Chapter 39: Lingering Shadows
The smell that was in the camp was still really heavy. Not just with the scent of blood and ash, but with something more worse than those.
And that is loss.
The battle was still far from over, but the scars that was left still remained. Some was visible with some jagged wounds, torn armor, graves that were freshly marked.
Others were even deeper, that was really into the minds of those who had fought, those who had actually survived.
Lucia was standing at the center of the camp, watching as the last of the fallen warriors were honored.
Warriors kneeled, heads were bowed, while the healers moved between them, their hands were bloodstained.
She really felt like an intruder in their grief. Because she had actually been the reason for this fight.
She clenched her fists at her sides, her body was still aching, her magic was still wrong.