Hidden Threats

Chapter 20

Hidden Threats

The journey to neutral territory was really tensed, with only the sound of birds and the sound of leaves moved by wind filling the place. 

Lucia was sitting behind Kain on his horse, holding the saddle very tightly as she has been thinking about the meeting with Dante. 

Astrid was riding beside them, her hood was pulled very low on her face, her usual smirk was absent this time around. 

Lucia was thinking about a lot of things. 

Why had Dante insisted on a meeting instead of an attack? Why now? And most of all, what did he really want?

"You are very sure this is not a trap?" She leaned forward slightly, speaking very low so that only Kain could hear her.

"It is just always a trap with Dante." Kain didn't look back, his posture was same.

"Then why are we even going?" Lucia said sharply.