Splinter Sprink

Warden (Woman): Splinter... Sprink!

(He looks down to his left)

Splinter: Oh, Cancer! (He sends a soft beam from his left forefinger. It hits her chest, passes through and she dies. She hits her head on the table with her Saliva coming out her mouth)

(He gives a light chuckle and moves forward)

(He hums as he passes the corridor showing off his weird dance moves. Boy finna MJ)

(He sleekly grabs unto a bar with his right hand and lets himself free. The bar zooms off with his legs hanging in the air)

Splinter: Billie Jean, is not my Lover...ah! She's just a girl who says I am the one. Paow! But the Kid is not my Son. Oh, ah, ah ow...Paow!

[He's good]

(The Wardens by the Cells at Level 29, stand firm, releasing aura as they await the approaching Voice)

Splinter: Dirty Diana, no. Dirty Diana, no oh. Dirty Dia-ana, no.

(The bar reaches sight)

Splinter: Dirty Diana! (He sends a blast with his right palm singing...) LET ME BE

(The blast takes out all of them)

(He lands with an iconic MJ move)

[Bro is MJ]

Men: Okashira! Okashira!

Women: My Lord!❤️

(He spreads his hands and legs, engulfs himself in aura and makes his eyes glow. The Cells; 30 of them, engulfs in aura and break apart. People flood out like Mice, getting transformed into hot beings. Clothed in black, looking all hot and sexy with fine scent.)

[200 people]

Splinter: MY PEOPLE.

(They go on their left knee)

Splinter: I won't be here if it wasn't for our dearest Maria Sprink who sprinkled her water of life into my mouth!

(They become into teary)

Man: Maria, oh Maria!

Splinter: Sadly she's not with us anymore!

(They burst into heavier tear)

Splinter: May her

Splinter: SEXEY SOOOOUL rest in (He sings)

All: PEAAAAAACE (They sing)

Splinter: Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow babey! Oh yea-eh.

(They all get up and clap)

Woman: You're too great, my Lord! ❤️

Splinter: Thank you! (He gives a weird pose leaving out a wink from his left eye)

Woman: I love you! ❤️

Splinter: I love-you-too! (He says as he gives an even more weirder pose, leaving out a kiss to the air)

(They scream for joy)

Man: You're my hero!

Splinter: To my greatest surprise, I'm even an hero to myself! (He destroys himself with the weirdest pose known to man)

(They chant and laugh)

Splinter: Alright guys.

(They become alert)

Splinter: We're gonna tear this place apart. So don't leave here until it's over! We wouldn't want anyone chasing us from the back. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD


Splinter: Now go!

(They advance)


(The News spring up everywhere. Inside Houses, Office Buildings, Offices, Electric Sign Boards, Airplanes, all over the World. The Female Reporter says...)

Reporter: A very devastating event occurs inside of She Moans, As I Penetrate. The infamous Splinter Sprink has broken out and is leading out his army.

(Splinter in front, runs forward with his Sword in his right hand and raised up as his people follow suit)

Reporter: Truly devastating! I'm heartbroken.

(She leans her face into her right hand and lets out some Crocodile Tears. She comes to)

Reporter: It turns out to be that the newly taken, extremely beautiful Warden, Maria Brink, age 19 was the culprit. Her oath name: Maria Sprink.

(Her half nude picture and her corpse showcases)

(Men outside watching the sign board, bricks up)

Man: It should have been me.

[Nigga how]

(A little boy's eyes are covered by his Mother. He removes it as he says...)

Boy: Mom lemme see!

(He gets smacked to the right of his head by a heavy left back hand. He passes out and falls down. His Mother goes down all emotional saying...)

Mother: Andy-baby! Are you okay?!

Reporter: We pray that these so-called "Freedom Fighters" are not just apprehended, but executed at the spot!

Splinter: Hmm! YA HEAR THAT MEN

(They laugh sinisterly)

(He chuckles.)

Splinter: Bitch!

(They approach a herd of Wardens and begin bullying. Splinter beats up a young female Warden, she dies. He carries her up, spins her and shoots her towards 5 Wardens [3 males, 2 females]. She collides with and kills them. 5 male F.Fs beats the fuck out of 15 Wardens [7 males, 8 females].)

(Both the F.Fs and Warden shoots emphatically, likewise throw; bombs, dynamites, knockouts, smoke bombs and Fireworks.)

[What the Fuck]

(Many of the Wardens die horrific deaths)

[Weak asf]

(5 Tanks approach and shoot. They reach, collide with some F.Fs and kill them.)

185 of 200

(A Man snaps and jumps sharply. He reaches the top of the 5 Tanks, unsheathes and sheathes swiftly; the Tanks explode.)

(Gaki Sprink, 10th Captain)

(Immediately, Gaki's face gets grabbed with a right hand and the person launches with him to the East.)

(Splinter makes a slash and kills a young boy. He calls out as he looks up to his right...)

Splinter: Gaki!

(He notices something, and sends his Sword with his left hand over his right shoulder. A powerful clash occurs and he gets pushed back with force to the West. He sends his right Sword and clashes with the invisible presence)

Splinter: What the fuck!

(He glows up his eyes and the being becomes visible)

{Truman Afilia, Head Warden}

Splinter: You're a...Demon!

(Truman with a smile, says...)

Truman: No, I'm Truman.

(They send themselves back. Splinter lands horizontally on the air and launches. Truman does the same. They reach and strike through. An explosion occurs.)

Gaki: Shit!

(He sends a slash with his right hand and cuts off the arm. She screams as she holds her right arm)

Lady: OW

(Kikini, 2nd Lieutenant)

(They land. She screams horrifyingly and she loses her cool. Gaki watches emotionlessly. He says...)

Gaki: Come off it!

(She stops and gets upright)

(Her arm restores as she says with a hot grin...)

Kikini: So you noticed?

(They glare at each other)