Chapter 14 Book 3

Chapter 14

A Tent Becomes a Home

Mom was always unpredictable; I don't think she realized what kind of planning it takes to go camping for a long period of time, an overnighter sure. Not to mention the complications of plans already in motion like Shane's plans that needed to be done before going into the mission field, let's not forget the food we were going to need for all our meals every day. It was going to take an actual plan. All I can say is thank God someone was thinking with their head and not rushing off into the wilds with nothing but your bare hands. Granted, I could do it and have been trained to survive on the streets from time to time. While I packed and waited for Shane to come back, I made a quick call using my own phone, pressing number three for Bishop Earl.

I wasn't sure if it was his house phone or the church phone in his Office. After a couple of rings, someone answered, and it wasn't him it was his wife. When she asked you who was speaking, I said my name and she gasped. The first words were. "Eric, are you in trouble? Is your door locked?" I had to grin, knowing she was a mother bear protecting her young cubs. Like Aaron, I was one of her cubs she shouted. "Vic, get in here now. Eric's in trouble! Eric, we will be there in five minutes! Don't you move!" And quickly hung up the phone. I dialed three again, but this time I got no answer.

I cursed, yelling. "Mom!" Got no answer and quickly ran out of my room only to bump into my father. I don't know who was more surprised me or him. The moment he realized it was me he quickly backed away from me like a frightened mouse, ordering me to get out of his way reaching for his belt to threaten me. It was like a slow dance as we both turned around in the hallway, facing each other as we both backed away. He called me an immoral savage and quickly slammed his bedroom door closed.

I blinked, thinking it was a dream seeing my own father cower before me. You would think it would have made me all warm and fuzzy inside, but it didn't. Even though all of us boys were wearing shorts and still wearing our shoes and socks as well a light shirt. My father still felt we were indecent and immoral just because our legs and arms were uncovered. By the time I had searched the rest of the house and yelled down into the basement for Mom. Mom quickly made a dash towards the house from the shed thinking I was in trouble. When she saw I wasn't she sighed with relief. Until the front door banged wide open with Bishop Earl and his wife ready to kill whoever was harming me with Officer Kenly and Officer Knox with batons in both their hands. I wanted to laugh, but I had a feeling that they wouldn't think it was a joke. I quickly said. "Hey guys, I am safe. No one needs killing today."

Everyone eyed my father growling, "I swear I didn't touch that immoral freak! But please get him out of my house before he kills me!"

I hadn't even known he was there until he said it. Quickly backed away and nearly ran back to his room. I felt lucky that I didn't have to contend with my sisters today as well as all the crap that was going on. Mom had permitted them to stay at a friend's house, most likely to keep them out of earshot of us after hearing what had happened to Jody. I personally could understand that I wouldn't want that nightmare playing over and over in my mind, either. I had asked my foster Dad if I could visit her and them in the hospital; he said it was more important that I stayed where I was. Having to promise him that I would take care of my brothers. Besides, there was little I could do or anyone until Jody was calm enough to see family or anyone at the moment.

The way he said it bothered me and I really, really wanted to kill Danny and his two friends. Who had so far hadn't been caught and were on the run, Officer Kenly promised me and Shane that they would be found and punished for their crimes. The only way that was going to happen was if Shane and I cut off their balls and fed them to them. If I could drive, I would have hopped into the car and done just that. Even though I was angry it was a good thing that I didn't have a driver's license, or I would have been sent to jail for manslaughter as I bathed in their blood.

By the time I had everyone calmed down, Shane had called back, stating they had caught the other boy moments ago and were in the process of interrogating him to disclose who the other boy was. That he needed to stay where he was so he and Dad could identify them, but as soon as he was done, he would join us. In some ways, it was a good thing considering we still needed lots of things to figure out, yet we needed Shane here because it concerned him as well. I quickly hung up the phone and replied to the message to everyone at the kitchen table.

Bishop and Officer Kenly were working on the details regarding Shane's doing list while Mom and the Bishop's wife were planning the menus and creating a shopping list of all the things we were all going to need. My father would come in and out of the room as if he was pacing, and would ask why we were still here. Bishop Earl said he was more than welcome to join us or better yet give up his house for our guests.

My fathered growled. "You could all go to hell before I let such fucking filth in my house and around my daughters! Who's saying these immoral no-good God damn perverts are not responsible for raping their own sisters or their mother? The way they are dressed right now should tell you that they are unclean and should be in prison for exposing themselves in public and for family incest! Yet here they are, flaunting their bodies in front of us! Showing us that they are willing to rape and even murder their own family members and get away with it!

"Too long I have sat by letting it happen! So, the answer is, No! I want you all out of my fucking house by the time I come back!" 

Bishop Earl said. "Jim, how many times have I told you to mind your tongue? We are not in a bar. If you cannot do so, then perhaps you shouldn't speak at all!" My father was about to say something but thought better of it and left the room. But we all know he wouldn't take his or anyone's advice. My father was about to go out the front door. He stood there long enough to hear him, before leaving, slamming the door. Mom told us that, most likely he had gone down to lock up the church house noticing the clock reading 5 pm. Something he always does when there is nothing planned going on down there.

He was a cruel, heartless man through and through. Bishop sighed and said, turning towards us. "It doesn't matter. You are all invited to my house and the boys can set up the tents you have in my large backyard until Shane arrives with the rest of their camping gear." Telling us. "It would not be good to drive up the canyon in the dark, and besides by the time you got all the food and supplies you needed. It would be better if you spent the weekend in my backyard."

Mom sat there folding and unfolding the check. I could see it was burning a hole in her pocket, as they would say. Mom loved shopping as much as any girl or mother, except Mom felt she had an endless supply of money. She hated budgets. If it wasn't for Bishop Earl taking over their finances, they would have been in the poorhouse long ago.

By the time my father was back, we had moved to leave the house all to him and my sisters with a guard out front, parked across the street, watching every move they made. I had no doubt my father was angry; I would have been if someone were watching me. Hell, I knew what he was going through and considered him lucky. That he didn't have a camera on him watching you day and night. After seeing several prison shows, I had a feeling that Shawn had it soft compared to home. All I could say was don't drop the soap. Well, in his case he would most likely enjoy that. Great, another image I needed to get out of my head.

It was nearly nine when Shane found us, and he didn't look happy about it. When I asked, he said let's talk about it inside as if the dark shadows had followed him here. When he took a seat, he cried that his life was falling apart. That his mission has been put on hold because Bishop Crawford refuses to ordain him an elder or give him a temple recommendation. Without those, he wouldn't be allowed into the MTC and or serve his mission. Bishop Earl quickly held Shane in his arms, letting him cry, telling him if he had to move a mountain that he would do so before he let that vile man do his evil.

By the time Shane had a hot shower and a hot meal. Bishop Earl had made several phone calls. Asked Shane if it mattered what church house or which Bishop performed the ordinances that he needed. Shane said. "But you're not my Bishop. Bishop Crawford is my Bishop, and I would need my stake president even to override him."

Bishop Earl put his hand on Shane's shoulders, telling him. "Nothing is impossible son, trust me on that. It just means we take small bites at a time until the apple is done."

By Saturday afternoon, Bishop Earl had Shane's records transferred to his ward as his temporary Bishop, giving him the right to perform all the ordinances needed to become an elder and being temple-ready as he enters the MTC. If it wasn't for Officer Kenly and the State Police launching an investigation regarding Bishop Crawford. In his involvement regarding the rape of Jody and other crimes he is committing. Shane Stake President wouldn't have been so forthcoming, and because he had been kept in the dark until now. He was like a raving lunatic when he heard what had been going on in his ward.

Yet, for the moment, the proof was kind of thin but was enough to order a full investigation on a State level as well as a church investigation. To say Bishop Crawford was angry when he found out that his hands had been tied and was no longer allowed to perform certain duties as Bishop until proven guilty or innocent of all crimes. It was like watching a monkey getting mad jumping up and down in his cage for taking away his big banana. Even more so putting Brother Sakes in charge of running the ward until further notice as acting Bishop.

Acting Bishop Sakes had no problem letting Bishop Earl handle it and would be present for the ordination Sunday afternoon. Even though Shane only needed two signatures to get a recommendation, he would have four by the time he needed to go to the temple on Tuesday afternoon to take out his endowments for the very first time; with two Bishops and two stake presidents. No one could hold Shane back. When he and his parents heard the news, they cried over the phone, repeating it back to everyone in the room. It was just what they needed, having Jody hear that his brother was still going, and it wasn't her fault. She cried for joy.

Blame is the first thing when it comes to any abuse when it happens. I should know I still blame myself for my parents abusing me and still blame myself for Jeff's death. It's hard not to when all you see is happening over and over in your mind. It doesn't matter how many years it has been done; you still blame yourself. It tore everyone up learning that Jody would most likely never be able to have children. She would need months if not years of therapy.

Sure, Danny had been caught and one of his friends. The fact he was still in the same hospital didn't sit well with any of us. It didn't help knowing he was in so much pain that they had to keep him sedated. You would think that would make any of us all warm and fuzzy inside, but it didn't. I had no doubt that Dad blamed himself for letting that piece of garbage into the house and anywhere near our family. Yes, blame is a powerful thing to live with.

With everything going on, the decision was made to remain camped here. Here we had a place to stay with plenty of food and a roof over our heads despite everything. We slept outdoors in tents. In some ways, it was a good thing because all it did was rain that entire weekend, which meant we all would have been miserable sitting inside our tents watching the rain. Instead, we were inside and dry and rented movies and ate lots of popcorn, and played board games as we waited by the phone for any word regarding the other boy that so far hadn't been caught.

We had also learned that Bishop Crawford, after hearing the news was busy partitioning the courts to arrest me and Shane as well as all the Rothwells. For taking the law into our own hands and other crimes that filled half a page. When the State Police came knocking at the door later that Monday afternoon, telling us we had all been served, and were to appear in court in two weeks. Even though Shane would be at the MTC by then, he would still have to be present. It didn't matter that we were all innocent of any of the crimes listed. We still had to prove our innocence before a court judge.

All Mom had to do was call my caseworker to verify that I was here during the time the crimes were being committed. Shane had received receipts from all his purchases of that day that showed the date and the time. Like in most stores, cameras were filming you while you were in the store to prove shoplifting. It would take that long to get copies of the tapes showing Shane, Mom, and Dad shopping during the time the rape had happened. Shane also had a witness who stated he was in a friend's house calling the police to alert them of said crime and would pull phone records to verify that he wasn't involved. All Shane said was, "It looks like we're going to need an excellent lawyer."

Bishop Earl knew none of us was made of money and all Shane's money was tied up for his mission. Being I was a ward of the State I would be assigned one. My caseworker said she would make a couple of phone calls for me, but she said she had just the person in mind, and he owed her a favor or two. By Monday night, Shane and I had an excellent lawyer both doing pro-bono work, and Dad was finding one for him and the rest of the family.

Dad had one surprise for all of us when he showed up at church that Sunday afternoon with Jody as he wheeled her in a wheelchair. She looked like hell warmed over, but once she saw Shane and I and her brother's faces she seemed to beam with radiance. She groaned when we all hugged her, trying very hard not to show the pain or the bruises that covered her body. Dad said she refused to stay in the hospital when her brother was being ordained an Elder and wanted to be a part of that.

Mom said the doctor said it would do her some good and released her for the day. It would be some time before she would be ready to go home, but for now, she would stay with Kerry when they released her from the hospital. Shane asked for any word from the other boy. Dad shook his head and said no, but they now know who it is. The boy they caught squealed like a pig giving him up. When they went to bring him in, no one was home. The house and everything were deserted, nothing but an empty shell. They have put up pictures taken from the school yearbook and plastered them in every bus station, airport, and at the borders of the State. "Will find him son. When we do, he'll never see daylight again."