POV: Holly Potter
The Hogwarts Express had started moving, its familiar chugging rhythm a comforting sound as Holly leaned back against the plush seat in the compartment.
The excitement that filled the air outside had seeped into her, and she could hardly keep the smile off her face as the train journeyed away from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.
This would be her second year at Hogwarts, and although she was no longer a complete stranger to the magical world, there was still something so thrilling about the journey, about the adventure that awaited at the other end.
She glanced around at her friends—Ronda, Hermione, and the other returning students. They were all in high spirits, exchanging stories from their summer holidays.
Hermione, as usual, had buried herself in books, though Holly was fairly certain she had already read every single one of them at least twice.
Ronda, on the other hand, was looking around with curiosity. She wasn't new to their group or to the wizarding world, but something must have happened during the summer because there was an air of unfamiliarity about her, she seemed different, quieter.
Holly didn't know what happened, but she could tell that she was fitting in just fine. Ronda now seemed to have a quiet determination about her, a certain kind of strength that seemed to resonate with the group.
A strength that just wasn't there last year, maybe it was the event of last year that impacted her and caused her to change?
"Are you excited for this year?" Ronda asked, breaking Holly's reverie.
"Absolutely!" Holly grinned. "Second year already. Can you believe it?" She tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I just hope it's a little less chaotic than last year."
Ronda raised an eyebrow. "You really think that's possible?"
Holly laughed, feeling a rush of warmth at the easy banter. "I'm optimistic."
Hermione, who had been listening to the conversation quietly, smiled at her optimism. "Anything you're particularly excited about this year, Hermione?" Holly asked, turning her attention to her friend, who had been uncharacteristically quiet.
Hermione looked up from her book, her brow furrowed in thought. "I'm looking forward to our Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons. And of course, I'm hoping to finally get ahead on some of our reading."
Holly laughed. "Of course. I should have known you'd be excited for the homework."
"It's not just the homework," Hermione replied, her voice firm with determination. "I want to understand it all. I don't want to be unprepared, like last time."
Holly didn't say it aloud, but she understood exactly what Hermione meant. Last year had been filled with surprises, and there were moments when they had all felt unprepared. But this year, they were older, more experienced. It was going to be different. They would face whatever came their way head-on.
As the conversation continued, Holly's eyes flickered over to a new face—a boy sitting alone in the compartment across the aisle. He looked familiar, though she couldn't place where she had seen him before.
His dark eyes were focused on something outside the window, and he seemed to be deep in thought. Holly wasn't one to stare, but there was something about him that intrigued her.
He had an air of quiet intensity about him, something that set him apart from the other first-years who were chattering excitedly around them (apart from the fact that he was quite cute).
She dismissed the thought quickly. It wasn't as if she needed to concern herself with every unfamiliar face. She had enough to focus on with her friends. And yet, as the train continued its journey, Holly couldn't shake the feeling that this year would be different, in what way, she didn't know but different, it sure would be.