- I like you... a lot, - her cheeks flared even brighter, and her thick cinnamon-colored eyelashes, fluttering frequently, indicated her shyness in front of my charisma.

- But do I still scare you somehow?

We froze a meter away from each other. In such cases, you should be more decisive... you said yourself that she likes me... You need to show yourself sensitive and sensual to relax her. I wasn't going to back down in the face of her embarrassment and quickly pulled her closer to me by the waist and touched her tender face with my lips... She didn't pull away, stunned by my impudence... Without waiting for any comments, I pressed myself even closer to her, clasping her thin waist, and continued to shower her neck and chest with kisses, feeling the rapid beating of her excited heart... She threw her head back, opening her mouth, breathing heavily... A little more and she would rip my clothes off, I thought, but she, fluttering in my arms, suddenly began to push me away...

- Ha-a-a, no more, - she let out a plaintive groan and slipped out of my arms, nervously smoothing the stubborn curls that had jumped out of the bun of hair gathered at the back of her head.

- Why? - I whispered, amazed by her reaction.

— But we just met... and you already...

— But you said that you like me?

— Yes... but... you can't jump on me so quickly... it's scary.

I desperately tried to understand what was going on in her head... but I'm not a telepath or an empath... In our team, and in general among the inhabitants of my home planet, as soon as you show sexual interest, they will either let you know right away - no, thank you, or immediately formalize the attraction that has arisen, which is what I actually did...

...What kind of "but" is this? What excuses can there be, we are both already quite aroused...

— Understand me correctly... I don't enter into relationships so abruptly! - Akhala emphasized this with obvious indignation.

I froze, stunned by the refusal... she rejects me because of some ridiculous principle.

— You shouldn't have flirted with me... - I showed my displeasure, narrowing my eyes. — Do you hang out with men and refuse everyone who wants you?

— I just avoid such situations!

— Really? — It was hard for me to calm down. — And have you managed to do it until now? I didn't think you were so afraid of men in this sense… I only offer you affection and pleasure.

— I am perfectly aware of what you are… Commander, bold and charismatic… No one has ever refused you, I suppose, but I am not that…

— …woman of easy? Do you have some kind of psychological trauma? Are you shy?

She folded her arms over her chest helplessly, shaking her head.

… Well, well!

— But you, Akhala, are beautiful… - I had to glorify her.

At that moment, I realized that I had never complimented women out loud before, even those with whom I had wonderful sex… I recalled about Miru, the master of instant seduction, he always knew how to use his tongue in every sense. ... What did he say to his beauties, purring languidly? Lollipop... sweet berry and something like that, and I never said praise words to win more attention…

Akhala is one of those women who need this, otherwise she perceives me as a pushy womanizer and user. It immediately dawned on me, she wants romance, which men try to avoid, because they don't need these curtsies with a woman's soul at all. I heard something similar from my colleagues, there are such birds who need more than sex... I didn't really listen to their advice on seduction, chuckling, because I didn't have such problems at all.

- Sorry, I got it all wrong, - I blurted out helplessly and walked away.

But I wasn't going to give up, still thinking about how to distract Miru from the woman I would certainly achieve. The goal is clear - I just really need to read some books about love, since I am a complete layman in the romantic aspect. If only I could realize then that all these thoughts were implanted in my brain by her.

And Miru seemed to sense my despair and showed up in my room in the evening, knocking on the door. And how did he know that I was not busy with something intimate?

- Did you want something? - I thoughtlessly let him in. - I'm getting ready for bed...

- You dealt with it quickly... - he thoughtfully uttered, looking at me rubbing my eyes in a terry robe.

- With what?

- With her! How is she? Is she nice?

- You mean Akhala? - I grinned, dipping my wet hair in a towel. - Yes... nothing happened... She's a lesbian!

I blurted this out on purpose to cut off any attempts by Miru to hit on the beauty, but this news seemed to please him.

- Yeah... come on! Who would have thought! You took her away so abruptly... I thought you needed it so much... does that mean you're still aroused now?

- What are you talking about?

He suddenly approached, taking me by surprise and pulled me to him by the waist, deliciously capturing my lips with his mouth... Damn it! I felt myself in the place of that woman... a couple of hours ago whom I did the same thing. What an impudent man this Miru is! But I did not break away and let him enjoy a long deep kiss... The persistent tip of his elastic tongue slowly slid across the cavity of my mouth, and his hands penetrated under the open robe, running down my waist, feeling the naked flesh and digging his fingers into my defenseless buttocks... Oh... no! He decided to do this! Right now! He threw me down on the sofa, freeing my shoulders from clothes...

- What are you going to do? - I made wildly frightened eyes, freeing my mouth from his greedy tongue.