This software is actually nothing special, mainly used for information positioning and purchasing Fullz data packages which are open-sourced and have limited influence, mainly functional only in Los Angeles. Outside of that, it doesn't work well.
Fullz, which means a complete identity package.
Fullz usually contains full name, date of birth, home address, phone number, social security number, driver's license number, family member information, financial details, and other personal information. On the Dark Web, the price for one identity package is about $5-25, depending on the value of the information.
For ordinary vehicle information, it only costs 5-10 cents; with a few hundred US Dollars, you can buy a package with the DMV's back-end information for a unit, which typically entails updates on vehicle status within a normal community over a period of 3-5 years.
In the Rich District, however, a relatively expensive price needs to be paid due to all the private luxury vehicles.