Chapter 445: The Divine Patrols of the Realms
The Supreme Guardians
The Godverse, the True Celestial Realm, and the True Dragon God Realm were safeguarded by the most powerful entities under the Divine Triad:
Sung Jin-Woo's Archangels and Dark Archangels: Radiant and shadowed beings of immense power, each possessing hundreds of wings, their presence radiating either divine light or primordial darkness. They were the first line of defense and the ultimate enforcers of Sung Jin-Woo's will.
Ashborn's Arch-Celestials: Born of celestial radiance, these beings embodied purity and balance, each adorned with hundreds of iridescent wings. Their duty was to uphold order and justice across the multiverse.
Sung Su-Ho's Arch-Dragons: Massive, majestic beings of draconic might, their shimmering wings numbering in the hundreds, reflecting fiery and primal energy. They soared across the realms, exuding raw strength and dominance.
The Eternal Patrols
In the vast expanse of the multiverse, the Divine Triad's forces patrolled tirelessly, ensuring peace and order:
1. The Godverse: Sung Jin-Woo's Archangels and Dark Archangels patrolled the infinite domains of his realm. Their radiance illuminated the darkest corners, while their shadows cloaked the vulnerable from external threats. Each patrol was led by Samael, the captain of dark angels, or Gabriel, the leader of the archangels, ensuring perfect harmony between light and darkness.
2. The True Celestial Realm: Ashborn's Arch-Celestials descended to enforce the laws of balance. Their patrols moved gracefully, their hundreds of wings creating waves of pure celestial energy that cleansed the realms of corruption.
3. The True Dragon God Realm: Sung Su-Ho's Arch-Dragons dominated the skies, their patrols a spectacle of draconic majesty. Their roars resonated throughout the realm, serving as both a warning to intruders and a reassurance to the inhabitants.
The Multiversal Armies
Beyond their home realms, the Divine Triad's forces extended their patrols to the multiverse, ensuring stability and protecting creation from external threats.
Sung Jin-Woo's Forces: Centillions of angels, dark angels, shadowkins, shadow lords, and shadow armies patrolled the infinite dimensions. They moved as one, their presence overwhelming and unyielding, striking fear into any who dared oppose the Absolute One.
Ashborn's Forces: The celestial armies, radiant with divine light, traversed the multiverse, purging any remnants of chaos and imbalance. Their unity and discipline reflected Ashborn's ideals of harmony and order.
Sung Su-Ho's Forces: Vast dragon armies, composed of high dragons, wyverns, and wyrms, patrolled the outer edges of the multiverse. Their fiery might served as a deterrent to even the most daring of invaders.
A Unified Multiverse
The patrols of the Divine Triad's forces ensured that the multiverse remained in a state of unparalleled peace. Mortals and lesser beings across countless worlds revered their celestial protectors, offering prayers and tributes in gratitude for their guardianship.
Wherever their patrols passed, their divine auras left blessings that strengthened the realms they touched. Crops grew bountifully, civilizations prospered, and the natural order flourished.
The Divine Watchers
From their thrones, the Divine Triad watched over the multiverse.
Sung Jin-Woo stood as the ultimate overseer, his eyes piercing through time and space, ensuring that his forces carried out their duties with precision and fairness.
Ashborn maintained the balance, his presence a reminder that every action must align with the greater harmony of the multiverse.
Sung Su-Ho ensured the strength of the Dragon God Realm remained unchallenged, his fiery aura symbolizing the power and might of his dominion.
The Eternal Vigil
As the patrols continued, the Divine Triad's forces grew stronger, their bonds unbreakable and their resolve unwavering. The multiverse thrived under their watch, a testament to the power and unity of the Divine Triad.
In the heart of the Godverse, Sung Jin-Woo stood on the pinnacle of the Eternal Citadel, his 60 million wings shimmering like a galaxy. With a voice that resonated across all realms, he proclaimed:
"Peace is a gift, but it is also a responsibility. Let our light, shadows, and flames be the pillars that hold this multiverse together. Let no force disturb the harmony we have built."
And so, the eternal patrols of the Divine Triad continued, ensuring that the multiverse remained a beacon of order, unity, and strength.
To Be Continued...