Isolde's heart pounded in her chest as she stood frozen, caught in an uncomfortable silence. She could feel Elynor's gaze on her, his presence a steady but unspoken reassurance. "Mage Natalia," Elynor began, his words measured and calm, "Lady Isolde and I were discussing the gardens...we happened to run into each other." M
age Natalia's eyes narrowed slightly, but she inclined her head in acknowledgment. Mage Natalia's eyes narrowed slightly as she studied the pair before her. The young mage's face was flushed, and she seemed uncharacteristically nervous, while Prince Elynor maintained his regal composure with an almost too-perfect nonchalance. Something was afoot, of that Natalia was certain. Her keen gaze darted between the two, searching for any sign of guilt or deception.