Chapter 281

"Xu Xin is fine."

Song Guanchao summarized the investigation results to her and concluded,

Other things can be falsified, but not a life experience.

The place where Xu Xin grew up, her schooling from elementary to university—all it takes is a little time to check into.

Wu Qiangwei did not respond immediately.

What Song Guanchao understood, she naturally did, too.

But she still felt that to deem Xu Xin trustworthy based on such findings was far too hasty.

The position of Secretary of the Municipal Committee is actually quite important; it's a core part of the City Committee, linking the City Secretary above and the various bureaus below.

Nearly every matter, big or small, within the City Committee's departments converges in the City Committee Office.

This results in Xu Xin being privy to the affairs of the City Committee.

Some things are unavoidable, as without the City Committee Office, much of the work simply can't progress.