Sarah Pierce finds herself in a desperate world of high-stakes decisions and hazardous connections when her once-thriving art gallery is on the verge of closing. Enter Vane Russell, a mysterious, domineering investor whose gift of deliverance carries ties as dark and enigmatic as the man himself.
Vane draws Sarah into his shady orbit, where she uncovers a world filled with secrets, deceit, and power games. Vane's penetrating stare and irresistible presence spark a conflict between her mind and emotions, blurring the borders between rescuer and captor. What starts out as a calculating arrangement quickly turns into a devouring dance of desire, trust, and betrayal.
However, Vane's world is equally perilous and alluring, drawing Sarah swiftly into a complex network of enemies, intrigues, and forbidden desires. As she strives to regain her freedom, she must decide if she can trust the devil she knows or if his secrets will ruin her.