In his eyes I saw adoration and a little despair.

- Why? If you're not gay...

- Yeah... I don't know... but I realized something happened to you here with one young man...

I perked up:

- How did you find out?

- He... a-ha-hah... still doesn't understand that... why didn't you continue the relationship?

- Dien told you? Were you following us?

- No... but I understood everything from his sad eyes... how he looked at you with resentment. Such despair can only be if you played around and then abandoned him.

- How can you see that? - I got worried. - Maybe Dien is just unrequitedly in love, and I just don't notice...

- I'm an empath and I feel others very well... so I realized that something happened between you...

- Empath?

... I only slightly guessed what it meant... Whatever it was, I had to justify those kisses with Dien:

- Yes! We really did kiss... But you have to understand, it was just an experiment... am I gay or not... Because I caught a lot of looks at me... interested and strange, and I decided to check: it turns out - I'm not gay, and you, you say... neither.

At that time, I didn't know the ways to reject a man's advances... I was about to get up abruptly and leave, but his hand squeezed my hand, holding me back.

- But I want... to try it with you, - his velvety voice whispered quietly. - I need this... I want to figure out why I am so drawn to you in this sense. I have been suffering from this attraction to you for two years now and I can't help but dream about you. This can't just be like that? This is not just an obsession?

... At that moment, I couldn't answer anything and only one thought came to me - how to get out of the bar as quickly as possible, but Miru squeezed my hand on the table even tighter.

- Listen... the fact that you're holding me back like this... it seems strange from the outside, - I looked around and didn't notice the curious glances.

Everyone in the companies sitting at the tables with drinks was engrossed in leisurely conversations.

- Am I that unpleasant to you? - Miru, with bitterness in his eyes, let go of my hand and turned away, burying his face in his folded palms.

... What do you mean unpleasant? - my forehead wrinkled in thought.

That tall bastard is quite handsome: high cheekbones, a piercing hunter's gaze, a strong chin, a perfectly shaped straight nose... sensual lips... masculine charm...

What exactly does he want to do to me? I flew out of the bar like a bug, not suspecting that Miru had rushed after me.

His strong arms grabbed me from behind in an empty corridor and abruptly dragged me into a utility room with cleaning robots... Turning me to face him and pressing me against the wall, he passionately dug into my mouth, thrusting his tongue deep inside... My waist was in the tight grip of his wide palms and I almost choked, trembling with indignation that the first mate had treated me like that... vilely attacked and forcibly kissed me in some tight, stuffy nook...

Outrageous... but unexpectedly for myself I caught a pleasant feeling of delight: how did he want me, that he went for such a thing... after all, I can complain about harassment to my superiors...

He let me go with a languid groan, breathing heavily and looking into his eyes.

- Well, you're such an idiot... - I whispered barely audibly in his face.

- It's your own fault that I'm so unrestrained... You didn't reject me, you just left the bar... and what should I do? And do you think that no one else wants someone like you... except me? If you only knew that someone made a bet that he would knock you down... drag you into bed and fuck you properly... - his fast words seemed to hiss with a breath.

- But why? - I desperately spread my arms to the sides. - I am an ordinary man... after all!

- Ordinary? Well, yes! - Miru invaded my mouth again, but this time he was gently biting my swollen lips.

He could not tear himself away from me, enjoying long kisses, and I did not push him away, vainly trying to understand how I was better than our cuties on board and why I tolerated all this perversion. In fact, I was consumed by the feeling of bliss that unexpectedly flared up for me... How did he manage it? I didn't feel disgusted...

At some point, I tried to stop our interaction, but I couldn't, it turned out to be too pleasant to drown in a warm male embrace, hiding secretly from everyone in some dark closet, inhaling the pungent smell of detergents.

- Well, tell me... how am I unusual for you...? - I stopped him, putting my palm on his chest.

- You are so sweet... and now I won't leave you alone... although I don't know what to do next.

- Better than with a woman?

- You see... I am not just an empath, I feel your energies physically...

... This sounded too strange for me and I froze in bewilderment, studying his emotions.

- So what? How is that? What energies?

- Okay... forget it, - Miru suddenly moved away from me, as if he had come to his senses and, smiling awkwardly, left the closet.

... And what was that? Our get-together unexpectedly turned out to be pleasant and hot... Cool! But I urgently needed to put out the fire in my pants and I easily managed to do it with one of the girlfriends.

However, in the following days, amidst the bustle of work, I realized that my soul was imprinted with kisses from Miru... I could not help but think about him... for some reason I wanted to repeat it again... to feel the sensual touch of his warm lips and gentle tongue... Indeed, how pleasant and unforgettable it all was... I wanted his caresses again...

But one serious event distracted me from obsessive thoughts: my unexpected appointment as Commander of starship, which greatly surprised everyone on board. Why this happened remained a mystery to me for a long time... I then explained to myself such a sharp career growth that our previous boss had been promoted to another place, to a very responsible position - to a battle cruiser... although our ship was equipped with weapons for battle, we never had to use them, since the mission remained exploratory for us.