In a narrow alley filled with grime and the scent of garbage, Giran walked slowly, his footsteps echoing through the area.
He picked up a small pebble and threw it at an apartment window.
Seeing no response, he repeated the action.
"Who in tarnation wants an ass whoop— Oh hey Giran." Bubaigawara looked down with a smile, his previous frown gone.
"I got a job for you." Giran spoke in a carefree manner.
"... Ehh... I don't feel like doing anything." Bubaigawara complained tiredly, a cigarette in his mouth.
He wore a baggy white tank top, brown pants and his facial hair was unkempt, a classic "Depressed old man" appearance.
Although, he just became 31 but he appeared older due to stress.
"Okay, how about this? You come with me and I'll introduce you to some friends." Giran persuaded with a smile.
"Don't wanna..." He said sadly.
"When do I start!?" He said happily.
Split personality disorder, caused by the identity crises his Quirk inflicted upon him.
While Bubaigawara's Quirk could be stated to be the strongest Quirk in the world as it can copy anyone's Quirk and create tens of thousands of copies of himself or others it still doesn't follow his will.
The beings he creates have their own aspirations and thoughts, they are not linked to him like the pro-hero Ectoplasm who could link his clones to himself like a hive mind.
If Bubaigawara could control the clones he creates the world will be under his control.
His Quirk, Double allows him to create a clone of anyone and anything he has an exact measurement of and a deep understanding of their personality.
Initially he could only make two copies of himself but he overcame this limit by making his copies make copies and on and on.
In theory, he can make hundreds of thousands of himself or anyone.
Downsides? He can't control them, they have their own personality and aspirations, they don't follow his orders.
"Alright, meet me at this location ~" He threw him a card.
Bubaigawara Jin caught the card with his hand, a somewhat happy expression on his face.
He needed this, a bond that he can form, a friend.
If not, he feared what he would do to himself...
"I'll be there. Like hell I would!"
"...." Giran shook his head.
"So is that a no or a yes...?"
"It's a yes."
He walked away.
"Yo, Shoto." Izuku stared at him with a carefree smile.
"..." He stood there, conflicted.
He wanted to best him but he knew that Izuku is stronger and faster than him, the current him can't handle Izuku.
So, solution? Aim for those that he can target.
Otherwise, he will be eliminated.
He took a step back slolwy.
Izuku took a step forward slolwy, a predatory grin on his face.
"You know, Shoto. I never really liked your attitude." He began, approaching him without any defense.
But Shoto was smarter than this, he knew a trap when he saw one. Hw won't attack.
"You see, I know that your life is full of shit. But so what? Mine is also full of shit." He smiled, cleaning his ear with his pinkie finger.
"... What?"
"Surprised? You probably see me as a guy who was always strong, loved by everyone and admired by his peers, right?" He snickered.
"...." Shoto remained silent but his expression told him that he hit the bullseye.
"Well, let me break it to you." Izuku spread his hands. "My life was shit before U.A. I had nothing. Just a loving family consisting of one woman." He said in self depreciation.
"But look at you, you got a father, mother, siblings and probably relatives too, your father is full of shit but you have many replacements, look at me, if my mother is gone... Who will greet me when I return home?" His voice was tinged with sorrow.
".... You know nothing about my life."
"Well, allow me to guess. Shitty father, shit family dynamic with an abused mother, am I right?"
"You're overstepping your boundaries, Midoriya. Mind your own business!" Shoto said, voice raising with rage.
It hurts to be read so easily. It's almost as if he was saying that his suffering wasn't anything special, that his life and everything he went through was an average normal experience.
"If I remember correctly, the rules of the 2nd event is that we can do anything as long as we don't kill the other opponent. So no, my boundaries are not broken through. In fact I'll still talk shit until I feel satisfied." He said with a mocking finger.
"Last warning, stop pressing me."
"Aww, what's wrong? Eyes getting misty? Gonna cry?" He made a mocking cry gesture.
Shoto made sharp icicles and threw them at his direction, they flew at hyper speed and were aimed at his head.
Lethal if struck.
"Hah!" Izuku swatted them away like flies, waving his hand and creating a violent turrent of wind that blew them away.
Shoto protected his eyes from the wind using his forearm, he unleashed an ice attack using that short chance.
Spikes of ice popped out of the earth below Izuku, it struck his leg and broke upon impact.
"It's useless! You're weak!!" He jumped at him, pulling his arm back for a devastating punch.
Shoto heard alarms blaring in his head, he jumped instantly and used the ice to push himself up.
Izuku's fist struck the ground, shattering it and caving it in from the sheer force, sending sharp shards in all directions.
He looked up with a deadly malicious smile.
"Come here!" Izuku leaped and followed him with high speed.
The eyes locked with each other, sending chills of freight deep into his heart.
Shoto was scared. Scared that Izuku has lost his mind. Facing an upponent that could easily kill him if he tried, his instinct directly reacted before his mind could process everything.
"HAAAAAH!!!" fire roared to life from his left side, breaking the thin sheet of ice that was enveloping him.
Izuku smiled.
The plan was simple. Traumatize Shoto harder than Endeavor did to make make him stronger, to force him to go 100%.
Pain = gain, simple guy math, it can't go wrong.
A torrent of violent flames shot out from his hand, aiming directly at him.
Izuku clapped his hands together, unleashing a sonic wave that dispersed the sea of fire heading his way.
"Boys!" present mic roared angrily. "Fighting is prohibited, you can only defend yourself from getting your artifact stolen!"
"Midoriya. Stop trying to kill Shoto, last warning." Aizawa sighed with a tired face.
Izuku smiled carelessly, spreading his hands out helplessly, making the crowd laugh at his antics.
His purpose was achieved anyway, Shoto has used his fire, regardless of reasons.
Shoto stood there, heaving and sweating from the freight he just felt.
His life flashed before him just now. Izuku Midoriya has shown him a serious killing intent.
He felt like he was facing a seasoned villain just now, like a real tiger trying to devour him.
"Haaah.... Haaah..." He stared at Izuku, ready to attack with the slightest twitch of his muscles.
He was scared, but his rage was also barely contained.
He made him use it, use his father's power, while it pissed him off to no end, he felt like it was the only way to protect himself from him.
However, he could feel this sense of imbalance between his left side and his right side.
His right side was stronger than his left. While it was expected since he didn't train it, it left him feeling uncomfortable.
Like a numb limb.
"Relax~ I won't hurt you." He lifted his harms up in a surrendering pose.
Shoto kept staring at him, his face unreadable.
'Perhaps... It was my imagination... Midoriya-san wouldn't try to kill me.. Right?'
Shoto felt that it would make sense, after all, it was just a sports festival, Izuku Midoriya won't try to seriously harm anyone.
But still, he had to admit. Facing him is worse than facing a villain, he's terrifying and his face is always not readable.
"SHOTOOOO!!!" A fiery figure roared from the stands, urging him to push himself and fight.
Endeavor saw it just now, Shoto has used his flames to attack. With a little push then certainly...!
Seeing his father telling him to fight, Shotk decided that he has had enough.
His fire ceased instantly.
He retreated slowly, keeping his eyes on Izuku.
Disappearing from his sight, Izuku decided that he has had enough as well so he didn't chase anyone else.
While he could easily solo half of the stadium, including its heroes, he also knew that he has to give them a chance to shine.
This is a festival meant to market themselves to the heroes, if he stopped them all now then what will they do? They needed the training.
Plus, training makes them stronger, the stronger they are the happier he is.
"... Say, Shishido. Why do you care so much? I never understood this part about you." En muttered, locking his gaze with him.
That's.... A good question. Why did he care?
"I..." he frowned, unsure.
He did love them, he wished to protect them but why?
Why was he, a stranger in a world that he considered a TV show caring so much about the characters? Aren't they side characters? Why care?
But Shishido knew the answer. He never saw them as a side character, he never saw himself as an alien amongst them.
'Because I love them.'
Why? He was unsure but he knew one thing for sure.
His family and friends loved him so he will love them back, that's all there is to it.
He liked to see himself as a mirror. Those who favor him will be favored by him, those that antagonize him will be antagonized by him.
"Izuku" was a simple man with a simple moral perspective. While he didn't approve of murder he still is willing to kill.
After all, a nation is built on the corpses of its enemies. Soldiers kill all the time yet they are seen as a heroic figures.
Why? Well, it's all about perspective. If a man came to your house and tried to kill your mother, would you let him go?
Would you call the police on him? What about when he gets out of jail? Won't he try to retaliate? How will a man know that he wouldn't?
Can you sleep at night knowing that someone somewhere is counting his days to destroy everything you love?
If so, what will you do when you confront him? Can a man control his murderous intentions when faced with a simular situation?
Bad people don't need a reason to be bad. They are like animals who follow their whims.
Luckily, Izuku is strong and will not hesitate to kill anyone that even dares to threaten him.
Can't leave a threat roaming the streets freely.
After everything is said and done, Shishido Saiko who is now Izuku Midoriya is a coward and a negative person.
He does not believe in the good of people.
"2 Minutes left! Is no one going to attack Midoriya Izuku anymore??" Present mic announced, breaking his thoughts.
It was true, he has been monuloging for a solid minute now and yet nothing happened, no one dared to attack.
Everyone is busy avoiding him.
He stared at Momo, she held a nerf gun loaded with a pepper spray bullets, she hit anyone who approached her, making them fall and cry on the floor in pain.
Shinso, calmly hiding behind a a shield made of his opponents, they stood there, calmly and fearlessly protecting him, their golden artifacts are long gone from their necks.
Tokoyami stood behind Izuku, a calm expression on his face. He was ready for anything that Izuku can't handle.
"You! You're that handsome guy, right? Handsome guys should just go to hell!" a small purple figure announced with passion.
Izuku turned to the figure of Mineta as multiple balls were heading in his direction.
He flicked his finger.
The balls redirected their direction due to the heavy wind pressure, the attacker was hurled back and rolled a few times until he disappeared from sight.
The current Izuku is not someone a student from U.A. can match, nor any hero school for that matter.
But still, he wasn't strong enough to protect his loved ones so he needed help, a help from an outsider.
Someone who is foolish enough that he would be willing to die for his loved ones.
As for the protection of U.A.? He doesn't trust Nezu with anything. He wanted his mither in U.A. to protect her from AFO's goons and to relocate.
The only reason that Izuku hasn't directly taken his mother to another country is the existence of All Might.
He is strong enough to protect her, and is willing to give everything for her.
Still, All Might is someone who he loves so he can't have him be a sacrificial bodyguard for his family, because Izuku saw All Might as a part of his family.
"Hmm...." He pondered , weighing the situation and its solutions.
As expected, he needed a disposable pawn.