Chapter 398: The Divine Triad's Forces

Chapter 398: The Divine Triad's Forces


The Divine Triad stood at the pinnacle of power, their influence stretching across the multiverse and beyond. Their dominion was defended and upheld by an unstoppable force—a vast and incredibly powerful army that spanned not just across realms but throughout the very fabric of existence itself. Each entity within this grand army was bound by the will of the Divine Triad, and their strength was beyond comprehension.

The Divine Triad's forces could be categorized into various groups, each with its own role and significance in the divine hierarchy.


1. Archangels, Dark Archangels, Arch-celestials, and Arch-Dragons

At the very top of the hierarchy, standing as the most powerful warriors of the Divine Triad, were the Archangels, Dark Archangels, Arch-celestials, and Arch-Dragons. These beings were celestial entities forged from the highest powers of light and dark.

Archangels: These divine beings, led by Gabriel, Azrael, and Michael, wielded unmatched holy power and commanded legions of lesser angels. Their task was to ensure the purity of the heavens and defend the sacred realms from any intrusion.

Dark Archangels: The opposite yet equally powerful counterparts to the Archangels, led by Samael and Uriel, these beings commanded the powers of darkness. They played a crucial role in maintaining balance in the multiverse and carried out the Divine Triad's will in the shadowed realms.

Arch-celestials: Creatures of pure light, created by Ashborn, who held dominion over the celestial realms. These beings were the pinnacle of light and radiated divine energy with an intensity capable of cleansing entire worlds.

Arch-Dragons: Born from the black flames of Sung Su-Ho, these mighty dragons were fierce warriors who commanded the power of fire and destruction. Their presence was a harbinger of overwhelming force, and their role was to safeguard the realms where the power of dragons and fire was needed.


2. Centillions of Battle Angels, Celestial Armies, and Dragon Armies

Next in line were the countless battle angels, celestial armies, and dragon armies. These legions of divine soldiers were composed of countless ranks of celestial and dragonkin warriors, each one crafted for specific purposes.

Battle Angels: These were the foot soldiers of the Divine Triad, skilled in combat and capable of defending the heavens with unwavering devotion. Their numbers stretched into the centillions, making them an unyielding force of righteousness.

Celestial Armies: Massive groups of warriors born from the fruits of the World Trees planted across the realms. These beings were endowed with powers of creation and defense, making them invaluable in upholding the peace across the multiverse.

Dragon Armies: Led by the Arch-Dragons, these dragonkin soldiers wielded immense power, drawing from the power of fire and destruction. They were often called upon to wage war on rebellious forces or enemies that threatened the sanctity of the Divine Triad's realms.


3. Apostles of Gods

Born from primordial light, the Apostles of Gods were angelic beings capable of wielding immense power. They served the Divine Triad by overseeing the mortal and divine realms, ensuring balance and acting as direct agents of the Triad's will. With wings spanning across the heavens, they were capable of vast feats of creation and destruction.


4. Dark Apostles

The Dark Apostles were the counterparts of the Apostles of Gods, born from primordial darkness. They were powerful beings who commanded the forces of shadow and void. They performed covert operations and were dispatched when actions required a touch of darkness or when neutrality was required.


5. Heavenly Soldiers

Born from the fruits of the World Tree, the Heavenly Soldiers were beings of light, tasked with defending the multiverse and ensuring the harmony of the realms. Their immense numbers and diverse abilities made them a formidable force in the divine armies.


6. Dark Heavenly Soldiers

Opposing the Heavenly Soldiers, the Dark Heavenly Soldiers were beings born from the fruits of the Divine Trees but imbued with dark power. They were guardians of the Dark Heavenly Realms and protected the sacred trees from any who dared challenge their existence.


7. Shadowkins

These were the high humans, high elves, and high dwarves who had been born from the lesser fruits of the World Tree. They were imbued with a second black heart, granting them enhanced abilities and strength. They operated as both warriors and scouts for the Divine Triad's forces, carrying out tasks in the most dangerous of realms.


8. Dragonkins

The Dragonkins were creatures born from the lesser fruits of the World Tree, including high dragons, high wyverns, high wyrms, and high drakes. They served the Divine Triad, wielding the ancient powers of dragons to protect the divine realms and fight for their cause.


9. Shadow Lords from the Shadow Abyss

Shadow Lords were created by Sung Jin-Woo to serve as his most powerful shadow soldiers. These beings were granted immense power and were capable of controlling shadows, often sent to deal with threats in the Shadow Abyss, where they oversaw the domain of the Shadow Lords.


10. Fiery Dragon Lords

Crafted by Sung Su-Ho, the Fiery Dragon Lords were shadowy, fiery beings made from the essence of flame and darkness. They served as generals in the wars fought in the name of the Divine Triad, leading legions of dragonkin warriors into battle.


11. Centillions of Materialized Shadow Soldiers

These soldiers were created from thin air by Sung Jin-Woo. They were manifestations of his power, able to appear anywhere and at any time in vast numbers. The Materialized Shadow Soldiers were capable of swift, overwhelming strikes, appearing out of shadows to eliminate any threat that dared to challenge the Divine Triad's authority.


The Infinite Forces of the Divine Triad

The forces of the Divine Triad were vast, each entity within the armies serving a specific purpose in maintaining balance and peace throughout the multiverse. Their numbers, stretching into the centillions, were a testament to the Divine Triad's might.

Together, these armies would ensure that no force—be it light or dark—could challenge the overwhelming might of the Divine Triad, and that their divine rule over the realms would remain unchallenged.


To Be Continued...