The Temple of Promise, REDACTED
December 31, REDACTED
It is within my duties as an overseer and protector of this land, that I propose a way of keeping the people out of our way. The decided way is through a reshaping, or retelling of our history. Something to cleanse the world of the past and allow us to reach our goals uninterrupted.
The new world must believe the following story.
Make it so.
For eons there was nothing.
The universe: a blank canvas.
Until the Chyros(K-eye-rus) arose.
They are powerful beings, each unique in their way. Some bore faces similar to ours, some were monstrous, and others were pure elegance.
Seeing the vast emptiness, the Chyros sought to create.
They started by painting the void of space, then to light the darkness that consumed it, they forged the bright burning stars. They were thrilled with their creation but felt as if something was missing.
The Chyros shaped the planets to house their newest creation: mortal life.
Out of the trillions of attempts at life, only one planet successfully nurtured it.
The Chyros called this planet Earth for its beautiful resemblance to REDACTED
After REDACTED years, humans started appearing across Earth. The Chyros were thrilled to finally have someone to share their world with.
The Chyros guided the evolution of humans showing them the wonders Earth had to offer, even teaching them the ways of their magic in hopes that one day their creations could surpass them.
This was true until a certain member of the Chyros grew upset with the idea of being overthrown, so he attacked. The entirety of the planet, humans and Chyros alike banded together to defeat the powerful betrayer.
As they caught their battle tarnished the planet, causing the six continents of Earth to each have a uniquely harsh elemental condition: heat that can melt steel, rain that falls like bullets, wind that fears no structure, REDACTED, lightning bolts that pierce mountains and a wasteland so barren not a blade of grass can grow. Each of these elemental factors is never-ending and as ruthless as the last
This exchange that caused these scars on Earth is known as the War for Creation.
By the end of the war, the Chyros parted ways with the humans, for trapping the betrayer was the only solution. So the Chyros forced him into another realm where they all remain today.
Hundreds of years after the Chyros were forgotten, The United World Organization (UWO), the overseeing government that vowed to govern and protect the people of Earth, rediscovered the Chyros and communicated with them
The Chyros without hesitation agreed to bless humans with magic in hopes of finding the person who would undo the chaos caused to them for they were still trapped.
With the help of the UWO, they are once again able to bestow humans with magic, and those who are blessed with Magic in this current age are known as Mages.
I like the concept, I will make it so.
But to add some convincing flair, let's put this.
The power granted to a Mage is their own, and as long as they will it, that power won't ever fail them.