Chapter 28-1 Book 3

Chapter 28-1

Learning Endurance

Part 2

It was seven thirty in the morning when Mom and Dad got us up for breakfast. Mom had my brothers, and I strip all the beds so she could wash all the bedding. Including all the curtains in the house, as well as a list of chores she wanted us to do before we were allowed to go out and play. Just because we were on vacation, we still had chores to do. A lot of it was because of Jonathan's, Jared's, birthday party. Even though Jared's birthday was two weeks away, he wanted to have it here with all his friends and his big brother. Considering I would be going on a home-visit when the actual party was happening, giving me and Jared the chore of delivering all the invitations to all the boys his age and Jason's age.

Like every morning, I had a care package was waiting for me with a stack of mail from my fans inviting me to activities and some of it was quite unflattering on what they would like to do to me. Having those end up in the trash stating they wanted to have my baby or marry me, which neither was going to happen. Mom had purchased me three large photo albums to put all my pictures of all the girls. Who needs a Playboy when I have this? I could thank my lucky stars for the internet not being invented yet, so none of them or I could be posted.

Today the girl, or should I say girls of the chosen six now down to five wanted me to dress up as a Yankee soldier. I had to admit it they were creative, inviting me to lunch in the meadow and I was to bring my friend along with the other part of my instructions. His name was Dillon, the same boy that helped me out on the lake, the same boy that introduced me to all his friends, the same brother of the last girl I was with on the beach. He was to arrive at my cabin at ten o'clock today.

Mom lifted the card and my instruction, having her place the uniform against me, telling me she couldn't wait to see me in it. Quickly folded it back up into the boxes, leaving the black boots out so I could polish them after breakfast. They were a little big, but workable, and knowing most likely I wouldn't be in them long, or the uniform for that matter. Dad brought it in the second part, setting it down on the table. It was my sword, with more of my instructions. That my family and I were invited to another barbecue, telling them they needed to be in full costume for tonight's events. The boys dressed as soldiers and Mom as Lady Bell. Mom laughed as Dad put on the sword around his naked body.

Dad reenacting Gone With The Wind, "Oh my Dear Scarlet, come away with me and live until our dying days." Not quite the scene, but Dad was Dad.

Mom places both her hands on her heart. "Rhett, take me. I am yours." Dad rushed over and bent her head back, and kissed her passionately as Mom wrapped her arms around him.

Dad swooped down and picked her up, letting Dad carry her up the stairs. Mom squealed. "Robert, you are such a naughty boy," Dad yelled to me for me to be up in my room in a half hour and closed the bathroom door.

Jared and Jason gave me a knuckle bump after hearing Mom climax. It didn't take a genius to know what they were doing up there or why they wanted me in my room in half an hour. It also said I was not about to stimulate myself, not that I had the time to do it. We boys still had chores to do before we could all go into town. An hour and a half later, we had just finished our chores when Dad called me as he carried Mom to my room. Jared was to tend my baby brother and to give him and Jared a bath.

While Mom and Dad are having some private time with me, asking us if we had done our chores. Mom closed the door and had me lie on the bed with Dad. This time instead of me on top. Mom had me lie on my back and my feet and legs on the sides of Dad, and Dad's feet and legs on my sides. Having us scoot together as close as we could get. Letting us touch as Mom took a large rubber or condom and cut it in half and slipped it over both mine and Dad's penises, to bring them both together. I noticed right away that Dad was still hard.

Mom stroked us both until we were equally hard and measured it to a fake one. Dad gave her permission, telling me to brace myself. Watching Mom climb in between us, I felt the same warmth and uncomfortable tightness that I had felt on the boat with Isza. I sat up, having Dad's legs and feet come up across my shoulders and hold me down. Yelling for me to lie still or I would hurt Mom and us. Mom told me if I was worried about getting her pregnant that I shouldn't be, telling me she can't have any more children.

That Dad wanted me to experience sex in a controlled and safe environment. He had decided I was ready, in fact, more than ready according to him and Mom. That Mom wanted to me to do this. Yet if I didn't want to, she would understand.

I said no fearing Dad and Mom were just testing me again. Yet I didn't want to take the chance, so I declined the offer … for now. Even though she acted disappointed, in truth she could see I wasn't quite ready yet, so she pulled it out of her and got off. I could see the disappointment in Dad's eyes as he growled that I was missing a chance to learn something new.

I quickly said I would have to think about it and pulled away as the condom slipped off. I was about to get off the bed when Mom told me they would stimulate me the other way until I felt comfortable about doing it this way with Dad and her. I hesitated for a moment, then nodded, telling them no sex and Dad no licking my butt. Dad laughed. "Not going to happen."

Mom had Dad and I put us back together with the way she had us, slipping the condom back on. Then we rubbed us down with lotion while I massaged Dad's feet and legs, and he did mine. Even though I wasn't as tall as Dad Mom gave Dad a couple of pillows so he could lean closer to mine so he could have full access to my legs and feet by placing my toes inside his mouth and sucking on them making me moan. I did the same to Dad's having him moan when I got to the right spot.

Mom's job was to stimulate us orally or by hand. Dad asked if I had any objections to Mom kissing me. I couldn't think of any considering she had kissed me lots of times and felt that was a strange question. So, I simply said yes, yet the kind of kiss I got was Mom opening my mouth and sticking her tongue inside causing me to spread my mouth wider. My head jerked back when she did it, causing her to place her hand behind it and forcing me to kiss her. When she let go, I felt stunned. Dad laughed as he kept stroking us as Mom repeated the kiss to Dad and then went back to stimulate us.

I wasn't sure if that was illegal or not considering I have kissed lots of girls that way since being here and now, Mom. She asked me breathlessly if I liked it. What could I say … no? It was just as hot as one of the other girls I had kissed. I didn't answer as she leaned back over me and repeated the kiss while Dad continued stimulating me. I whispered. I was close. Mom asked Dad if he was close to having him say he was. Mom asked if he was saving himself for me or her. Dad grinned and told us it was both. Mom watched him and I stiffen a little and hurried to take over by finishing us orally.

When she got us both nearly dry, she kissed Dad and me, sharing him and me with an open kiss. Then had me lay on my stomach between Dad's legs. Even though he wasn't hard, he wanted me to get the rest or stimulate him while Mom massaged my back. Either way, the taste wasn't the same as the first time Dad had me do this, and in some ways I kinda liked it. Since Mom had already massaged him in the tub and then some? Mom gave me permission to do her like she had shown me, handing me the fake penis, and telling me mine would have been far better if she could have had mine and Dad's together.

I knew how she said it, as if I hurt her feelings knowing now that it wasn't a test. I questioned if I was ready for it and decided I really needed more time to think about it, so I simply said. "I will think about it, but please don't force me to." Dived in with a kiss, the same passionate kiss she had given me, which allowed me too to lie on top of her.

Dad had me scoot over so we could share her in tandem. Dad had me place the fake one in whispering in my ear how she liked it and setting the pace. Leaving us both hot and sweaty, when Mom climaxed five times with Dad and me, she had enough and wanted me and Dad to bathe before we went into town. I had to agree we smelled like lotion and sweat. I didn't want anyone to know what we had just done or the moral ramifications of it.

Since my robe was being washed. I went without it, handing Dad my wallet so I could buy Jason and Jared a birthday present. Sparky barked at us, wanting to go with us, but dogs aren't allowed in the stores. I gave him his bone and patted him on the head, telling him Jared would take him for a walk when we got back. Not that he heard me as he quickly took the bone and forgot we were even there.

Dad gave Mom my wallet, and said he had some phone calls to make, sending us on our way, telling us he would meet us at the costume and clothing shop. The same shop that has all those editable flavors of soap and body lotions. The lady knew Mom on sight as she introduced her to us. Telling her what she needed, giving her a long list. I myself had a list of things I wanted to get for my mother and friends back home. Mom bought us each a robe. My second robe had a tiger on the back, which the lady screen painted with as the boys each picked out a green one or a blue one like mine choosing a favorite animal. Mom had bought one for Shawn and Arthur, and having the lady cut it off so short it wasn't much of a robe. But almost a dress shirt, the color was a dark brown. The lady asked if she was sure she wanted to buy it under hush whispers.

Mom quickly said that she didn't like the idea, but they had left her no choice. I questioned what the choice was the way Mom said it and the way the lady responded to it didn't sound good. It was creepy, having to watch her box it up in a black box while ours was all neatly placed inside a white box. Warning bells went off in my head, telling me something bad was going to happen.

Dad confirmed it, telling us that Arthur and Shawn had arrived and were now being prepared. Dad's face showed something I had never seen before as he looked at Mom and us. His hands shook as he took the black box and quickly put it in the back of Shane's truck, and covered it inside a tarp, while the rest of our things sat open. Mom had rented a nice old-fashioned ball gown and Jason and Jonathan had just finished dressing as page boys or letter carriers, with each a sword.

Dad's and Jared's uniforms perfectly matched mine, the vibrant green robes with the musketeer logo boldly displayed on the back. As I selected three more robes, my mind envisioned my three closest friends back home, their faces lighting up as they received their own personalized gifts. The soft scent of the edible lotions and soaps lingered in the air, hinting at the luxurious pampering they would provide for my mother. Alongside them, a bright yellow robe adorned with red and white roses awaited my mother's delighted surprise. Recalling my sisters, Jody and Kerry, I couldn't resist adding them to my shopping list, their names etched on a blue robe carefully tailored to fit Aaron's measurements.

However, as I considered my father and my two other sisters, Susan and Becky, doubt filled my mind. The thought of their indifference loomed, and I swiftly changed my decision. Deep down, I knew any gift for them would be discarded without a second thought. Especially when it came to my father. The answer was painfully clear. They would get nothing from me, and I was good with that. Instead, I bought my grandmother a very nice gift using the money I would have spent on my father and my sisters.

Dad noted the time stating I needed to be back for my date or dates, putting in the rest of the groceries leaving me and my brothers just enough room to ride in the back of the truck. Not even Jared wanted to sit anywhere near that black box. I cringed when I asked, whispering, fearing the answer. Yet he refused to say anything and asked me not to ask him, but to only ask Mom and Dad. Placing a couple of sacks near it so he wouldn't be near it as if it were a poisonous snake.

When we arrived, Dillon was waiting for me. He wasn't dressed, but he had everything he needed inside a box with his sword leaning against the house. He was a tad early. He quickly gave me the other half of our instructions. We were to bathe together, having us put on spiced apple lotion, no big deal considering I bathed with Dad and my brothers all the time. Dad and Mom re-read the rest of the instructions. Mom laughed, reading we were supposed to kidnap our fair maidens and sling them over horseback and ride off to the meadow where we would fight for their honor. Mom and Dad knew I wasn't into guys. Seeing how nervous we were, they suggested to bathe with us. We both breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the couch while Mom filled the tub. Dad made us all Mom's milkshakes. Dillon and I took a seat across from each other.

While Dad played host, he laughed, seeing how nervous we were. We may be both heroes, and sort of friends, but not quite the best of friends either wanting to share ourselves with each other. We were just two guys brought together under strange circumstances.

Dad broke the ice, telling us we didn't have to share ourselves unless we wanted to. We both said no at the same time. Dillon stating the family was one thing, and this was quite another. I agreed, drinking my milkshake and finding we like the same thing and girls, not boys, which made it easier to relax a bit.

Personally, he was a good-looking guy like me. He was well-muscle-toned in all the right areas. Which said he likes to work out quite a bit, he likes his sister who had blond hair and green eyes. Like me, he was sixteen and maybe a head taller. I could easily see why the girls liked him. He was kind and easygoing; I had to ask about school and if they had to wear clothes like me.

He grinned, telling me yes, they did, and it is really hard to sit in them for eight hours a day after spending the entire summer without them. Even during the winter, when the temperature changes, they wear heavier robes in the house, like our summer robes. I was surprised a little considering I thought they were naked year-round. He tells me they love to play dress up because it makes it fun to do it, instead of normal boring clothing. Almost everybody here has their own instead of renting them all the time. Telling me during Halloween, everyone dresses up as mermaids, since it's the legend of the lake that founded this town.

Mom came down the stairs telling us our bath was ready, taking the empty glasses and putting them in the sink. He followed me and Dad to the bathroom and slipped into the tub. I took the seat across from him, letting Dad sit in the middle and Mom taking the opposite side. Mom whispered to Dad, and he got up and left, leaving Mom to decide how far we were going to go or willing to go. Mom played it cool, asking permission to bathe us, and asked Dillon if he didn't mind having her stimulate him.

I watched him swallow really hard a couple of times and then said he rather see how she does me. Mom asked me if she had my permission to do so, and I said. "Sure, but if it makes Dillon uncomfortable, then we won't," putting the ball back into his court. Dillon swallowed hard a couple more times. Asking Mom how she stimulates me. Mom laughed. "I give him a full body massage," and whispers in his ear what's included. He surprised me by telling her he was all in. That his parents and their parents' friends do that. He was just worried if I was about to stick my penis up his butt.

I said, my voice tinged with surprise, "Dude, that's never going to happen. Like I said, I am into girls."

With a tremendous sigh of relief, he leaned in and kissed me, causing my mouth to part in shock. His hand reached down and gently stroked me. Startled, I pushed him back and exclaimed, "Wow, dude! You actually kissed me? But you said you're not into guys!"

Confusion clouded his expression as he looked at me. My foster Mom quickly intervened, explaining that I wasn't accustomed to guys kissing me, other than a friendly peck on the cheek.

He apologized, stating that he assumed I wouldn't take it the wrong way, as we were just best friends and nothing more. He made a move to leave, but I grabbed his hand and reassured him, "Dude, you caught me off guard, that's all." Mom nodded, indicating that it was alright, and then she stood up, kissed him passionately, and sensually moved her hand down to his penis and stroked him while she kissed him. He wobbled a bit, but Mom pushed him towards me.

With my heart pounding, Mom gently guided my hand onto his erect member, urging me to stroke it just as he had done to me. Her voice echoed in my ears, instructing me to reciprocate the kiss. Swallowing hard, I heard the haunting voices whispering, telling me This is what Shawn does to every boy including his brothers, before raping them repeatedly. Defiantly, I shouted back in my mind. No; I am nothing like him, and will never be!. Despite my reluctance, I leaned over and pressed my lips against his, keeping our mouths closed. A growl escaped Mom's lips, expressing her disappointment in my lackluster kiss. She insisted that he wouldn't harm me, emphasizing our supposed friendship. Embarrassed and conflicted, I attempted another kiss, only to be met with the same disappointment.

Mom said that I kissed her and the other girls better than that while urging me to kiss him again. Just as I hesitated, my foster Dad walked in, and I braced myself for his reaction to seeing Mom passionately kissing both me and him. Surprisingly, he leaned in and kissed Dillon just like Mom had kissed me. Dillon let out a moan as Dad's lips parted from his. I glanced at Dad, my anxiety growing. Suddenly, he grabbed me, forced me to stand, and forcefully kissed me with his tongue, reminding me that we had discussed this.

Yes, we did, but it wasn't a gentle peck on the cheek regarding Mom, it was a full-blown passionate kiss. It was not a kiss I thought I would give to Dad or any other boy for that matter, unlike the intense, fiery kiss I shared with a girl. However, I couldn't gather the courage to correct him, as I feared the beast lurking within him. As I pondered the consequences of a simple kiss, I longed for a more satisfactory answer. The weight of my actions made me feel as though I was destined for hell. Reflecting on my conversation with Mr. Rock-water, where he asked about my romantic inclinations towards girls, boys, or both, I couldn't help but question the various roles I was being presented with. Or if I comprehended the significance of it if I did. Did it imply that I was identified as gay? Yet I really liked girls, and lots and lots of girls. I had given no thought to the other spectrum, but I must admit, it intrigued me a little, yet I really really liked girls, man I was confused.

Dad pushed me back into my seat beside Dillon, his grip on my hand tightening, conveying his anger. Fear consumed me as I dreaded the monster lurking inside my Dad, desperately wanting to avoid it. Swallowing my fear, I leaned over and kissed Dillon, tuning out the tormenting voices in my head. I knew I had no other choice; it was either this or facing my Dad's wrath.

When I finished, Mom and Dad kissed Dillon once again, leaving the decision up to me. Despite feeling guilt and discomfort from the experience, I found myself trapped between a rock and a hard place. Dad and Mom kissed me again, letting us share our kisses between the four of us. I was just getting the hang of it, and wanting to stop and go back to the part where it was just me and the girls. Now Mom and Dad were now introducing me to boys and putting them on my menu. I wasn't quite sure how I felt about that, but I was trying my best to keep an open mind regarding the idea. It wasn't for those voices in my head telling me that this was wrong on so many levels, always reminding me of what Shawn might have done. I would have jumped in with both feet. Man, I needed some better answers.

Dad lifted Dillon out of the tub, letting his feet and legs hang over the side, and stimulated him orally in tandem with Mom. Dad noticed I was sitting there watching and growled at me under his breath. Repeating the same thing Mom said regarding we should be best friends. The thought of me doing this to my friends was not a very pleasant thought. Family maybe, and Mr. Rockwater because we were really close, and I had seen Dad, my brothers, and Mom do it to him and their brothers.

Dad roughly picked me up and laid me next to Dillon. Mom asked him if it was alright if I stimulated him as well. Dillon said as friends only, he didn't want to find my penis up his butt, and we become an item and ridiculed for being gay. Dad promised him that was never going to happen, that I was into girls, not boys that I would only do this with close friends. Dad's understanding finally hit him, and a mischievous grin appeared on his face. He glanced at me and Dillon, his eyes filled with curiosity, before turning to Mom and suggesting that we have a sincere conversation about the complexities of sexual orientation.

Agreeing, Mom inquired about our knowledge of the terms, discovering that our understanding was limited, except for the concepts of being gay and straight. Dad was direct and to the point, listing each one with a simple explanation, without any beating around the bush.

Having Dillon and I take a seat next to each other, letting the jets in the tub soothe us.

Dad explained, "Shawn, Danny, Arthur and some, but not all their friends are gay, meaning they are Homosexual, or Gay meaning they prefer boys and men over girls. Which is wrong and considered against the law, in every State he is aware of, worse they abuse other boys like themselves and younger like their brother Jonathon.

"Which was why the law was against it? The situation wouldn't be as significant if they maintained privacy and sought consent from all parties involved. However, they have committed forcible rape with no one's consent, and this fact fills him with growing disgust and anger with each passing day. The discovery of more victims that they and this man Crawford have unleashed upon our peaceful town of Highland only intensifies his resolve to take action upon our return home, if not sooner.

"The opposite term is called Heterosexual, or what is called being Strait. This means finding the opposite sex attractive and not involving multiple partners by staying in the same group and only being loyal to one individual when it comes to sex, and stimulating the whole enchilada.

"But we and my wife and many of us here in this community find it boring, wanting to share all aspects of life with different people and origins and with both sexes. Which I know for a fact is that Dillon and his family were taught the moment they were born, and as well as our own children. The term "Bisexual" refers to someone who is attracted to both girls and boys, encompassing a diverse range of romantic and sexual preferences. Individuals of any gender, in as many combinations as you desire, as long as it is consensual every time. And I stress this boy's understanding of the word consensual - Dillon knows that his parents have taught him its meaning. As Dillon nodded, a painful expression crossed his face, leaving me perplexed. However, I saved that conversation for another time.

"We taught Shawn and Arthur the same values, but apparently it hasn't worked or has been made worse since my grandfather had corrupted everything, we have taught him, And this man Crawford, encouraged it. Now we have to face the music, set things right, and do our best to correct the problem and stop it in its tracks or have no choice according to our laws. To set them both in front of the council here and let them choose their fate. Like they had done with my grandfather.

"That's a challenge we can tackle on a different occasion. Instead of dwelling on things we can't change right now, let's shift our attention to more productive matters. Like getting you two boys acquainted now that we have gone over the basics, and we know that both of you boys are not gay and are more inclined to become "Bisexual" or simply put BI wants a variety of both male and female and lots of them." Dad and Mom laughed, thinking about all the mischief we could get into.

Dillon nodded in agreement that he could live with that, making the first move and kissed me, feeling his right hand making its way down to my penis, my mind screaming that this was so wrong, but it was too late to turn back now with Mom and Dad making me. Even after teaching me and Dillon regarding the sexuality roles of each category. I was still unsure where I fit in, thinking I was on the fence between being Strait or Bi. Yet, I had to admit if I was being honest with myself; I was a long way from choosing only one woman or girl, considering I really enjoyed being with several and not just one. The prospect of not having to choose just one option for the rest of my life ignited a thrill within me. Other than doing this with my family and closest friends, the other spectrum I was struggling with was influenced by Shawn, Danny, and Arthur's actions. I knew deep down that I wasn't gay, and that realization gave me a sense of reassurance, at least for now.

I questioned if I still needed those answers, but I doubt I would find them here, knowing Mom and Dad and the community of nudists I was living among. Without Jeff by my side to offer guidance, I had to confront the fact that I would be solely responsible for making the decisions. I had no choice but to seize the opportunity and brace myself for the wild ride. Oh, God, I was so certain I was destined for hell, but it seems like I won't be alone.

Mom had Dillon and me retake our previous spots lying side by side, but first, it was my job to return the kiss. Even though I was uncomfortable about doing it, I didn't want to anger my foster parents or embarrass them further. Besides, it was just a kiss and what was the harm in kissing? Once I had, it felt strange, at first. I wasn't sure if that was because he was a boy and not a girl, but I couldn't help lingering a moment longer feeling both of us shudder as we each deepened the kiss, then leaving us both breathless, feeling each of our arms and hands trailing up and down our bare backs.

Only to part, then lunged for each other, wanting to do it again. It appeared time had frozen, and even the voices inside my head fell silent. It wasn't the expected sense of wrongness, but rather a strange feeling of rightness that left me even more perplexed. The feeling was undeniable, a sense of rightness that filled every fiber of my being.

Yes, I definitely needed those answers and possibly a handbook on life, or should I dare say my new life? As we stood there, time seemed to freeze, our eyes locked in a deep connection. The first thing that caught my eyes about Dillon were his striking green eyes, their magnetic pull impossible to ignore. In that intimate moment, our bodies melded together, our exposed skin brushing against each other, as we breathed in each other's essence and warmth, uncertain of where our desires would lead us. As I found solace in Dillon's embrace, the air filled with the joyful sounds of Mom's giggle and Dad's chuckle. Watch us repeat our kisses, confirming their relief and approval. How I longed for that familiar sensation to wash over me once again. It was at that precise moment when I finally discovered my genuine desires-Dillon and my three exquisite mermaids.

Yes, Dad was right. The thought of having it all consumed me, and I wanted it more than life itself. My foster parents had been right all along. Being straight was not my destiny. I finally confronted my own truth and embraced my bisexuality. Now, I faced the daunting task of revealing this aspect of my identity to my mother and grandmother. No, they would understand. If they truly loved me, they would be able to empathize with my feelings. I couldn't help but wonder if my decision would meet the approval of Jeff and God.

I could feel Dillon's powerful arms lifting me, placing me halfway out of the tub as our lips met in a passionate kiss, my heart racing like a jackrabbit. With each kiss, he took me deeper into a state of bliss, his tongue exploring every inch of my exposed skin, leaving me breathless and wanting more. With each tantalizing touch on my hardening nipples, he skillfully moved his lips and tongue, driving me to plead for more. He traced a seductive path down to my belly button, only to retrace it back up and plant a passionate kiss on my lips. The sensation of his mouth on my penis grew more intense as he went lower. The room was filled with the melodious symphony of my pleasure-filled moans as my fingers instinctively tangled in his blond hair, which bore a striking resemblance to my own short, tapered, and curly hairstyle.

Both Mom and Dad kneeled down, one on each side of me, and leaned in to kiss me with a newfound intensity reminiscent of those passionate moments in my bedroom. Dad's approach to kissing differed from Mom and Dillon's. I couldn't contain my eagerness as I embraced him, and our kiss became more intense, filled with desire. The sensation differed completely from any other kiss I had shared with Dillon, but it wasn't unpleasant at all, just a deviation from the usual. At that very moment, as our lips met and our breaths intertwined, I truly understood the deep intimacy of sharing this kind of kiss with my foster parents, and an overpowering sensation of joy overtook me.

Meanwhile, Dillon positioned himself between my legs, his touch sending shivers down my spine and filling me with a delicious ache of desire. With everyone in their designated places, the air was thick with a sense of excitement and pleasure. Anticipation filled me, knowing that what was to come would bring intense pleasure and leave me craving for more. Each of them took turns, their lips and tongues skillfully bringing me to the brink of ecstasy. And after it was all done, they kissed me again, leaving me breathless and completely fulfilled. I had no more doubts that this was wrong as I took Dillon in my arms, causing him to lie flat against me and kiss me before I rolled us so I could be on top.

It was my turn to pleasure Dillon and me, wishing we were completely alone, but if wishes were fishes, everyone would have one. The journey to this point, despite the stark contrast to the extreme violence I had endured, was surprisingly pleasant. The newfound understanding of my identity made it all worthwhile, and the immense joy that came from being loved in this way was indescribable. This was my new life now, and I eagerly embraced the boundless opportunities that stretched out before me like a never-ending tapestry. I had transformed into someone completely different from the boy who had experienced the traumas inflicted by my parents.

My journey from boyhood to manhood was unfolding swiftly, and with each passing day, my self-assurance and inner strength were blossoming, erasing any trace of the timid, scared rabbit I used to be. Now, embodying the tiger, I consume fear and eradicate the lurking monsters within those shadows.

My time with the Rothwells has been transformative. It has allowed me to grow as an individual, discovering my ability to fight and my capacity for love. With Dillon's captivating green eyes locked with mine and his almost curly blond hair beneath my fingertips, I discover a level of comfort and happiness that is entirely new to me. His tanned, powerful body lay beneath me, tempting me to press my lips against his and caress every inch of his well-defined, muscular form, mirroring my own desire.

With a bold leap, I plunged into the emerald pools of his eyes. Our naked skin pressed against each other, emanating a soothing warmth that made us feel connected. I pulled him closer, our lips locked in a passionate embrace, and the air around us grew thin, consumed by the intensity of our kiss. The sensation of warmth and deliciousness filled our mouths as we shared an intimate kiss. I released us gradually, torn between the temptation to return for more and the need to restrain myself, eager to delve into every aspect of Dillon's being, mirroring his exploration of me. Well, the front part, at least for now.

I yearned to explore the depths of his body, beginning with the sensation of my hands gliding over his strong back and shoulders. From there, a gentle touch would ignite a whirlwind of sensations as my fingers, lips, and tongue would map out the contours of his long, inviting back, leaving no inch unexplored. However, I had to draw the line there and refuse to go any further. Although I wasn't Shawn or gay, I couldn't resist being captivated by the attractiveness of his buttocks. Deep down, I yearned to give them a soft, lingering kiss and a tight, affectionate embrace, but I firmly resolved not to exceed those limits. The thought of any male entertaining such a notion was truly repulsive to me.

Lying there on top of him with his arms around me, I could feel the undeniable presence of his hardening penis, eagerly awaiting the pleasure and satisfaction we both craved, that no doubt his sweet nectar would be worth the wait and would be my first time I would taste him, and I was looking forward to it. It felt strange to admit that I was actually craving the taste, just like Mom and Dad had warned me.

And to think, there were countless more shades of masculinity awaiting me, each one as enticing as a different flavor of candy, as I began my journey as a newly awakened bisexual young man, just a few months away from turning seventeen. It was like stepping into a parallel universe, where every sight, sound, and feeling seemed more vivid and intense than ever before. Sharing him with my foster parents was bittersweet, but in that moment, I took comfort in the anticipation of the long nights and countless days we would have to be alone together.

My desire to kiss him again was overpowering, so I gave in, relishing the gradual descent as I traced my lips over every inch of his chest, delighting in the texture and savoring the taste of his skin. I wondered what it would taste like, covered in ice cream and chocolate sauce, as I explored the many flavors, I had recently discovered with each of my mermaids. Yes, this was going to be a new adventure for me, and I was looking forward to it.

Before I knew it, Mom and Dad were by my side as I embarked on my personal voyage down Dillon, leaving his lips and mouth for them to savor. There was no hesitation from Dillon as he kissed them with intensity. His fingers entwined in my hair as I explored the defined muscles of his chest, mapping the same journey he had taken on my own body. Recognizing his advanced skills compared to mine. I swiftly adapted, exploring his nipples with my tongue and nibbling gently.

Once I settled back into the tub, I could feel the warm water surrounding me, while I leaned over him and heard him release a low moan of undeniable pleasure. My eyes captured the moment as Mom and Dad savored the rich flavor of Dillon's chest and nipples, reminiscent of the way they had done with me. I couldn't wait to taste and explore the sensations, feeling his legs and feet on the sides of me as they wrapped around me.

Leaning closer to his hard, washboard abs, I couldn't help but notice a captivating sight—a unique tattoo etched around his belly button, featuring a five-pointed star enclosed within a complete circle, adorned with smaller stars encircling it. It appeared as if someone had used a branding iron, like the ones used on cattle, to create it. My hands and fingers trembled slightly at the sheer magnitude of the thought. The pain he had to endure for this was unimaginable, but the question that mattered most was why. The world seemed to freeze as Mom and Dad's gazes met mine, their faces betraying the unmistakable awareness that I had stumbled upon a closely guarded secret.

In a state of confusion, I patiently waited for someone to provide me with an explanation for this. Our lovemaking was halted as waited for someone to explain the reason behind Dillon's tattoo. Dad gestured for me to sit down, and Dillon promptly joined me, taking the seat beside mine. The water in the tub had turned lukewarm, and Mom was about to turn on the faucet for more hot water. Dad intervened, shaking his head in disapproval, letting out a heavy sigh of regret, and slowly draining out the water by pulling the plug.

As Dad paced within the confines of our massive bathtub, which could comfortably fit eight people. I couldn't help but recall the many moments of pleasure and lovemaking that I had experienced with my three mermaids, my foster parents, my three Rothwell brothers, and now Dillon, each encounter filled with its own unique intensity. We absolutely needed to have one of these at home, no question about it. The only question was where Mom and Dad would find space for it.

Along with everything else, the dilemma involving Shawn and Arthur cast a shadow of worry over my thoughts as I considered the potential problems it could create. I hate the thought of bringing my male friend's home, knowing they would want to rape them repeatedly the moment they saw them naked. No, I wasn't looking forward to going home and dealing with that. If I had a choice, I would stay here forever, knowing that I would be safe and loved here. Yet, the thought of never seeing my brother Aaron, my grandmother, my mother, and the close friends I have made is unimaginable to me, that I couldn't live with.


* * * *

Yet, as time went on, I came to regret not doing it. The reason behind this was that in that place, I felt an indescribable sense of joy and love, like nowhere else. There is a void in my life now, devoid of any family or friends who truly care about my well-being. The atmosphere grew tense whenever they were around as if the air itself carried a palpable sense of animosity towards me that I couldn't shake. It is undeniable that they hold a strong animosity towards me, wishing for my death and the eradication of any connection to me. With bated breath, I brace myself for the unknown, bidding farewell to the world of deceit and embarking on an alternative path, leaving them all behind. The current circumstances do not allow for it. I have obligations to fulfill and precious recollections to revisit for the last time prior to my departure from this world.


* * * *

I waited for Mom and Dad to give me an explanation regarding Dillon's tattoo, fearing the answer. Dad opened his mouth to speak, but Dillon interjected and offered his insight. "It's called a shaming tattoo because it's meant to publicly shame you for participating in the same actions as your foster brother, Shawn, Arthur, and their friends. This serves as a powerful reminder of facing the most brutal and public execution imaginable. It prevents me from ever considering repeating the same mistake. However, I could never bring myself to subject another person to such experiences.

"Although I was innocent of those crimes, I found myself in the role of a victim. They were determined to prevent me from becoming the abuser, so they presented me with three options. Should I decide to undergo the shaming ritual and successfully come out alive, I would be allotted a five-year span to establish my innocence. With every passing year, a new star joins the constellation, signifying my victories and the justice I have found. Two years have passed since I completed my sentence.

"The weight of the situation pressed upon me as I considered the other two options: ending my own life or facing a violent demise. The third choice was leaving the community and all my family, friends, and loved ones behind, and it meant accepting placement in a government-run juvenile prison for the rest of my life. I knew that by choosing to go there, I would become a sought-after commodity among the inmates. They would eagerly circulate me like a rare treat, inflicting countless acts of sexual assault, and leaving me with a chilling destiny of either a soulless existence in my cell or a gruesome exhibition of violence.

"We began as a group of eight, united by our circumstances, but as time wore on, the unbearable weight of existence claimed the lives of three, while two others sought solace in the unknown beyond the walls of our private community. The other two boys, who had inexplicably vanished towards the end of their five-year sentence, left me as the sole survivor.

"Standing alone as the last survivor, I can hold my head high, knowing I have triumphed over adversity and been exonerated of all the crimes. Even though it wasn't my choice to do them, which was why I was given leniency. However, this will forever be a painful reminder of the hardships I faced."

As Dillon held my hand, he guided it to his stomach, specifically to the center where his bellybutton was located. I couldn't control the trembling of my hand as tears streamed down my cheeks, mirroring the flow from his eyes. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Mom and Dad shed tears of joy as Dillon rescued them from the anguish of foreseeing their son Shawn's imminent destiny.

My hand slipped from Dillon's grasp, but I hastily reclaimed it, unwilling to relinquish our connection. At that moment, a sudden realization dawned on me about my feelings for Dillon, acknowledging a deep affection that extended beyond the typical connection between brothers. No, he was more than that; he was my soul mate, and I wanted to be his. I knew Jeff would approve, and I knew Shane would understand well. I held onto the hope that he would recognize the necessity of me opening up about my bisexual identity, but at the moment, my attention was fully on Dillon and the deep connection we shared.

As our hands intertwined, I gently tugged him closer, savoring the sensation of his lips against mine. My hand instinctively reached out to his hardening arousal, and I caressed it gently. Leaning in close, I whispered in his ear, my voice barely audible, asking if he wanted to continue this in my room. He answered me with a kiss, feeling him grab my penis with his free hand and stroking me. The answer was abundantly clear, leaving no confusion whatsoever. With a sense of urgency, I whisked Dillon away to my room, not even bothering to let Mom or Dad know. As I listened to Mom telling Dad, "I thought they would never leave." I could hear their laughter and the sound of my bedroom door closing.

The instant the door closed; I wasted no time in pushing Dillon towards the bed. I couldn't resist any longer, so I threw myself on top of him. Pressed tightly against each other, our bodies emitted a comforting warmth as we picked up where we left off, starting with a lingering kiss. I indulged in the delight of exploring every inch of his body, savoring each sensation along the way.

When I reached his belly button, I couldn't help but stare at the shaming tattoo, its intricate design telling a story of pain and regret. With each star I kissed, I could feel the weight of his emotions in his tearful eyes, and I whispered my heartfelt words. "Dillon, I want you to know that I value our friendship a lot, but I don't have romantic feelings for you. At least not yet." With hesitation, I cringed at the thought of my words being misconstrued, reluctant to use terms like boyfriend or lover, unsure if I was ready to fully commit.

One look into Dillon's eyes and I could see the depth of his understanding as he uttered, "Soul mate has a nice ring to it." Just as Dillon was about to say "But—Boy—", his words were abruptly halted by the sound of the bedroom door swinging open. Despite the shocking scene of finding her son in bed with another boy, both naked and engaged in a sexual act, she remained remarkably composed, unlike my mother and grandmother who would have likely had a nuclear meltdown and possibly fainted. I knew I had a lot of explaining to do when I got home.

It did not surprise Dillon or me, as we knew well that Mom and Dad had purposely orchestrated this. Not even an hour had passed since we gathered in the expansive tub room to do this. Without hesitation, Dillon ran his fingers through my hair while I felt his sweet nectar release and dripping down my chin. Their arrival didn't even make a ripple as they entered, both wearing wide grins. They each took a finger, swiped some of it off my face, and playfully sampled it.

Mom leaned down and gently planted a kiss on my forehead, while Dad followed suit and settled down on the edge of the bed. I groaned inwardly, wanting Dillon all to myself, but apparently, that wasn't going to happen. Dillon scooted over to make room, but all Dad did was lean over and kiss him like we had done in the tub room. Gave us a time update, and he mentioned that we had almost four hours before we needed to retrieve our girls for our scheduled evening outing.

Mom and he expressed their keen interest in resuming our activities from earlier, demonstrating their eagerness to continue now that we had moved our love-making nest to my room. A powerful desire to scream "No" welled up inside me, but the fear of what would happen next kept me silent. Dillon nodded, expressing his approval. He shared my longing for solitary moments, desiring tranquility and uninterrupted serenity. I nodded, silently acknowledging that it was acceptable.