Chapter 463: The Sealed Realms of Elysium and Netherworld
A Perfect Balance of Justice and Paradise
In the vast multiverse shaped by Sung Jin-Woo, the destinies of souls were carefully woven. Two distinct realms stood as eternal destinations for the departed:
Elysium, a paradise of eternal joy and abundance for those who lived righteously.
Netherworld, a dark, boiling abyss reserved for souls condemned to punishment.
Each realm served its divine purpose, and Sung Jin-Woo, as the True Absolute One, ensured that neither realm could be disrupted by chaos.
The Celestial Locks
To maintain the sanctity and order of these realms, Sung Jin-Woo infused both with powerful barriers, woven from divine energy. These barriers were impenetrable, formed by the very fabric of creation itself.
Elysium's Barrier: A shimmering dome of golden light encased the entire paradise. No soul within could escape its boundaries, nor could any unauthorized being enter. The golden fields, crystal rivers, and eternal homes remained undisturbed by external influences.
Netherworld's Barrier: Dark, searing flames and obsidian chains encircled the vast abyss. The barrier was reinforced by Sung Jin-Woo's will, ensuring that no condemned soul could ever break free from their torment.
These barriers were absolute. Even the strongest beings across the multiverse would find it impossible to breach them.
A Divine Command
Sung Jin-Woo stood at the nexus between realms, his golden eyes glowing with authority. With a wave of his hand, he finalized the eternal decree:
"Let no soul escape the fate it has earned. Elysium shall remain a sanctuary, and the Netherworld shall be a prison. This order shall persist for all eternity."
The divine energy surged across the multiverse, solidifying the boundaries of the two realms.
The Guardians' Oaths
Archangel Ridwan, the guardian of Elysium, bowed before Sung Jin-Woo.
"We shall uphold the sanctity of this paradise, my lord," Ridwan vowed. "No soul shall disturb its peace."
In the dark abyss, Amenadiel, the dark archangel leading the Netherworld, stood amidst boiling magma and swirling shadows.
"The condemned shall remain bound by your will, True Absolute One," he declared with unwavering resolve. "Their punishment shall be eternal, unless you command otherwise."
The Eternal Design
The residents of Elysium, blissful and content, accepted their fate without resistance. The paradise was everything they had ever dreamed of and more. There was no reason to leave.
Meanwhile, in the Netherworld, the condemned writhed in agony, unable to escape their torment. The thought of rebellion was crushed by the omnipresent force of Sung Jin-Woo's will and the watchful eyes of Amenadiel's dark angels.
A Perfect Order
Sung Jin-Woo observed both realms with satisfaction.
"Harmony requires balance," he mused. "Freedom is a gift, but for some, confinement is necessary."
And thus, Elysium remained a sanctuary of eternal joy, while the Netherworld stood as an unyielding prison for the wicked. Neither realm could be breached, ensuring that the divine order of the multiverse persisted unshaken.