Exerting all his strength, not wanting to waste time, Yang Fan, who was about to finish off this female assassin, heard a voice nearby. On instinct, he spun in the air and retracted his palm, landing lightly on the ground, while the female assassin just stood there dumbfounded without moving.
"Yang Fan, it's me." Shi Qinghua rushed over from the darkness, followed immediately by a Humvee speeding down the highway.
It was actually Shi Qinghua, what's going on?
Yang Fan immediately asked, "What's the matter? You know her?"
"Britney, come over here." Shi Qinghua called out to the female assassin.
Britney? What the heck? Could she be a foreigner?
Yang Fan's forehead was creased with two big question marks.
The female assassin took off the mask from her face and walked over reluctantly, looking at Yang Fan unwillingly.