"You decide who you are."

"You decide who you are."

It was at that moment that Kalki noticed two figures coming towards her. Immediately, fear and anxiety started rising in her mind.

"We thought we could escape if we came here? But they came here looking for us too? What are we going to do now?" She thought as she entered the airport and started walking continuously. Her boarding pass was ready in her hand.

Kalki also understood that if she went into the next room, they would not be able to follow her. So she held her child tightly and walked quickly, taking each step in succession.

The two people who came behind saw Kalki walking fast, and they also came quickly to catch Kalki. Since Kalki was obese, she could not even walk fast.

They had come very close to Kalvi. If she delayed for two more seconds, they would catch Kalki.

But suddenly, a black figure came from somewhere and crashed into the two of them, causing them to stumble and fall at the same time. "Hey, who is that? Are you going to kill us?" The rascal shouted and quickly got up and looked around.

But there didn't seem to be anyone there. Kalki, who took advantage of the few seconds of space, also escaped from their hands. Moreover, they could not follow her, and they turned back in defeat. Knowing this, anger rose in Rajasekhar's face.

"Hey, what have you done? You can't even catch Kalki?" He lamented and suffered. At the same time, fear for Gautham's family also came to him.

"What answer should I give to Gautham now? If his family thinks about it, they will make us nothing?" He thought many times. Fear and confusion began to arise in his mind. Kalki continued her journey with tears streaming down her face.

At this time, Vijay finished telling Kaushik everything. Hearing that, Kaushik asked, "What did you do, brother? Why did you do all this? Could you have gotten married properly?"

That surrogacy method seemed strange and unacceptable to Kaushik.

Vijay smiled and said, "Hey, what's wrong with this? Our family needs an heir. Similarly, I don't like marriage. That's why I did this. This is my child. My blood," he said proudly.

Kaushik said, "Brother, I never expected you to do all this. Didn't you manage to marry any woman until the end?" When asked, "Amanda, I will definitely not marry anyone. We will take our business to a bigger scale. That is what we need to take care of," he firmly said.

Kaushik said in a joking voice, "Okay, then I will take care of your son," and lifted the child from Vijay's lap. The child, who had been quiet until then, now started crying loudly.

Seeing that, irritation spread across Vijay's face.

"Hey, don't hold the child again. Only then will he be quiet," he said, and held the child out again. Vijay took the child and placed it on his lap.

When Vijay touched his hand, the child stopped crying. Seeing that in surprise, Kaushik said, "Brother, this one seems to be coming to you," and laughed.

Kalki's long journey ended. She got off at the airport in America and started walking out. "Who are you going to see here? Who will help us?" Some questions arose in her mind.

Many people working at the airport started to get suspicious after seeing her appearance. Even the policemen there were confused when they saw Kalki's bulky figure and swollen eyes from crying.

"Just looking at that girl, I feel like something is wrong. Call her quickly and check her," said an officer.

Immediately, two female guards rushed over and caught Kalki.

"Madam, come here; I need to check you," Kalki felt like her heart was stopping as she called out. "No, I have my passport and visa. Why are you checking me? Leave me alone," she tried to escape from them.

This action of hers increased the suspicion of the guards, and they quickly took her away. At that moment, Kalki was very scared. "Have we finally come to these people and trapped them? Will our lives be in jail from now on?" She started to get scared thinking.

Then suddenly, a middle-aged woman entered there. "What is going on here? Why are you doing all this to a guest who came to my house?" she asked.

Immediately, the officers woke up a little scared. "Madam Quincy, is that you? How did you get here?" Quincy asked and quickly went and held Kalki's hands.

"Yes, these are guests who came to our house, please leave the way out of respect. Otherwise, something else will happen." The officer also said, "Sorry, Madam, before you 

If Nadi had told us, we wouldn't have checked. You can go with us," he said respectfully and sent us away.

Kalki didn't know who this Quincy was. "We've never seen them before. But they've come from somewhere and helped us? Things that haven't even happened in our dreams are happening here?" she thought confusedly.

While taking her away, Quincy held her hands and started talking. "Dear, my name is Quincy; you can call me Aunty. From now on, you'll stay at my house," she said and took her away.

Kalki also walked with her with a troubled face. When they reached their house, Kalki sat on the sofa there.

Quincy sat in front of her and said, "Kalki, I know your situation very well. Things that don't happen to anyone are happening to you. Whatever it is, please talk to me. Don't be so broken. It's not good for you either. It's not good for your baby," she said.

All the feelings she had been holding in her heart until then started to burst out. "How can you tell me to be patient? Everything was going well, but my weight started to increase. I also became so sleepy that I couldn't open my eyes."

"I went to get it checked, but they said I was pregnant. Now the baby has been born. Someone is trying to destroy me. Someone is coming to protect me. If all this happens, what will I do?" she cried.

Quincy, who held her hands tightly, started to comfort her by rubbing her back. "Sweetheart, everything that is happening here is happening for your good. Just understand that. I can't say anything openly right now."

"We are all your mother's friends. We are protecting you for them." From now on, you have to be brave. Take good care of this child too."

No matter how much she said, Kalki's mind did not seem to calm down. Quincy said, "Kalki, you can solve all your problems yourself. You decide how you want to be. No matter how much we suffer, happiness will come to us. Believe that too."

Kalki was comforted after crying for a long time. In the days that followed, Quincy continued to speak to Kalki in a comforting way. Kalki also slowly started trying to come out of her problems.

A few minutes passed, and a few years passed. At that time, a black horse was running fast in a farmhouse in the suburbs of America. Seeing it, the five-year-old child said, "Mom, that horse is running away from us. "Hurry up, catch me. Don't let me go," she shouted continuously.

The woman who was far away had only a smile on her face. After the horse ran 20 feet away from her, the young woman started running fast. Her speed was on par with the horse.

She ran like a storm, tearing through the air, and approached the horse. Holding its reins with one hand, she spun in the air, climbed on top of it, and started to tame the horse.

The horse lifted both its front legs and tried to throw her into the air. However, Kalki did not give up and continued to fight and brought it to her path. In the next few moments, Kalki and her child Rakshita started riding the horse together.

Kalki's mind and body had changed a lot now. The confusion and anxiety in her mind had disappeared without a trace, and determination and clarity had come. Similarly, her body had changed a lot.

Kalki, who used to weigh over 150 kg, had now lost more than half of her weight and looked beautiful and strong. Rakshita said, "Mom, I never expected you to be able to tame this horse. You did it so easily."

Kalki patted her child's head and said, "Honey, if you don't always look at your phone and pay attention to other things, you can be like me." Then a noise was heard from the door of the farmhouse.

"How long are you and your child going to play? Hurry up. Rakshita, you have to go to school today," said Quincy. Seeing that, the two of them went and tied the horse to its place. Then they started to leave the house in the car.

Quincy was excited to see Kalki like this. "Kalki, you are just like your mother. You have the same strength and talent that she had. It's like seeing her again," she said in an excited voice.

Talking like this, they reached home. Kalki was in a semi-conscious state. A Black figure carrying a child left Kalki. 

The baby started walking. The child looked at Kalki and kept screaming in a sad voice.

"Mother, protect me. Don't leave me. Take me with you," she said and cried terribly. At that moment, Kalki woke up from her sleep. But the dream that had come to her mind had not yet disappeared. Her mind was racing.

"What is happening here? Rakshita is my only child. Who else is this?" she thought confusedly. An unfamiliar memory flashed through her mind. Before Rakshita was born, she was in a semi-conscious state.

At that time, thoughts kept running through her mind as if she was giving birth to a child and someone was taking it away. "Maybe I have twins? Is that why I feel this way?" she thought to herself and questioned herself.

The next moment, "No, no, it can't be like that. "I'm the one who thinks wrong," she thought to herself. At that moment, her phone rang. She turned it on in confusion and heard a mocking voice saying, "What, Kalki, you look so happy?"

Immediately, Kalki's confusion began to increase. "Who is that?" she asked. Rajasekhar, who spoke on the other end, said angrily, "What, Kalki? Have you forgotten your father? I really feel sorry for you if you think about this."

Kalki, still angry, said, "Why are you calling me? I don't like talking to you at all," and tried to hang up. But Rajasekhar didn't seem to let go.

"Kalki, I didn't call to escalate the problem. I called you to end it. We are going to marry your sister Varsha to that Gautham. For that, you should divorce him." Come to India soon and sign the divorce document. After that, there will be no problem between us."

Hearing that, Kalki started to wake up confused. "No, I can't come there; I don't need you or anyone," she said. Rajasekhar said, "We don't need you either; we can separate properly. That would be good for everyone."

Kalki also said, "Okay, I'll think about it," and hung up the phone. Confusions were running continuously in her mind now.

"Suddenly, we are getting a feeling of a child. He is also calling India. Will we have any problem again?" she thought, confused. Kalki talked to her aunt Quincy about it.