He says with a disgusted look)

[Ogunza Nation, Allied Force With Afifia Kingdom]


(People be going about in the deepest of the night as if to say it were day. They engage in activities such as; Volleyball, Badminton, Buying and Selling of Drinks both Hot and Soft, Getting Drunk and falling on each other; both Men and Women. Fingering, Groping and Sexing. Confessions of Love from both Men and Women. Proposals for Marriage, Proposals for Jobs, Marriages in the Bush.)

Priest: You may now...kiss the bride!

(The couples kiss and go down on each other. Everyone including the Priest gets up and snaps as well as videos say...)

People: Wow, Wow! Sexy.

(Some where in a betting center where people wait emphatically for their odds or evens whatever they call it to click, a man hits the table and yells...)

Man: Fool!

(He says as his team misses a chance to score)

Pengidoh (His Team) 2:5 Penguin

Man 2: Hah! I'm going home rich! And I haven't fucked in a while, I might as well carry me home some "baddie" !

Man: You're talking about baddies? You really are young!

Man 2: Sure, I'm just 24! (He says with pride as he spreads his arm wide)

(The first Man stays with a disappointed and disgusted look)

(A dude scores)

Pengidoh 3:5 Penguin

(The Man gets up and rejoices with arms spread up wide yelling...)

Man: YEA



(The young man expresses obvious anger)

(The old man sits down, saying with a grin...)

Man: What's wrong, young man?! Ya see yuh self losing?!

(The boy comes to and smiles)

Man 2: Chill, Boss! I'm still in the lead!

(A score hits)

Pengidoh 4 : 5 Penguin

(The old man bursts into laughter)

Man: Guess who's holding waist tonight?! ME (He laughs the more)

(The young man in anger, hits the table with both hands)

(Another score and another hits)

Pengidoh: 6 : 4 Penguins



(People gets with up force and rejoices, including the old man)

Man: Bitches! Bitches! Bitches! WAIST O

Man 2: What?! No extra's?! Old geezer, did you rig this thing!

(The old man leans towards his face with eyes closed and speaks as bad breath oozes out his mouth...)

Man: Yes.

(The young man quickly pegs his nose with his left hand and says...)

Man 2: So this is how bitches will come after you?!

Man: Hoes follow anything with digits.

(An alert comes in. The old man looks at his phone and sees something marvelous.)



"3, 2, 1"



(Everyone celebrates)

(Amidst the celebration, a huge explosion occurs.)

(Everyone run haphazardly as quite a number, is caught in the impact.)

Man: Woo, woo, woo!

{Pumba Skillz, Loyal Member of the Serpent Cult}

{Acachia Persia Skillz, Loyal Member of the Serpent Cult}

Acachia: Always as noisy as ever! That's why I hate being around you!

Pumba: Shut up, ma frien' !

Pumba: Can't you see! (He says as he looks down, observing the haphazard movement of people on top dead bodies)

Pumba: It's a scene worth for a "WOOOOOOOO" (He calls it like a Wolf)

Acachia: Yea, right. Woo. (She calls it emotionlessly)

(Just before Pumba can break out another word, he gets shot in the left chest. Acachia couldn't care less. He falls face first towards the ground.)

(The old man blows on top of his rifle)

{Bounty Hunter, Breaker The Spot}

(The young man stays standing behind him by his left)

{Bounty Hunter, Ace The Hunter}

Ace: We coulda helped these poor people. It's not like we ain't seen it cumin'.

(Breaker says emotionlessly whilst putting his rifle at his back...)

Breaker: And so, why didn't you?

(Ace says after a bit of struggle...)

Ace: I couldn't care less.

(He flicks a bullet with his left. It enters her throat. She struggles whilst holding her neck as she falls down face first towards the ground.)

Ace: Thank God I ain't a Soldier! This means War!

Breaker: And to think this Year would bring peace and prosperity. Who am I kidding?! I've lived long enough to realize that, that is not...

Breaker: ... Possible.