Chapter 21 Book 3

Chapter 21

Life as a Nudist


In school, you learn all kinds of things, like History and Geography and Earth Science or Astronomy. Some learn different languages, like French, German, or Spanish. Yet what they don't teach you is how to live life as a nudist other than the fact the world considers them immoral, immodest, and worst of all sex offenders.

I tell you from my experience that none of these are true. I have never seen such kindness towards one another or devotion to their religion, whether it be Christian, Methodist, Jewish, or LDS. They simply give openly and or honestly as well as forgiving, and the most Christ-like people I have ever met. If I ever had a family, this is where I would live and raise my children. Just because they are nudists doesn't mean they are not decent people or don't like to do the same things we do. On the contrary, they are the same as you and I. They all have families, and they live and do the same things we do.

I soon forgot how different we were and focused on things that were more important. Mom and Dad had taught me that every human being has a right to live how they wanted to expect for rapists, pedophiles, murderers, and other criminals. Yet I am not saying that being desensitized when it comes to nudity didn't help.

In fact, it made it easier to see them as people and not as nudists. And like most boys, when the dinner bell rang, we wasted no time devouring every single item on the table. And like me, were all on pins and needles waiting for the main event known as spider-ball, which I needed no encouragement from Mom and Dad to let Jared, Jason, and I participate.


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Spider-ball or Crab Soccer


Items needed (two lengths of rope, sticks, orange cones or anything that marks both sides of the team's boundaries and one large beach ball or soccer ball. Players arrange two or more and ages seven to a hundred. (Note breaks are given every few minutes to prevent worn muscles.)

Players divide into two teams. The player then lies on the ground and raises himself up with hands and feet. He or she passes the ball with their feet or stomach to other teammates to attempt to score points by getting the ball in between the opposing team's boundaries. This scores one point. The ball cannot be touched with the player's hand since he or she is walking with their hands.



The object is to get the ball in between the rope of the opposing team to score a goal and get one point. When a team scores a goal, the player starts over again in the middle and the opposing team now has the ball. If a player misses the goal, the opposing team now gets the ball. If a ball goes out of bounds, the team who didn't touch the ball now gets the ball. If a player touches an opposing team player, He or she will foul, and the opposing team gets the ball. (Sorry no pictures.)


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Even though Mom and Dad could have easily stood on the sidelines with some of the other parents, they had participated, and they weren't the only ones like our hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Rock-water and their family. Personally, it took guts, considering how exposed and open we were, yet it didn't stop me or my family from playing. And because of that, we had made several new friends that invited us into their homes, making this the best vacation ever.

I knew when we got home my friends were going to be so jealous, to the point they would want to come with us the following summer. By the time we got back to our cabin, we were sore and exhausted, and absolutely filthy covered in dirt and sand in so many places where it didn't belong.

Mom wasted no time in filling that great big tub and turning on the jets, having us all climb in as a family. At first, I hesitated for a moment regarding the idea of family bathing, but after some consideration, it was nothing more than sharing a bath with my brothers or Dad or skinny-dipping in the same pond or small pool together. Yet I soon moaned, feeling the warm soothing water take away the stress of the day as I sat next to Dad. Dad put his arms around my shoulders, telling me how proud he was of me today. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I closed my eyes, enjoying the love that surrounded me and my family. Letting Mom and Dad bathe us with several warm kisses. I didn't think life could be any better than that.

I heard Dad say we needed a tub like this at home. I smiled, thinking what my father would say, knowing to him we were breaking every rule known to man. Even that made me all warm and fuzzy inside. He just doesn't understand that God and family are more important when it comes to sharing our love for him and each other. Instead, he has chosen the road where love simply doesn't coexist when it comes to living happily and embracing new ideas, and because of that, I felt sorry for him and my sisters not knowing what true love as a family is.

Mom and Dad dried us off, giving us the choice to return to decency. None of us chose to. Telling Mom and Dad that if they wouldn't mind, we would rather stay this way. All Mom said was, "Then I guess I won't have any more laundry to do while we're here." and we were all good with that. Bishop Lanwall had taught us that God doesn't care what we wear regarding opening our hearts and souls to him.

Dad simply had us kneel as a family wearing nothing but a smile. Our love for family was so strong that Mom cried when Dad gave the prayer. Even my brothers and I had tears in our eyes, feeling the spirit so strong it made us weep. I knew God didn't care what we wore or in our case, nothing. Tonight, he proved it … that all he wanted was our hearts and the love we shared as a family. I didn't feel ashamed or embarrassed, nor did I wonder what it must be like for other nudist families. I knew that God loved them just as much as we did, which was the most important thing.

When the prayer was over, Dad put his arms around me, asking me if I needed some alone time. At first, I didn't know what he meant until I followed his eyes down to my stiffing flagpole. I smiled and shook my head, stating I was more than fine. He smiled and hugged me tight against him and kissed me on the head. Turned me around and patted me on the bottom, reminding me we had a busy day tomorrow. I said. "Yes', sir and I can't wait to see my favorite mermaids."

I called Sparky, having him follow me up the stairs, and climbed into bed with my brothers, having Jared whisper. "Sorry, I can't get it to go down," after poking me with his.

I laughed reached over and hugged him, telling him. "It will bro, nothing lasts forever."

Having him notice mine was just as hard, making us both laugh having Mom yell. "Good night boys!" Only to turn around having Jason poke me with his, causing all three of us to laugh even harder.

With our baby brother pulling back the blankets grinning saying. "Look, I got one too." Mom and Dad opened the door, finding out why we were laughing seeing that we all had flag poles, causing Dad to laugh so hard that he was crying. Mom grinned, telling us goodnight only to find that Dad was as stiff as ours. She giggled. "Boys" turned out the lights and covered us up, taking Dad with her.

When I rose early that Friday morning, I couldn't wait to see if my mermaids were still there. Mom reminded me that the Rock-water would be joining us for breakfast. I nodded and said I wouldn't be gone long raced down the beach with Sparky. Just like the following morning there they were glistening in the sunrise, but today they weren't alone. Today they had company; I looked twice on the beach, seeing only the footprints leading out of the water and not in. My mind did a double check and my stomach flipped flopped. Yet in my heart, I knew they meant no harm to me. I felt that same nagging feeling as it pulled me towards them. Just for a brief moment, I had thought I heard music. It was faint, so faint I could barely hear it, as it once more pulled me to the lake. I shook my head several times thinking about Dad and his mermaids, yet what I hadn't noticed was that today the water was almost to my waist.

If it wasn't for Sparky barking, I would have kept going. Instead, I stood there waiting and watching as the three girls came forward and slowly backed away back onto shore, trying to ignore the pull. The first thought that went through my mind was that I am a dork for believing in fairy tales. The second thought was if my problem returned and cussed looking down, noticing once more that it had, wishing I had taken Dad's offer last night. Yet there was very little I could do about it now. So, I ignored it and letting them know that I wasn't shy or embarrassed by it, remembering Dad's words that if it happens, just let it, be and not hide myself for being who I am. 

Upon reaching the shore, I greeted them with a hug. Given our neighborly relationship and newfound friendship, a handshake would have been impolite. No one said anything about my problem, just hugged me back and kissed both my cheeks. Well, except for Mrs. Rock-water and her three daughters letting their hands trail down my back and softly laying their hands on my bare-butt, giving it a little squeeze.

When I blushed, Mr. Rock-water laughed, telling them not to embarrass me and reminding them I was new to their customs. I replied. "That I didn't mind, and was ok to show me such affection," and returned the gesture by kissing each one on the forehead. To let them know I wasn't ashamed or embarrassed by it. Telling them my Mom and my sisters do it all the time and sometimes my Dad. They laughed knowing that I was right, that when it comes to family and close friends, it was acceptable behavior. I knew if my father saw it or them, he would be angry and demoralized that I let them abuse me in such a way. What he doesn't understand is that it's ok for people to open up their selves and show love instead of cruelty.

I had little doubt that my mother would feel the same as I did. She likes to give it a good squeeze or gentle pat now and then, just like the Rothwells. With the formalities out of the way, I delivered my invitations to a Sunday barbecue at our cabin. Mom and Dad wanted to pay them back for taking us in and wanted to do it before we left for home. As I made my way down the beach, I told them to pass it along and delivered the same greeting to every cabin before rushing home.

When I arrived back at our cabin, Dad smiled seeing my arousal. The only question he asked was if I invited my mermaids and their guests to our family barbecue. I said. "Yes, sir, and they said they would come."

Dad said. "That's, my boy, now go help your mother unless you feel you need to put on a pair of trunks first."

I shook my head and said. "Why Dad? I am who I am, a boy who needs to show my affection." Quickly leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. Told him how much I loved him and went inside after tying Sparky up with plenty of shade and water.

The moment Mom laid eyes on me, I swiftly wrapped my arms around her, relishing in the tender affection that never fails to fill me with joy. I kissed her on the forehead and told her how much I loved her and asked what she needed me to do. The fact that I was still aroused said I was being me, not hiding the fact that I loved her and my family, and not in a sexual way. I was living life to the fullest, not resorting to using a sock on the door to conceal my maturity as a sixteen-year-old. I knew there were better ways to handle it.

When the Rock-waters arrived, I had just finished setting the table. The first thought that crossed my mind was how odd we would have looked if we were all wearing a pair of boxers. However, now that we had embraced their lifestyle, everything felt perfect. I had learned during the barbecue that the Rock-water 's was LDS. At first, I was surprised that the nudists had any sort of religion, considering I had yet to see a church house.

My mind couldn't grasp the idea of a nudist being of any faith. Then I realized that was me that felt that they didn't belong because they were nudists. I felt ashamed inside, thinking that God wouldn't allow the most caring people I know inside one of his churches and temples just because they didn't wear clothes. So, I asked Dad if we could go to church with them and participate in their meeting. He and Mom thought it was a wonderful idea and were proud of me for suggesting it. Changing Dad's plan altogether, having our own sacrament meeting at the cabin and that was when Mom talked Dad into having a Sunday Barbecue afterwards.

Since we were the host, it was our turn to receive the warm greeting, even though I had done so earlier when I invited them to our Sunday Barbecue. Just like before, they and we repeated the greeting. This time I didn't blush or worry about my problem, nor did I look at it. Just took my seat and took their hand as Dad gave the prayer. It felt like we were at home with our closest friends, so it wasn't surprising that Mom and Dad let them invite me and my brothers to spend the day on the lake.

Telling us it would be good for us to spend some time with friends, it also said that Mom and Dad wanted some alone time. Bring up a whole new discussion regarding something I never knew about. I had learned that they have their own summer camp only for nudist where they send their children to every summer. Giving them time to be with their own age group filled with tons of activities, while their parents spend time together doing adult things.

I could see Mom and Dad were considering it now that we had officially become part of the nudist lifestyle. Dad told us he and Mom would look into it, providing we kept our noses clean, causing my brothers and I to give each other a fist bump. When the meal was finished, everyone helped clear the table and do up the dishes. Mom was arguing whether or not to let my baby brother join us, being he was only three.

Mrs. Rockwell told her she had no reason to worry about him going. That some parents that would join us have children his age and can make sure that he is safe. Mom was still unsure, so I told her I would be glad to take care of him. Reminding her it wouldn't be the first time that I had changed his diaper, knowing perfectly well that he hadn't worn one since we had been here. I also let her know that so far, he had yet to mess himself, letting us know that he needed to use the toilet first. Mom had to agree, and said that I was right; making me promise I wouldn't let him out of my sight for any reason. I gave her my promise, and she knew that I would keep it.

Yet Dad still wanted a private word with me. I cringed, worrying about what he wanted. I knew better than to say no, so I let him lead me outside. His tone changed to a scary calm. If he discovers that I've spoken about what happened at home with Shawn and Arthur, I can say goodbye to going home with my mother. Instead, he would lock me inside the turntable until I couldn't see or walk straight.

I nodded and reinstated my promises with a handshake. Neither of us broke contact until we both understood that the threat was real. He gave me one last warning that he would end

me if anything happened to my brothers out on the lake. I told him point blank that I would die gladly if that ever happened. Dad knew I was serious. He also knew that I would never think about doing anything that Shawn and Danny did to my brothers. He had gained that trust by torture, while Mom gained it by love and understanding. Both promises I intended to keep until my last breath.