Chapter 377: The Heavenly Realm Hierarchy

Chapter 377: The Heavenly Realm Hierarchy

With the Divine Triad—Sung Jin-Woo, Ashborn, and Sung Su-Ho—now residing in their own transcendent realms, the structure and hierarchy of the Absolute Realm underwent a monumental transformation. No longer the pinnacle of existence, the Absolute Realm was redefined and renamed as the Heavenly Realm, reflecting its new purpose as the central governing hub for divine and celestial beings.


The New Hierarchy of the Heavenly Realm

1. The Nine Divine Dragons:

As the most powerful beings within the Heavenly Realm, the Nine Divine Dragons were entrusted with overseeing its vast domains and ensuring order across the multiverse. Their divine strength and wisdom made them unmatched within this realm.

Castles of the Nine Divine Dragons:

Sung Ye-Jun: Inferna Draconis

Sung Ye-Rin: Lunaris Citadel

Sung Ha-Young: Draconis Sanctum

Sung Jun-Ho: Aetheris Dominion

Sung Hyun-Joo: Celestium Haven

Sung Ri-Hye: Lunaris Asylum

Sung Kyun-Rae: Inferna Dominion

Sung Ji-Ae: Mystica Enclave

Sung Da-Hyun: Tempest Keep

2. The Archangels:

The archangels, led by Gabriel, Azrael, and Michael, were responsible for executing divine decrees and leading the armies of light in their Creator's name. Their tasks ranged from governing the divine armada to granting blessings and subduing threats.

Gabriel: Captain of battle angels and supreme commander of the divine armada.

Azrael: Vanguard and enforcer of divine justice.

Michael: The provider of blessings to all worshippers and realms.

3. The Dark Archangels:

The dark archangels, led by Samael, Uriel, and Amenadiel, served as counterparts to the archangels of light. Their primary duties were to oversee the realms of darkness and maintain the balance between light and shadow.

Samael: Captain of the dark angels, commanding their legions.

Uriel: Strategist and enforcer of dark judgment.

Amenadiel: Keeper of balance and overseer of the dark realms.

4. Battle Angels and Dark Battle Angels:

These formidable warriors made up the majority of the celestial armies. Blessed with immense strength and invincibility, they were tasked with maintaining order and protecting the realms from external threats.

5. Apostles of God and Dark Apostles:

Serving as intermediaries between mortals and divine beings, the apostles spread the will of the Divine Triad and maintained faith across the multiverse.

6. Heavenly Soldiers and Dark Heavenly Soldiers:

Guardians of the realms, these beings ensured the safety and prosperity of the multiverse. They acted as both protectors and enforcers, maintaining peace and order.

7. Residents of the Palace of the Divine Legacy (Sung Clan):

The mortal kin and descendants of Sung Jin-Woo, now immortalized, resided in the Palace of the Divine Legacy, governed by the Sung Clan. They acted as stewards of divine history and intermediaries between mortals and the divine.


The Heavenly Realm: A New Purpose

With its redefined hierarchy, the Heavenly Realm became the center of administration, worship, and protection for the multiverse. The renaming from the Absolute Realm to the Heavenly Realm reflected this shift, signifying its role as a haven for divine beings and a beacon of hope for all creation.

While the Divine Triad oversaw the multiverse from their higher realms, the Heavenly Realm served as a bridge between the mortal and the divine, ensuring that Sung Jin-Woo's will reached every corner of existence.


This restructuring of power and renaming of the realm marked the beginning of a new era, one where the multiverse flourished under the united strength of the Divine Triad, the Nine Divine Dragons, and their celestial armies.