When it was nighttime and the full moon came out, one of the werewolves, Hannah, opened the hole in the roof and let the moonlight in. Then, they all walked into the light and turned into werewolves. Mrs. Wolf said, "Well, come on, Randy." Randy then walked into the moonlight and turned into a werewolf that looked like an Alaskan Malamute with black and white fur. Once he did, the other werewolves couldn't believe what Randy had become. Randy asked, "What? What is it?" Danny, one of the werewolves, held a water bowl up to Randy and said, "Randy, look." Randy looked into the water and saw his reflection. Randy said, "It worked. I'm a werewolf. Look at my shiny black and white fur and long bushy tail." Randy stood on two legs and twirled his tail. Mrs. Wolf said, "Yep. And now that you're a werewolf, we can get to helping people." Randy said, "And I can accompany you this time."
The werewolves set out to save people, but Randy barely made it over the wall. Once he made it over the wall, he saw his family and tried to catch up with them. While catching up with the other werewolves, Randy ran into the streets, and a driver almost ran him over, just like 3 years ago. Before he did, a Great Dane named "Eliza" knocked Randy out of the way. Once Randy saw the Great Dane, he backed up and said, "Ah, a dog." Eliza said, "Are you rushing to see the big doghouse in the sky?" Randy said, "Thanks for saving me, but leave me alone now, mutt." Eliza got mad at Randy and said, "What did you just call me?" Randy said, "Nothing. Just stay." Eliza got even madder at Randy and said, "Did you just tell me to stay?" Randy started to get worried and said, "Sort of. Just sit." Eliza got madder at Randy and said, "Did you just tell me to sit? You better run along before you get hurt, Sled Dog." Randy said, "I'm not a sled dog." Eliza asked, "Really? You're not an Alaskan Malamute? Then what are you?" Eliza circled Randy and tried to figure out what he was. Eliza asked, "Siberian Husky? Spitz? Canadian Eskimo Dog?"
Eliza tried sniffing Randy's butt to figure out what kind of dog he was, but Randy jumped out of the way. Randy said, "Hey. Stay away from my butt, weirdo." Eliza said, "I'm a weirdo? You're the one who doesn't know anything about being a dog." Randy said, "For the last time, I'm not a dog but a boy. You know, a human boy." Eliza said, "Yeah, right. What happened? Did you do a brain swap with your dog?" Randy said, "No. I don't even own a dog. I hate dogs, and so does my family." Eliza said, "So you hate your species? You and your family." Randy asked, "No. We love our species. None of us are dogs; we're all humans. Look." Randy got up on two legs and put his paws on his hips to prove to Eliza that he was telling the truth. Eliza got confused and wondered what Randy was doing. Eliza asked, "Are you ok?" Randy fell, caught himself, and stood on a fence on two legs. Randy said, "Just fine. Just like to stretch before walking." Randy tried walking on two legs, but since he was a werewolf then, he could only walk on four legs. Randy said, "Rats." Eliza said, "Did you hit your head or something?" Randy said, "No. I feel fine. In fact, why am I explaining myself to a dog?"
Randy walked away, but Eliza grabbed him and hid them both in the alley. She held onto Randy and covered his mouth so he would be quiet. Then the dog catcher's truck came by, and the dog catcher looked around but didn't see any dogs for him to catch. After the dog catcher left, Randy struggled to have Eliza let him go. Randy said, "Hello, I can't breathe." Eliza let go of Randy and checked to see if the coast was clear. Randy said, "Thanks for saving me again." Eliza asked, "You're not from around here. Are you?" Randy said, "Of course I am; this is my hometown. I was born and raised here." Eliza asked, "Then why are you completely unaware of cars and the dog catcher?" Randy said, "So I don't get out much. Big deal. Excuse me, I have some unfinished business to finish." Randy and Eliza went in opposite directions. Eliza jumped into a dumpster and dug in it to find some food while Randy walked the other way.
Randy looked back at Eliza and said, "Stupid dog." Randy then bumped into a dog and fell to the ground. The dog he bumped into turned around and saw Randy. The dog said, "You calling me 'stupid'?" Randy got scared and said, "No. I didn't even see you." Randy made a run for it and then ran into another dog that was vicious and snarly. Randy screamed when he saw the dog he ran into and ran away before getting into real trouble. After losing the dogs, Eliza saw Randy running scared and couldn't believe she would help him again. She tackled Randy and pinned him to the ground. Then she said, "Calm down. You're safe now." Randy said, "That alley was too heavenly populated." Eliza said, "Duh. That alley belongs to stray dogs who have yet to be caught by the dog catcher. They hide when he's around. As do I. I've avoided the pound for years." Randy said, "Good for you. I bet you're the best there is." Eliza said, "As a matter of fact, I am. I'm too bright for the dog catchers. They've tried to catch me, but they can never succeed." Randy said, "Impressive, but my family wouldn't care. We don't worry about the dog catcher." Eliza said, "Good for you and your family." Eliza then jumped into another dumpster and started to dig for food. Randy said, "Yuck. Are you eating garbage?" Eliza said, "There might be a decent meal in here." Randy said, "Well, you'll never see me eating garbage." Eliza said, "Your loss, Snowy." Randy said, "My name is Randy."