Chapter 25-1 Book 3

Chapter 25-1

Girls & More Girls

Part 2


I know some people will find this quite disturbing, but you must understand that Mom and Dad had told me it was ok and quite adamant or undaunted about it. They wouldn't let it go regardless of how I felt presently about it. And had given my brothers and me permission to do so when it came to pleasure ourselves in this way. Plus, I trusted them without question at the time, up until I left the Rothwells. I became more cautious and more self-aware that this was inappropriate behavior and shouldn't be done. Yet I was in my twenties when I learned this, as the world changed its views regarding oral sex or this kind of stimulation.

Even my own mother didn't find what I was doing wrong when it came to boys or adults. She and I trusted enough to show them this kind of affection and had their parent's permission before I or we did it. She simply left the decision up to me and them, leaving the outside world out of it.

I don't have to tell you how my father felt about it. Even after a long talk with my grandmother, telling him I wasn't harming me or them by doing it, and couldn't care less what the outside world or the LDS church thought about it and said. "If it makes us happy and we are comfortable sharing our affection in this way, then she wasn't going to stand in our way." In fact, she was quite proud of the Rothwells for teaching me about girls and how to stimulate them and very close friends, wishing my grandfather had taken the time with her boys as Mr. Rothwell did with me. Now that I covered this I can return back to my sixteen-year-old life as a nudist. When my life truly began, and learned about myself and what I really wanted in my life.

Sad to say, I gave it all up later on in my life, because I listened to the world, and in return, it spits me out and chewed me up. Making me regret every day what I had given up for people who couldn't care less if I lived or died. It was even worse when your own relatives turned their backs on you, treating you like you were nothing but garbage under their feet. To say I regret making the mistake of listening to them and the world. It is the worst mistake I have ever made. If I was given a second chance. I would leave them all behind and never look back, for I was truly happy and loved. Compared to now, I am truly alone and unloved and will not be missed when I am gone.

As I laid there on the couch, I dreamed that Nora had come back earlier than I expected, feeling her sucking my penis as I laid there on the couch. I knew Mom and Dad didn't care where I or we did it, because of how open our relationship was. I moaned with my eyes closed and made the mistake of bringing my hand up so I could run my fingers through her long, soft, golden hair. My eyes opened as I jerked awake when I discovered the hair, I was feeling was quite different. I looked down and there he was my baby brother between my legs with my penis in his mouth.

I quickly made him take it out and get off me, telling him. "I am sorry, but you didn't ask me first." Mom heard me tell him that as she was working in the kitchen finishing the last of things needed for the barbecue.

She told me she had thought he had asked because I allowed him to climb between me and moaned, liking it. I shook my head, telling her I was just dreaming that it was one of the Rock-water sisters, not my brother. She became very cross with my brother Jonathon. Quickly paddled his butt, telling him that it was wrong for him to do it without my permission, making him apologize to me.

He sobbed as he asked. "Why if Dad lets him and Jared and Jason do it all the time?"

Mom made him look at her, telling him. "You still needed their permission and if they say no, they mean no."

I knew he didn't understand, so I simply said. "Ask me first next time."

He wiped his tears and pointed blankly and asked me. I cringed inside. Yet Mom's face stated she would like me too. So, I swallowed my pride, trusting in her and Dad's judgment. Trying to ignore the voices that yelled at me that this is what Shawn, and his friends are doing, yelled back. "No, this is different … he's just showing me he loves me nothing more. We were not raping each other."

I nodded, and he smiled. Mom kissed me on the head and whispered that I had made the right decision. I was still unsure about that, but it was too late to back out now. So, I laid back to let him get comfortable and warned him only this. "No kissing me, no licking me between my legs or anywhere else." Mom made sure he understood, and he asked about my toes. I giggled softly, telling him, "I will allow that because he was my brother."

Even though I liked it, it still wasn't the same as when the Rock-water daughters did it or when Mom did it. I felt inside I was making the wrong decision, because of what Shawn and they had done and or doing. It bothered me, but I didn't know who to talk to, considering the people I trusted were 1,000 miles away.

For now, all I had was Mom and Dad's assurances that I or we weren't doing anything wrong. It also bothered me that not once had Shane told me about this, not even my sisters Jody and Kerry. Now knowing they had been doing this all their lives. How had I missed this living day to day in their home, and not once had I ever seen them do it? The clues were there, but not all of them. Like the comfort-ness of their lifestyle. Yet that too was kept a secret. I never knew that Mom and Dad were raised as nudists. Yet it was like they had their own private agenda as we hid behind walls so that the world didn't know.

I questioned if this was the reason behind some of Shawn's actions, but something told me that Mom and Dad trusted someone where we lived and they had taken advantage of them and the situation, breaking their trust. I would like to place the blame on Crawford, but I was beginning to think that he's only part of the problem. Someone else is pulling the strings, with so many connections. Yet again, there was very little I could do and being a foster kid with a bad record makes it harder for people to believe me.

By the time Jonathan had almost finished, Dad came in to tell Mom that everything was set up for the night. He gazed down at me and Jonathan. He was about to ask, but Mom said I had given him permission. He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead, telling me how proud he was that I had allowed myself to share my affection with my baby brother. I could see the warmth in his eyes and Dad gave a quick warning to Jonathon not to stick his tongue or mouth where it didn't belong, other than this, that if he did and he found out, that he wouldn't be sitting down for a month. Jonathon quickly stopped and said. "Yes, sir. I won't do what Shawn and Danny had done to me because it hurts."

Dad and Mom froze looked at him and back at each other. Dad made him stop and lifted him off me and placed him on the couch across from me. The mood changed. I was about to leave the room, but Dad told me not to move, other than sit up so Mom could sit next to me. Dad's voice was scary calm as I watched him take a hard swallow. He asked, fearing the answer. "How did Shawn and Danny touch you, son? This is important. Did he stimulate you like Mom and I or Shane or your sisters or your brothers Jared and Jason do?" 

Jonathon cried, telling him that. "Shawn said, you and Mom said it was ok because we are family. That he wanted to show me what else we could do that would be more fun."

My heart stopped as Mom's hands tensed up as they looked at Dad, having Mom ask. "Did Shawn and Danny stick their penis inside you as Dad did with me the other night?"

Jonathon nodded and said. "It hurt really, really bad. I asked them to stop, but they didn't." Mom rushed over to him and took him in her arms. Dad didn't ask what else they did; knowing if they did the same to Jared and Jason it was most likely they did the other things as well. He only asked one more question. How long ago and when did they first start?

I cringed, upon hearing the answer when he said. "On my birthday telling me it's my birthday present, and been doing it until Shawn, Danny, and Arthur went away," I asked my question, fearing the answer.

I asked. "Did James or Kelly do it too?" Considering it had been an entire year almost two.

He nodded that they had, "but James said no to Shawn and his friends, telling them he didn't want to rape babies and got into a big fight with them. Having James do it anyway, he told me and my brothers he was sorry, but Shawn and his friends had a knife to his throat. Right here, Dad, and hurt him."

Jonathan pointed right below his Addams apple. Dad's hands were shaking as he looked at Mom. Jonathan cried. "He ran away that same night. Telling us he never meant to hurt us and made us promise that we wouldn't say anything."

Dad got up and yelled for Jared and Jason, holding the door open. And slammed the door closed when they came in and told them to take a seat next to me. Dad wasted no time. He was so angry he could spit nails. We had all thought that Jonathon hadn't been touched like Jared and Jason and now finding out after all this time that he had. Our lives were crumbling like a house of cards. Dad growled really loud and pointed to Jonathon. "Why did you not tell me that Shawn and they raped your baby brother?" Jared looked down at his feet as Mom made him look at her. He cried, fearing Dad was going to punish him and I wasn't sure if I wouldn't.

Mom yelled at him to answer the question. Jared screamed really loud. "I did! But you and Mom said it was ok, telling us Shawn was just stimulating us. I tried to tell you Dad that he wasn't, but you wouldn't listen and punished us for lying, telling Jason and that Shawn would never do such a thing and Arthur is too stupid. So, I told Mom, and she said the same thing. Eric told me to go to Shane's or my sister's in hopes you would believe them. But you told us we were all lying trying to get them in trouble and told us if we said another word about it to you or Mom that you would punish us. So, I went to Bishop Crawford like Shane told me to, and he tried to rape me right there in his office. Eric promised me he would tell you, thinking you would believe him because you trusted him."

Dad sat down next to him and hugged him to his chest, told him I told him and planned on doing something about it when we got home. Dad said. "He's just angry at himself for not listening to us, but that change's right now. You hear me, boys? No more secrets. If you have a problem, you can come to me and Mom. I want to make it clear that Shawn is never to touch you. He's not allowed to stimulate you, as we showed you. He's not allowed to lay a single freaking finger on you boys. He's not your brother any longer. Arthur's not your brother any longer. None of them has any right to do anything we do as a family. If any of his friends touch you or hurt you, I will kill them, as God is my witness."

Dad looked at me and said. "If you even think about raping my sons, I will end you."

I said. "Yes sir. If you don't mind, Dad, when we get back if I have a little one one-on-one with Shawn and Arthur, no cameras just me and them in an empty room."

Dad said. "Providing they live long enough after I am done with them. Now go get ready for the Barbecue. You, son, have a lot of girls out there wanting to share their affection." I groaned.

Mom had me take my brothers upstairs and give them each a bath. It didn't matter that I had one a few hours ago, but when Mom and Dad told me to do something, I did it. Jared asked the magic question. "Is Eric still our brother Dad?"

Dad grinned, picked up Jared, and said. "Let's go find out."

Mom warns him not to take too long. Since the party will start in less than an hour and a half. I didn't have to ask how he was going to find out. It was simply implied. By the time Mom came up with a tray of energy shakes, Dad was just finishing me. Letting my brothers each have a taste, considering I had tasted each of them. Mom seemed proud as punch seeing us share ourselves with each other. She asked if I was ready and swallowed hard, nodding that I was.

Mom and Dad had devised a plan on how I could satisfy every girl out there, having Dad set up a small stage on the deck facing the beach, and borrowing the church sound system. Personally, I thought the plan was crazy, and had a dream once where I was doing a solo act as fans busted through the lines and climbed on stage, ripping my clothes off. The problem with that dream was it was about to come true. The only difference was I wouldn't have any clothes for them to rip off me. Just thinking about it makes me want to shutter.

We had picked two songs me and Mom would be doing together, and three for me, because I was the one showing my affection. I know it was a bad idea, but there was no way I could satisfy every girl that wanted and desired me. It would take me three months at least before I made it to every girl here, leaving some very jealous guys wanting to kill me.

I told Mom and Dad I'd be rich if they set up a kissing booth selling my kisses for five dollars a pop. I am not saying Dad didn't consider the idea, but like Mom, she wanted to save me for those special girls here that they trusted enough not to go too far. Yeah, right, if that's going to happen. I was grateful for Dad and my brothers for making sure none of us would have arousal for at least a good while as long as some girl didn't cross the boundaries too far. Dad telling me a little stroke every now and again from them was ok, but not to let them go any further until they had their permission from their parents.

I didn't ask if I needed their permission; it was simply implied that they had given their permission to have their way with me, in spite of that we would be dancing after the games. Mom and Dad told me that they had decided that I would have no curfew while I was here, giving me the option of either coming home or spending the night with the Rock-waters. In either case, I wouldn't be sleeping alone, personally. I don't know what the difference is, considering I have been with a girl multiple times now. It's not like we didn't know each other's body on a more personal level, but rules are rules and Mom and Dad trusted me to follow them.

Jared was only limited to kissing and stimulation by mouth by them, and all the breasts he wanted, everything else were off limits below their breast. A back massage was permitted and a very good foot massage. If they wanted anything else, Mom and Dad and their parents had to approve it first. Dad changed the game plan telling Mom considering of the things that Shawn had done to him that if he finds a girl, he likes she can have her way with him and he could return the favor, but Mom and Dad had to be present to make sure he was being a good boy and following the rules.

Jason was only allowed a hand stimulation or mouth job and his and their toes. No breast, no kissing unless it's on the cheek or the lips with the mouth closed. After all, he's only nine. I know some boys at that age are not quite into girls, but Jason was more than ready. Considering Shawn and they had already opened that door. Mom and Dad were just trying to hold him back a little but wanted him to have a better experience, hoping to un-taint what Shawn had done.

Yet when it comes to Mr. and Mrs. Rock-water, they are allowed the same privileges as Mom and Dad and their sisters. Even their boys were fair game when it came to stimulation only. Personally, I felt that was a bad idea. Even though I trusted them, something shouldn't be shared. Brothers and Dads are one thing, boys his age or another man that's not their Dad is another. Mom and Dad left the choice up to me when it came to them. Telling me they rather that save myself for the girls rather than family, something I could live with considering I was still having a hard time with stimulating my brothers and Dad orally. The other I didn't mind so much, considering we were going to do it anyway, just not alone anymore. Since that boat had long sailed and will do so until I learn differently.

Because of the girls waiting for me, I wasn't allowed to leave the deck and Dad had it roped off, hoping that would stop them. Somehow, I didn't think that would stop them for long, but the Bishop was going to announce the rules to prevent things from getting out of hand like they did during church. To think a lot had happened since then, like having every girl in town seeing my arousal. Mom had already told us, boys, that she had outlawed towels other than sitting on them and not to use it to hide anymore, not even Dad was allowed one. Now it didn't matter anymore if they wanted to, they could, if they wanted to feel it they could.

The two LDS songs Mom had picked for us to do together are Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice and O Ye Mountain High. You can follow the link if you like to hear them. Mom and had me pick three love songs to serenade all my beautiful girls and ones I had done with the show choir in high school with Mom harmonizing them. The ones we picked were "You're the first, the last, my everything! By Barry White," "Come Away With Me. By Norah Jones" and "The Last Time I Saw Your Face. By Roberta Flack's". All three seemed like a bad idea and the idea kept getting worse as I spent a lot of time with a simple note and roses for each of them, listing my home address if they wanted to write to me. I had a hand cramped just saying "Thank you Love Eric." 

Dad had me pick six lucky girls out of the entire stack of letters, with respectable families that he and Mom knew that were basically the same age as me, giving their permission to have their way with me. Not including the Rock-water girls or the girl I had saved her life. Who was named Mindy Edgewood, according to her letter that smelled like sweet peppermint? Stating none of these girls had serious boyfriends that would tear me limb to limb for messing with their girl. How Mom and Dad knew that I could only guess that the local bishop here and Mr. and Mrs. Rock-water knew them personally. All I knew I was going to be very busy and exhausted and to think this was a vacation.